CONDENSED IN
                                    By PANDIT
            ॥    सभापर्व   ॥
 Maya builds a beautiful hall for
Pandavas – Narada’s  queries to
Yudhishthira, Krishna’s assent for Rajasuya sacrifice.                 
                              ततोऽब्रवीन्मयः पार्थं वासुदेवस्य सन्निधौ।
          त्वया त्रातोऽस्मि कौन्तेय ब्रूहि किं करवाणि ते॥
Maya then
said to Arjuna in the presence of Krishna: “Arjuna, I have been saved by you;
tell me, what shall I do for you?
           चोदयामास तं कृष्णः सभा
वै क्रियतामिति।
           धर्मराजमथामन्त्र्य कृष्णोऽपि
द्वारकामगात् ॥
Krishna directed
Maya to build a hall and taking leave of Yudhishthira, he then went to Dwaraka.
           विश्रुतां त्रिषु लोकेषु
दिव्यां मणिमयीं शुभाम्।
           तां तु कृत्वा सभां श्रेष्ठां
विसृष्टः प्रययौ मयः ॥
built an excellent hall, famous in the three worlds, wonderful, completely
inlaid with precious stones and beautiful, and given leave, went away.      
           अथ तत्रोपविष्टेषु पाण्डवेषु
           नारदस्सुमहातेजाः पप्रच्छेदं
when the high-souled Pandavas were sitting in that hall, the supremely
magnificent Narada asked this of YudhiShthira.
          कश्चिदर्थाश्च कल्पन्ते धर्मे
च रमते मनः।
          कुलीनाश्चानुरक्ताश्च कृतास्ते
वीर मन्त्रिणः ॥
your material gains adequate?  Does your
mind delight in Dharma? Valourous Yudhishthira! 
Have you made men of birth and devotion your ministers?
                              कच्चिद्दुर्गाणि सर्वाणि धनधान्यायुधोदकैः।
          यन्त्रैश्च परिपूर्णानि तथा
“Are all
the forts full with money, corn, missiles and water, machines, artisans and
          कच्चिद्विनयसंपन्नः सत्कृतस्ते पुरोहितः।
“Is your priest, endowed with modesty, honoured by you?”
          कच्चिद्बलस्य भक्तं च वेतनं
च योथोचितम्।
          संप्राप्तकाले दातव्यं ददासि
न विकर्षसि ॥  
“Do you give in time the proper rations and pay
that ought to be given to your army, and not delay them?”
          “कश्चिद्विद्याविनीतांश्च नराञ्ज्ञानविशारदान्।
          यथार्हं गुणतश्चैव दानेनाभ्युपपद्यसे
“Do you help with gifts,  according to what they deserve and according
to their merits,  men who are disciplined
by learning and celebrated in knowledge”
          कश्चिद्दारान्मनुष्याणां तवार्थेमृत्युमीयुषाम्।
          व्यसनं चाभ्युपेतानां बिभर्षि भरतर्षभ
“Distinguished scion of
Bharata! Do you maintain the wives of men who lay down their lives and come to
grief in your cause?” 
          कच्चिदायस्य चार्धेन चतुर्भागेन
वा पुनः।
          पादभागैस्त्रिभिर्वाऽपि व्ययस्संशुध्यते
Is your expenditure
cleared with half or quarter or three quarters of your income?
          अभीक्ष्णमनुगृह्णासि धनधान्येन
दुर्गतान् ॥
Do you frequently help
with money and grain kinsmen, teachers, old men, merchants, artists and
dependants who are in distress?
          कच्चिदर्थेषु संप्रौढान्
          नापकर्षसि कर्मेभ्यः पूर्वमप्राप्य
किल्बिषम् ॥
Do you
refrain from removing from their offices without previously finding mistake in
them those who are very efficient in their works who love your welfare and are
कच्चिद्राष्ट्रे तटाकानि पूर्णानि च बृहन्ति च।
          भागशो विनिविष्टानि न कृषिर्देवमातृका
Are tanks in your country
full, big, and distributed in the several areas?  Is agriculture not dependent on rains only?
