LESSON 17
संस्कृत व्यवहार साहस्री – २
In these lessons,
 under the above title,  are presented simple sentences in Sanskrit
which can be used in day to day conversations at the very mundane level.  There are a thousand sentences covering day
to day interactions at the home, school, office, market, festivals, religious
and other functions etc.  Practice of
these sentences, it is hoped, will enable children and adults to communicate in
grammatical Sanskrit at the most elementary level in day-to-day situations. The
English translation conveys the meaning without attempting a word for word
translation which is not practical due to differences in syntax, structure of
sentences, cultural differenes etc.        
 5. मित्राणि (Friends)             
नमो नमः   salutations
किं भोः? दर्शनं एव नास्ति What (is the matter),
friend! Not seeing you at all?  
नैव, अत्रैव संचरामि किल  Not at all, I am moving around here only.
किं भोः? वार्ता एव नास्ति What (is the matter)?,
friend! no news at all?
किं भोः? एकं पत्रं अपि (पत्रमपि) नास्ति What (is the matter)?,
friend! not even a letter?
वयं सर्वे विस्मृताः किल?  Are we all forgotten?
कथं विस्मरणं भवति भो: ?    How can there be forgetfulness,
भवतः संकेतं एव न जानामि स्म   I
did not know even your address
महाजनः संवृत्तः भवान्  
You have become a big man
भवान् एव वा? दूरतः न ज्ञातम्  It is you only? (It) was not known from a
ह्यः भवन्तं स्मृतवान्  
(I) remembered you yesterday
किम् अत्र (किमत्र) आगमनम्?  Why your coming here?
अत्रैव किंचित् कार्यं अस्ति 
Here itself I have some little work.
त्वरितं कार्यं आसीत्, अतः आगतवान्  There was urgent work, therefore I have come
बहुकालतः प्रतीक्षां करोमि  I
am expecting you since long
यानं न प्राप्तं, अतः एव
(I) did not get the bus, that is why the delay
आगच्छतु भोः, मम गृहं
Please come, (we ) go to our house.
इदानीं वा? समयः नास्ति भोः  Just now? There is no time, friend!
श्वः सायं मिलामः वा? 
Can we meet tomorrow evening?
अवश्यं तत्रैव आगच्छामि 
(I) will certainly come there itself
इदानीं कुत्र उद्योगः   Now where is (your) job?)
यंत्रागारे उद्योगः 
Job is in the factory
एकत्र अध्यापकः अस्मि (I) am a teacher in a place
इदानीं कुत्र वासः Where is (your) residence now?
एषः मम गृहसंकेतः This is my house address
यानं आगतम्, आगछामि Bus has come, (I) will come (I take leave)
अस्तु, पुनः पश्यामः
Ok, See (you) again.
पुनः अस्माकं मिलनं कदा?  
When will be our next meeting?
पुनः कदा मिलति भवान्?  When
will you meet again?
तद्दिने किमर्थं भवान् न आगतवान्? 
That day why did you not come?
वयं तदानीं एव आगतवन्तः We had come then itself
भवतः समीपे संभाषणीयं अस्ति  (I) have something to
talk with you
भवान् अन्यथा गृहीतवान् You had misunderstood
भवन्तं बहु प्रतीक्षितवान्  
(I) waited for you (expected you) long
बहु कालात् तस्य वार्ता एव नास्ति 
There is no news from him for a long time
भवतः पत्रं इदानीमेव लब्धम् 
Your letter was received only now
तावद्दूरं अहं अपि आगच्छामि, मिलित्वा गच्छामः  I will come that much
distance, we shall
तिष्ठतु भोः, अर्धार्धं काफी पिबामः    Wait friend, we shall have half a cup of
coffee each
अस्तु पिबामः  Ok,
let us drink (coffee)
स्थातुं समयः नास्ति  
There is no time to stay
गमनानन्तरं एव पत्रं लिखतु 
Please write a letter soon after going.
पुनः एकवारं पश्यामि  I
shall see again once
यदा कदा वा भवतु, अहं सिद्धः  Whenever it is, I am ready
तेषां कृते मम नमस्कारं निवेदयतु Convey my salutations to them
किं भोः, एवं वदति  Why do you say so, friend?
किञ्चित्कालं तिष्ठतु 
Wait for some time.
भवानेव परिशीलयतु 
You yourself examine please
अत्र पत्रालयः कुत्र अस्ति?  Where
is the Post Office here?
कियद्दूरे अस्ति?  
At what distance is it?
वित्तकोषः कियद्दूरे अस्ति? How far (at what distance) is the bank?
किमर्थं एवं त्वरा? Why this hurry(urgency, haste)?
इतोऽपि समयः अस्ति किल?  (We)
have still more time, isn’t it?
सर्वस्य अपि मितिः भवेत् 
There is limit for everything     
कियद् इति दातुं शक्यम्?   How
much is it possible to give?
कस्मिन् समये प्रतीक्षणीयम्  By
what time to be expected?
गृहे उपविश्य किं करोति?  What do (you) do sitting at home?
भवतः परिचयः एव न लब्धः 
(I) haven’t been introduced to you
किं भोः , बहु कृशः
Why friend! You have become very lean
अवश्यं मम गृहं आगन्तव्यम् 
(You) should certainly come to my house
सर्वत्र दर्वीं चालयति 
(He) opens his mouth everywhere  (दर्वी means ladle in sanskrit)
यथा भवान् इच्छति  
As you wish.
परिहासाय उक्तवान् भोः  (I) said it  jokingly
नैव, चिन्ता नास्ति     No, no worries
वयं इदानीं अन्यद् गृहे स्मः  we
are now in a different house.
भवान् मम अपेक्षया ज्येष्ठः वा? 
Are you older than I?
ओहो! मम अपेक्षया कनिष्ठः वा?  Or Are you younger compared to me?
भवान् विवाहितः वा? 
Are you married?
नैव, इदानीं अपि एकाकी
no, even now (I am) single.
भवतः पिता कुत्र कार्यं करोति where is your father working?
स: वर्षद्वयात् पूर्वं एव निवृत्तः
He retired just two years earlier.
सः वृद्धः इव भाति  He
looks like an old man.
सर्वे सहैव निवसन्ति वा?   Do
all of (you) live together?
नैव, सर्वे विभक्ताः  No, all are
divided  (live separately)
भवतः वयः कियत्? 
What is your age
भवन्तः कति सहोदराः How many brothers are you?
वयं आहत्य अष्ट जनाः  We
are eight people in total
तेषु भवान् कतमः? What is your order(number) among them?
भवान् एव ज्येष्ठः वा? 
Are you the eldest
मम अग्रजः पृथक् वसति  My
elder brother lives separately
सः तावत् बालः  He
is a mere child
सः किं जानाति? What does he know?
भवतः अनुजायाः कति वर्षाणि  
How old is your sister? (What is your sister’s age?)
भवान् न वा ददातु, न वा
You do neither give nor accept
अन्यं कमपि मा पृच्छतु 
Don’t ask any other person.
सः बहु वदति He talks too much
तर्हि सर्वं दायित्वं भवतः एव  In
that case all responsibility is yours only
सर्वत्र अग्रे सरति 
(He) moves ahead (of others) everywhere
भवन्तं गृहे एव पश्यामि  (
I) shall see you at the house only
सः बहु संप्रदायपरः He is very conservative.
यावत् अहं प्रत्यागच्छामि तावत् प्रतीक्षां करोतु 
Please wait for me until I return
द्वयोः एकः आगच्छतु Let one out of the two come
तस्मै विषयः निवेदितः वा? 
Was he apprised of the matter?
तस्य सः अत्यन्तं प्रीतिपात्रम्  
He (Say X) is very dear to him (say Y)
भवता एवं न कर्तव्यम् 
You should not do like this
यदि सः स्यात्………….   
Had he been there……..
अवश्यं आगान्तव्यं, न विस्मृतव्यम्   (you) should certainly come, should not
कियत्कालं तिष्ठति – How long (you) wil stay?

