उद्योगपर्व -II
                    अभ्यागच्छति दाशार्हे धृतराष्ट्रो महायशाः।
         उदतिष्ठत्सहामात्यः पूजयन्मधुसूदनम्॥
As Krishna was coming, the
renowned Dhritarashtra rose up along with his ministers and offered him
          न्यमन्त्रयत्भोजनेन नाभ्यनन्दच्च केशवः।
He invited Krishna to dinner
and Krishna did not comply.
          संप्रीतिभोज्यान्यन्नानि आपद्भोज्यानि वा पुनः।
          न च संप्रीयसे राजन् न चैवापद्गता वयम् ॥
“ Food is taken at another’s
house out of love or in times of distress. Neither do you love (us), king, nor
are we in any distress.“
          ‘द्विषदन्नं न भोक्तव्यं द्विषन्तं नैवभोजयेत्।
          पाण्डवान् द्विषसे राजन् मम  प्राणा हि पाण्डवाः ॥
“ An enemy’s food should not
be eaten; nor should an enemy be fed. 
King, you hate the Pandavas and the Pandavas are my life-breath”.
           यस्तान् द्वेष्टि स मां द्वेष्टि यस्ताननु स मामनु।
           ऐकात्म्यं मां गतं विद्धि पाण्डवैर्धर्मचारिभिः॥
“He who hates them hates me;
he who is with them, is with me.  Know me
as having become identical with the righteous Pandavas.”
              सर्वमेतन्न भोक्तव्यमन्नं दुष्टाभिसंहितम्।
              क्षत्तुरेकस्य भोक्तव्यमिति मे धीयते मतिः॥  
“All this ill-meant food
should not be eaten; Vidura’s  food alone
should be eaten; so I have made up my mind.”
             अभ्यागच्छति दाशार्हे प्रज्ञाचक्षुः (नरेश्वर)।
             सहैव द्रोणभीष्माभ्यामुदतिष्ठन्महायशाः।
             तानि राजसहस्राणि समुत्तस्थुस्समन्ततः॥
When Krishna was coming, the
blind Dhritarashtra of great renown, rose up along with Drona and Bhishma; all
around, those thousands of kings (present there), arose also.
              निषसादासने कृष्णो राजानश्च यथासनम्।
              अविदूरे तु कृष्णस्य कर्णदुर्योधनावुभौ।
              एकासने महात्मानौ निषीदतुरमर्षणौ॥
Krishna took his seat and the
kings sat in their respective seats; and not far away from Krishna, those two
great men, the impatient Karna and Duryodhana, sat on one seat.
              संस्पृशन्नासनं शौरेर्महामतिरुपाविशत्।
Touching the seat of
Krishna, the wise Vidura sat down.
              ततस्तूष्णीं सर्वमासीद्गोविन्दगतमानसम्॥
All was silent then, all
minds being on Krishna.
              तेष्वासीनेषु सर्वेषु सर्वां संश्रावयन्सभाम्।
              धृतराष्ट्रमभिप्रेक्ष्य समभाषत माधवः॥
When all of them had sat
down, Krishna spoke, facing Dhritarashtra and making the whole hall hear him:
              “कुरूणां पाण्डवानां च शमस्स्यादिति भारत।
               अप्रणाशेन वीराणामेतद्याचितुमागतः॥
“ Scion of Bharata! I have
come here to beg this that, without the ruin of warriors, there may be an
amicable settlement between the Kauravas and the Pandavas.”
          ‘ते पुत्रास्तव (कौरव्य) दुर्योधनपुरोगमाः।
           धर्मार्थौ पृष्ठतः कृत्वा प्रचरन्ति नृशंसवत्॥
“ Those sons of yours, with
Duryodhana at their head, are behaving like wicked men, discarding Right and
material good. “
          “सेयमापन्महाघोरा कुरुष्वेव समुत्थिता।
           उपेक्ष्यमाणा (कौरव्य) पृथिवीं घातयिष्यति॥
“For the Kauravas it is that
this very dreadful calamity has come up, which, if overlooked, will annihilate
the world.”
           “ शक्या चेदं शमयितुं त्वं चेदिच्छसि (भारत)।
             न दुष्करो ह्यत्र शमो मतो मे (भरतर्षभ)॥
“If you wish, this calamity
can be put down; I think peace is not impossible in this affair.”
            “त्वय्यधीनश्शमो राजन् मयि चैव (विशांपते)
            पुत्रान्स्थापय (कौरव्य) स्थापयिष्याम्यहं परान्॥
“ King, peace is dependent
on you,  as well as on me; pacify your
sons; I will pacify the other party.”
             “पित्र्यं तेभ्यः प्रदायांशं पाण्डवेभ्यो यथोचितम्।
              ततस्सपुत्रस्सिद्धार्थो भुङ्क्ष्व भोगान् (परंतप)॥
‘ After giving the
Pandavas  their due paternal share, you
enjoy along with your sons your pleasures, with your objects achieved.”
            अहं तु तव तेषां च श्रेय इन्च्छामि भारत।
            लोभेऽतिप्रसृतान्पुत्रान् निगृह्णीष्व (विशांपते)॥
“And I wish for your welfare
as well as that of the Pandavas; check your sons that have gone headlong in
               स्थिताश्शुश्रूषितुं  पार्थाः स्थिता योद्धुमरिन्दमाः।
               यत्ते पथ्यतमं राजंस्तस्मिंस्तिष्ठ (परन्तप)॥
               तद्वाक्यं पार्थिवास्सर्वे हृदयैस्समपूजयन्।
               न तत्र कश्चिद्वक्तुं हि वाचं प्राक्रामदग्रतः ॥
Those words, all the kings
honoured in their hearts; but none there came forward to speak.