          कच्चित्स्वनुष्ठिता तात वार्ता
ते साधुभिर्जनैः।
          वार्तायां संश्रितस्तात लोकोऽयं
सुखमेधते ॥
Is your
economic welfare – agriculture, commerce, live-stock and banking – well-managed
by efficient men? My son! This world flourishes in happiness, if it were well
based on economic welfare.    
          कच्चित्कृतं विजानीषे
कर्तारं च प्रशंससि।
          सतां मध्ये माहाराज सत्करोषि च पूजयन्॥
King, do you recognise a work done, acclaim the doer and honour him with
rewards in the midst of good people?”
          कच्चिदग्निभयाच्चैव सर्वं
          रोगरक्षोभायाच्चैव राष्ट्रं
स्वं परिरक्षसि ॥
Do you
guard your country from fear of fire, reptiles, diseases and evil spirits?
          कश्चिदन्धांश्च मूकांश्च पङ्गून्व्यङ्गानबान्धवान्।
          पितेव पासि धर्मज्ञ तथा प्रव्रजितानपि
“You, who know Dharma! do
you protect like a father the blind, the dumb, and the lame, those who are
physically deficient (in other ways), those who have no kith and kin and those
who have renounced the world.”
           षडनर्था महाराज कच्चित्ते
पृष्ठतः कृताः।
           निद्राऽऽलस्यं भयं क्रोधो
मार्दवं दीर्घसूत्रिता॥
Great king, have these
six evils been discarded by you – sleep, laziness, fear, anger, softness and
           पिता च त्वाह कौन्तेय पाण्डुः
           “समर्थोऽसि महीं जेतुं भ्रातरस्ते
स्थिता वशे।      
           राजसूयं क्रतुश्रेष्ठमाहरस्वेति
भारत ॥
“Son of Kunti! and scion
of the Kuru race ! Your father Pandu told you “You are capable of conquering
the world; Your brothers are at your command. 
Scion of Bharata! Perform Rajasuya, the greatest of sacrifices”
          ऋषेस्तद्वचनं श्रुत्वा जगान मनसा हरिम्।
           पाण्डवो भूतगुरवे प्राहिणोद्दूतमञ्जसा॥
Hearing those words of
the sage, Yudhishthira thought of Hari(Krishna). Quickly, he despatched a
messenger to the Lord of beings (Krishna).
           दिशं धनपतेरिष्टामजयत्पाकशासनिः।
           भीमसेनस्तथा प्राचीं सहदेवस्तु
           प्रतीचीं नकुलो
[राजन्] दिशं व्यजयदस्त्रवित्॥
Arjuna conquered the
quarter dear to Kubera (i.e. North), Bhima, the East; Sahadeva, the South; and
Nakula, skilled in missiles, the West.   
           उच्चावचमुपादाय धर्मराजाय
           धनौघं पुरुषव्याघ्रः प्रविवेश
Taking for Yudhishthira a
heap of manifold riches, Krishna, the most distinguished of men, entered the
excellent city of Indraprastha.
           ’त्वत्कृते पृथिवी सर्वा
मद्वशे कृष्ण वर्तते।
            धनं च बहु वार्ष्णेय त्वत्प्रासादादुपार्जितम्
            अनुज्ञातस्त्वया कृष्ण
प्राप्नुयां क्रतुमुत्तमम्॥
“Krishna, because of you
the whole world is under me; scion of the Vrishnis! By your grace, ample wealth
has been amassed.  Krishna, with your
leave, I would like to perform the best sacrifice.”
            ’यजस्वाभीप्सितं यज्ञं
मयि श्रेयस्यवस्थिते।
            नियुङ्क्ष्व त्वं च मां
कृत्ये सर्वं कर्तास्मि ते वचः॥
“Perform the sacrifice
you desire when I am here for your good. 
Appoint me also to some work; I shall do all that you say.” 

Sri P R Ramamurthy Ji was the author of this website. When he started this website in 2009, he was in his eighties. He was able to publish such a great number of posts in limited time of 4 years. We appreciate his enthusiasm for Sanskrit Literature. Authors story in his own words :

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