योगवासिष्ठम्-वैराग्यप्रकरणम्-सर्गः २१
स्त्रीजुगुप्सा वर्णनम्
In these verses selected from the Vairagrya
of Yogavasishtham Rama speaks to Viswamitra and other
sages about  the negative aspects of
passion for women.
मांसपाञ्चालिकायास्तु यंत्रलोलेऽङ्गपञ्जरे
स्त्रियाः किमिव शोभनम्॥१॥
is so auspicious and good about woman whose body is like a doll made of a
flimsy cage filled with flesh and blood, nerves and blood vessels, bones and
different organs
त्वङ्मांसरक्तबाष्पांबु पृथक्कृत्वा
समालोकय रम्यं चेत् किं मुधा
परिमुह्यति ॥२॥
skin, flesh, blood, tears and eyes and look at them if they are pretty to look
at. Otherwise why are you enthralled and deluded by them ? .
इतः केशा इतोरक्तमितीयं प्रमदातनुः
किमेतया निन्दितया करोति
विपुलाशयः ॥३॥
can a man of discriminating mind do with this hair, with this blood, this body
of the woman all of which deserve condemnation.
वासोविलेपनैर्यानि लालितानि
पुनः पुनः
तान्यङ्गान्यङ्ग लुण्ठन्ति
क्रव्यादाः सर्वदेहिनाम् ॥४॥
organs which have been pampered by clothes, cosmetics etc. again and again,
those very organs of all human beings are dragged by jackals (when they die).
मेरुशृङ्गतटोल्लासि गङ्गाजलरयोपमा
दृष्टा यस्मिन् स्तने मुक्ताहारस्योल्लास
शालिता ॥५॥
श्मशानेषु दिगन्तेषु स एव
श्वाभिरास्वाद्यते काले लघुपिण्ड
इवान्धसः ॥६॥
The breasts of woman
sporting a chain of pearls is seen as the peaks of Meru with the waters of the
Ganga rushing down the peaks. Those very breasts are eaten by dogs like balls
of cooked rice in cremation grounds and other places (after the death of the
रक्तमांसास्थिदिग्धानि करभस्य
यथा वने
तथैवाऽङ्गानि कामिन्यास्ता
प्रत्यपि को ग्रहः ॥७॥
The same blood, flesh
and bones which are in the animals of the forest like the donkey also make up
the body and limbs of a woman.  What
attraction can be there in such a body? 
आपातरमणीयत्वं कल्प्यते केवलं
मन्ये तदपि नास्त्यत्र मुने
मोहैककारणम् ॥८॥
It is only in woman that
all-encompassing beauty is imagined.  O
sage! I think that the beauty is not there; it is only delusion.
विपुलोल्लासदायिन्या मदमन्मथपूर्वकम्
को विशेषो विकारिण्या मदिरायाः
स्त्रियास्था ॥९॥
What is the difference
between an alcoholic drink and a woman? Both give exuberance accompanied by
intoxication and carnal desire.
ललनालानसंलीना मुने मानवदन्तिनः
प्रबोधं नाऽधिगच्छन्ति दृढैरपि
शमाङ्कुशैः ॥१०॥
Those man-elephants
tied to the woman-chains do not wake up even with the strongest of goads of shama
(quiescence of the mind)
केशकज्जलधारिण्यो दुःस्पर्शाः
दुष्कृताग्निशिखा नार्यो
दहन्ति तृणवन्नरम् ॥११॥
Women with their
tresses and kajal-applied eyes are like flames of fire which are their
sinful actions.  They burn up men like
dry grass.
शोच्यतां परमां याति तरुणस्तरुणीपरः
निबद्धः करिणीलोलो विन्ध्यखाते
यथा गजः ॥१२॥
The young man who dotes
on a young woman comes to the utmost grief just like a male elephant,
infatuated with a she-elephant, falls into the large pit on the slopes of the
Vindhya mountain.  
यस्य स्त्री तस्य भोगेच्छा
निःस्त्रीकस्य क्व भोगभूः
स्त्रियं त्यक्त्वा जगत्त्यक्तं
जगत्त्यक्त्वा सुखी भवेत् ॥१३॥
One who has a woman
(as wife) carnal desires are for him. Without woman where is the scope for such
desire? When one abandons woman one abandons the world.  When one abandons the world one becomes

Sri P R Ramamurthy Ji was the author of this website. When he started this website in 2009, he was in his eighties. He was able to publish such a great number of posts in limited time of 4 years. We appreciate his enthusiasm for Sanskrit Literature. Authors story in his own words :

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