Śrīkṛṣṇakarṇāmṛtam is a beautiful devotional poem authored by Bilvamaṅgala svāmī,

also known as Līlāśuka because of his descriptions of the Līlā-s of Krishna in the same manner in

which Śuka, the son of Vyāsa, described it to Parīkṣit.  

Līlāśuka has painted vivid word pictures of the Līlā-s of Śrīkṛṣṇa as a child, as an adolescent boy and as a lover.

The work contains 328 verses in three Āśvāsa-s (or Sarga, chapters).

Throughout the book the undercurrent is loving devotion to Krishna who is regarded as the plenary incarnation of Mahāviṣṇu, the purely sāttvika aspect of Brahman, the Ultimate reality.

It is said that Caitanya Mahāprabhu was acquainted with this work and he greatly appreciated it.

Given below are śloka-s 1 to 25 of the first Āśvāsa with a prosaic translation in English.

चिन्तामणिर्जयति सोमगिरिर्गुरुर्मे

शिक्षागुरुश्च भगवान् शिखिपिञ्छमौलिः


लीलास्वयंवररसं लभते जयश्रीः॥१.१॥

Victory to my Guru Somagiri who is like Chintamani, the wish-fulfilling jewel, and Victory also to Lord Śrīkṛṣṇa, my Śikṣāguru , who sports peacock feathers on his head and at whose feet, which are like the tender leaves of the wish-yielding tree, the Goddess of Victory experiences the sweet joy of playful Svayamvara.

अस्ति स्वस्तरुणीकराग्रविगलत्कल्पप्रसूनाप्लुतं

वस्तु प्रस्तुतवेणुनादलहरीनिर्वाणनिर्व्याकुलम् ।


हस्तन्यस्तनतापवर्गमखिलोदारं किशोराकृति ॥१.२ ॥

The Ultimate Reality (वस्तु ), Brahman, exists in the form of an adolescent boy (Kṛṣṇa) who is flooded with flowers from the wish-yielding tree by the damsels of Heaven, who produces from his flute waves of melodious soothing music which puts one in a meditative mood, who is surrounded by a thousand Gopī (milkmaids) holding on to their robes lest they slip off (while dancing around Kṛṣṇa) and who is ready with Mukti (liberation) on his hand for those who bow to Him (in loving devotion).

चातुर्यैकनिधानसीम चपलापाङ्गच्छटामन्थरं

लावण्यामृतवीचिलालितदृशं लक्ष्मीकटाक्षादृतम्।

कालिन्दीपुलिनाङ्गणप्रणयिनं कामावताराङ्कुरं

बालं नीलममी वयं मधुरिमस्वाराज्यमाराध्नुमः ॥१.३॥

We adore and worship that boy of dark blue complexion, the very essence of the sweetness of all the worlds, who is the most clever, who is the repository of the height of playfulness, whose roving sidelong glances are pretty, whose eyes are nurtured by nectarine waves of beauty, who is honoured by the glances of Goddess Lakṣmī, who loves to play on the banks of Yamunā and who is the cause for the incarnation of Kāma (God of Love).

बर्होत्तंसविलासिकुन्तलभरं माधुर्यमुग्द्धाननं

प्रोन्मीलन्नवयौवनं प्रविलसद्वेणुप्रणादामृतम् ।

आपीनस्तनकुड्मलाभिरभितो गोपीभिराराधितं

ज्योतिश्चेतसि नश्चकास्तु जगतामेकाभिरामाद्भुतम् ॥१.४॥

May that wonderful and beautiful Light of the world (Kṛṣṇa), whose locks are adorned with peacock feathers, whose face is sweetness and innocence personified, who is on the threshold of youth, whose music from the flute is like nectar and who is surrounded on all sides and adored by ample-bosomed Gopī-s (milkmaids), shine in my heart.


मदशिखिपिञ्छलाञ्छितमनोज्ञकचप्रचयम् ।

विषयविषामिषग्रसनगृध्नुषि चेतसि मे

विपुललोचनं किमपि धाम चकास्तु चिरम् ॥१.५॥

May that Light (Kṛṣṇa) with an innocent lotus-face and a smile sweet as nectar, beautiful locks of hair sporting peacock feathers and having wide large eyes, forever shine in my heart which is driven by greed for sense objects which are like poisoned meat.