एषा वार्ता मम कर्णं अपि आगता  
This newस्
has reached my ears also
अहं किमर्थं असत्यं वदामि? 
Why should I tell a lie?
भवान् अपि एवं वदति वा ? You also say like this?
भवान् एवं कर्तुं अर्हति वा? 
Should you do like this?
भवान् गच्छतु, मम किंचित् कार्यं अस्ति – You may
go, I have some work
भवान् वृथा चिन्तयति You are worrying unnecessarily
दैवेच्छा तथा असीत्, किं कुर्मः  God willed so, what we can do?
अहं अन्यत् उक्तवान्, भवान् अन्यत् गृहीतवान् – I said something, you understood          
एतावद् अनृतं वदतीति न ज्ञातवान्  –
(I did not know that (you/he) lie/lies this much

प्रमादात्  कृतं,
न तु बुद्ध्वा   –
It was done by neglect (mistake), not knowingly.
भवदुक्तं सर्वमपि अङ्गीकर्तुं न शक्यम् – It is not possible to approve
everything that you
अहं गन्तुं न शक्नोमि   I
am unable to go
विषयस्य वर्धनं मास्तु   Don’t
magnify the matter

सर्वे अपि पलायनशीलाः 
All run away from problems
असंबद्धं मा प्रलपतु 
Don’t talk nonsense
सर्वस्य अपि भवान् एव मूलम् 
-You are the root (cause) of everything
 गत्वा गत्वा तस्य जाले
पतितवान् – 
(He) walked into his trap (net)
अस्माकं मिलनानन्तरं बहुकालः अतीतः  –
It is a long time after we met.
इदानीं आगन्तुं न शक्यते – 
It is not possible to come now.
भवान् अपि विश्वसिति? 
You also believe?
भवान् अपि विश्वसितवान् ? did you also believe?
सः विश्वासयोग्यः न?  
He can be believed, no?
किंचित् साहाय्यं करोति व? 
Can (you) do a little help?
समयः कथं अतिशीघ्रं गतः! 
How quickly time has passed?
साक्षात् समये आगतवान् 
(you) have come at the right time
एकन्निमेषं विलंबः चेत् अहं गतः स्याम् – 
If one minute delay happens, I would have                                          gone(left)
अहं अपि भवता सह आगच्छामि वा?  –
Shall I also come with you?
किंचित्कालं द्विचक्रिकां ददाति वा? – Will you give your two-wheeler for
some time?
इदानीं मया अपि अन्यत्र गन्तव्यम्  –
Now I too have to go elsewhere.
भवान् स्वकार्यं पश्यतु 
–  You see (attend) to your work
शीघ्रं प्रत्यागच्छामि –  
I shall return quickly
आवश्यकं चेत् श्वः आनयामि – 
If necessay (I) shall bring tomorrow
‘मास्तु’ इत्युक्ते अपि न
शृणोति – 
(he) does not hear (listen) even after told ‘No’   

Sri P R Ramamurthy Ji was the author of this website. When he started this website in 2009, he was in his eighties. He was able to publish such a great number of posts in limited time of 4 years. We appreciate his enthusiasm for Sanskrit Literature. Authors story in his own words : http://ramamurthypr1931.blogspot.com/

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