मुकुलायमाननयनांबुजं विभोः

मुरलीनिनादमकरन्दनिर्भरम् ।

मुकुरायमाण मृदुगण्डमण्डलम्

मुखपंकजं मनसि मे विजृंभतां ॥ १.६ ॥

May the lotus-face of the Lord Kṛṣṇa, with eyes resembling budding flowers and full of the nectar of the sweet notes from his flute and with soft cheeks shining like a mirror, reveal itself in my heart.



मम वाचि विजृंभतां मुरारेः

मधुरिम्णः कणिकाऽपि कापि कापि ॥१.७॥

May those little drops from the sweetness of that pretty form of the slayer of Mura (Kṛṣṇa), whose moon-like face is enveloped by the sweet music of flute, sweeten my words (speech).




विजयतां ममवाङ्मयजीवितम् ॥१.८॥

Victory to my life as a poet devotee composing songs in praises of One who adorns himself with the plumes of peacock, the beauty of whose lotus face excels that of Cupid (Love god) and whom the belles of vraja entice by their sidelong glances.




वल्लवीकुचकुम्भकुङ्कुमपङ्किलं प्रभुमाश्रये ॥१.९॥

I take refuge in the Lord who revels in the melodies of the flute held by his lotus hands at the lips resembling tender leaves, whose lotus feet mock at the redness of patala flowers in full bloom, whose sweet face shines by the lustre of his sweet lips and who is smeared with the kumkum from the pot like breasts of cowherd belles.


रनङ्गलीलारसरञ्जिताभिः ।

अनुक्षणं वल्लवसुन्दरीभि-

रभ्यर्च्यमानं विभुमाश्रयामः ॥१.१०॥

We take refuge in the Lord who is worshiped every minute by pretty cowherd belles with their sidelong glances tinged by the sweetness of love sport.

हृदये मम हृद्यविभ्रमाणां

हृदयं हर्षविशाललोलनेत्रम्।

तरुणं व्रजबालसुन्दरीणां

तरलं किञ्चन धाम सन्निधत्ताम् ॥१.११॥

May that indescribable effulgence lodge itself in my heart – the effulgence which is the heart of joyful excitement, which has blissful roving wide eyes and which is young and is the darling of the pretty belles of Vraja.


कमलविपिनवीथीगर्वसर्वंकषाभ्याम् ।


किमपि वहतु चेतः कृष्णपादांबुजाभ्याम् ॥१.१२॥

Let my mind always dwell on the lotus-feet of Kṛṣṇa which are the playground of all beauty ( or all the wealth) in this world, which take away the pride of a forest of lotus flowers and which are proud of granting refuge to those who surrender themselves to them.

प्रणयपरिणताभ्यां प्राभवालम्बनाभ्यां

प्रतिपदललिताभ्यां प्रत्यहं नूतनाभ्याम्।

प्रतिमुहुरधिकाभ्यां प्रस्नुवल्लोचनाभ्यां

प्रभवतु हृदये नः प्राणनाथः किशोरः ॥१.१३॥

May the form of child Kṛṣṇa, the Lord of our lives, rise in our heart with matured love in the eyes – eyes which are the source of all riches, which are beautiful at every step, which appear newer and newer every day, which seem to be larger than before every minute and which are full of kindness.




आनन्दसंप्लवमनुप्लवतां मनो मे ॥१.१४॥

Let my mind be inundated by the flood of bliss emanating from the boy Kṛṣṇa whose cool form which is like the ocean of sweetness with turbulent waves mixed with the sentiment of shringara and which has a moon-like face lighted up by a beautiful smile.




आर्द्रे मदीयहृदये भुवनार्द्रमोजः ॥१.१५॥

May that effulgence (child Kṛṣṇa) drenching the whole world, with the beautiful lotus face displaying different emotions while enjoying the sweet melodies from the flute, dance, with soft lotus-like feet, in my heart steeped in love (devotion).


वन्दे तच्चरणं विभोः।

ललितानि यदीयानि

लक्ष्माणि व्रजवीथिषु ॥१.१६॥

I salute the lotus feet of the Lord which are eloquent with the tinkle of gem-studded anklets and which leave their beautiful imprints on the streets of Vraja.

मम चेतसि स्फुरतु वल्लवीविभोः

मणिनूपुरप्रणयि मञ्जु शिञ्जितम्।


कलहंसकण्ठकलकूजितादृतम् ॥१.१७॥

May the sweet tinkling of the gem-studded anklets of the Lord of the Gopis reverberate in my mind; tinkling which is sweeter than the cooing of swans in the forest of lotus flowers in Yamuna.




मम खेलति मदचेतसि मधुराधरममृतम् ॥१८॥

Lord Kṛṣṇa plays in my captivated mind with His young, reddish, wide eyes, with his body in a bristle by the embrace of the ample bosom of Rukmini, the sweet melody from his flute making the minds of hermits lose their concentration and His sweet lips dripping nectar.


हर्षाकुलव्रजवधूमधुराननेन्दोः ।


राविर्भवन्ति मम चेतसि केपि भावाः ॥१.१९॥

The melodies of the flute played by the eternal child Kṛṣṇa, whose sweet moon-like face is kissed, with excitement and joy, by the half-closed eyes of the women of Vraja, creates in my heart such emotions as could not be described.

कलक्वणितकङ्कणं करनिरुद्धपीताम्बरं

क्रमप्रसृतकुन्तलं गलितबर्हभूषं विभोः ।

पुनः प्रसृतिचापलं प्रणयिनीभुजायन्त्रितं

मम स्फुरतु मानसे मदनकेलिशय्योत्थितम् ॥१.२०॥

May that form of the Lord as he rises from his bed of love sport with bracelets tinkling sweetly, the yellow robe held by hand from slipping, locks of hair dishevelled, peacock feathers falling and his eagerness for another round restrained by the hands of the sweetheart.


प्रेमोद्भेदनिरर्गलप्रसृमरप्रव्यक्तरोमोद्गमम् ।


मिथ्यास्वापमुपास्महे भगवतः क्रीडानिमीलद्दृशः ॥१.२१॥

We meditate on Kṛṣṇa feigning sleep playfully closing his eyes and listening to the prattle of the belles of vraja talking playfully among themselves about the love play with Kṛṣṇa which is sweet to the ears of those who listen. Kṛṣṇa restrains himself a little when he is about to burst into a sweet soft smile. But the bristling of hair on his body is visible when he recalls those moments of love sport.


स्तनान्तरं मौनिमनोन्तरं वा।

अपास्य वृन्दावनपादपं त-

मुपास्यमन्यं न विलोकयामः ॥१.२२॥

Lord Kṛṣṇa on whom we meditate can be seen between gopi’s breasts with beautiful leaf patterns drawn on them, inside the hearts of hermits or under a tree in Vrindavan. Where else can we see him?

सार्धं समृद्धैरमृतायमानै-

राध्मायमानैर्मुरलीनिनादैः ।

मूर्द्धाभिषिक्तं मधुराकृतीनां

बालं कदा नाम विलोकयिष्ये ॥१.२३॥

When shall I see child Kṛṣṇa, the crowning glory of beautiful forms, playing on his flute from which emanates sweet, nectarine ample and melodious music.

शिशिरीकुरुते कदा नु नः

शिखिपिञ्छाभरणश्शिशुर्दृशोः ।

युगलं विगलन्मधुद्रव-

स्मितमुद्रामृदुना मुखेन्दुना ॥१.२४॥

When will the child (Kṛṣṇa), who adorns himself with peacock plumes, cool our pair of eyes by his moon-like face oozing sweet honey and lit up by a soft smile.


तारुण्यसंवलितशैशववैभवेन ।

आपुष्णता भुवनमद्भुतविभ्रमेण

श्रीकृष्णचन्द्र! शिशिरीकुरु लोचनं मे ॥१.२५॥

O Kṛṣṇa! Please cool my eyes by your sidelong glances tempered by mercy, by the richness of your childhood tempered by the onset of youth and by the wonderful power by which you nurture the whole world.

Sri P R Ramamurthy Ji was the author of this website. When he started this website in 2009, he was in his eighties. He was able to publish such a great number of posts in limited time of 4 years. We appreciate his enthusiasm for Sanskrit Literature. Authors story in his own words :

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  1. Anonymous says:

    A Big Thank You for this……may the never dying nectar of Vilwamangalam prayers to Lord also bring blessings of Lord Krishana to you too……..

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