              “स्वर्ग्यं लोक्यं च मामात्थ धर्म्यं न्याय्यं च केशव।
               न त्वहं स्ववशस्तात क्रियमाणं न मे प्रियम्॥
“My dear Krishna, you tell
me what is good for the other world as well as this world, what is right and
proper.  But I am not mine own
master.  What is being done is not to my
             “अङ्ग दुर्योधनं कृष्ण मन्दं शास्त्रातिगं मम।
              अनुनेतुं महाबाहो यतस्व पुरुषोत्तम ॥“
“O mighty Krishna, you best
of men, try to conciliate my stupid and lawless son, Duryodhana”
              “अनुशाधि दुरात्मानं स्वयं दुर्योधनं नृपम्।
               सुहृत्कार्यं तु सुमहत् कृतं ते स्याज्जनार्दन॥
“Krishna, you yourself
advise this evil King Duryodhana; you would have done a very great work for a
               ततोऽभ्यावृत्य वार्ष्णेयो दुर्योधनममर्षणम्।
               अब्रवीन्मधुरां वाचं सर्वधर्मार्थतत्त्ववित्॥
Turning around, Krishna, who
knows the truth of all principles of Dharma and Artha, spoke then these sweet
words to the impatient Duryodhana.
             “दुर्योधन निबोधेदं मद्वाक्यं कुरुसत्तम।
             शमार्थं ते विशेषेण सानुबन्धस्य (भारत)॥“
“Duryodhana, listen to these
words of mine, uttered especially for the sake of peace to you and your
              “रोचते ते पितुस्तात पाण्डवैस्सह संगमः।
               सामात्यस्य (कुरुश्रेष्ठ) तत्तुभ्यं तात
“My dear Duryodhana,
alliance with the Pandavas is liked by your father.  May you also, with your ministers, like it.”
               “त्वामेव स्थापयिष्यति यौवराज्ये महारथाः।
                महाराज्येऽपि पितरं धृतराष्ट्रं जनेश्वरम्॥“
“Those great warriors (the
Pandavas) will install you yourself as crown-prince and your father, king Dhritarshtra,
as the sovereign over all.”
                ‘मा तात श्रियमायान्तीमवमंस्थास्समुद्यताम्।
                 अर्धं प्रदाय पार्थेभ्यो महतीं श्रियमाप्नु हि ॥
“Dear Duryodhana, do not
spurn the great fortune which courts you; giving half to the Pandavas, attain
to a great fortune.”
               “पाण्डवैस्संशमं कृत्वा चिरं भद्राण्यवाप्स्यसि॥“
“Making lasting peace with
the Pandavas, you will fare well for long.”
                ततश्शान्तनवो भीष्मः प्रोवाच [भरतर्षभ]।
                कृष्णेन वाक्यमुक्तोऽसि सुहृदां शममिच्छता॥
Bhishma then spoke: “
(Duryodhana !) Krishna, who wishes peace to his friends, has spoken to you.”
               ‘अकृत्वा वचनं तात न कल्याणमवाप्स्यसि।
               मातरं पितरं चैव मा मज्जीश्शोकसागरे ॥’
“My dear son, if you fail to
act according to Krishna’s words, you will have no welfare.  Do not immerse your mother and father in the
ocean of sorrow.”
             अथ द्रोणोऽब्रवीत्तत्र दुर्योधनमिदं वचः।
             एतच्चैव मतं सत्यं सुहृदोः कृष्णभीष्मयोः।
             यदि नादास्यसे तात पश्चात्तप्स्यसि (भारत)॥
Then Drona said in that
assembly these words to Duryodhana: “Dear Duryodhana. If you do not abide by
this truthful view of your friends, Krishna and Bhishma, you will repent

             तस्मिन्वाक्यान्तरे वाक्यं क्षत्ताऽपि विदुरोऽब्रवीत्।

             ’दुर्योधन न शोचामि त्वामहं (भरतर्षभ)।
             इमौ तु वृद्धौ शोचामि गान्धारीं पितरं च ते ॥
At the end of this speech,
Vidura also said:  “Duryodhana, I do not
grieve for you; but I grieve for these two old persons, Gandhari and your
             भिक्षुकौ विचरिष्येते शोचन्तौ पृथिवीमिमाम्।
             कुलघ्नमीदृशं पापं जनयित्वा कुपूरुषम् ॥
“Having begot such a sinful
and bad person who destroys his own family, those two will wander in this world
in sorrow as mendicants.”
             अथ दुर्योधनं राजा धृतराष्ट्रोऽभ्यभाषत।
             ’शमं चेद्याचमानं त्वं प्रत्याख्यास्यसि केशवम्।
              त्वदर्थमभिजल्पन्तं न तवास्त्यपराजयः ॥’
Then, king Dhritarashtra
addressed Duryodhana: “ If you repudiate Krishna who begs for peace and speaks
for your good, defeat is certain for you.”
             श्रुत्वा दुर्योधनो वाक्यमप्रियं कुरुसंसदि।
             प्रत्युवाच महाबाहुं वासुदेवं यशस्विनम्॥
Hearing these disagreeable
words in the assembly of the Kauravas, Duryodhana replied to the mighty and
renowned Krishna:
         “भक्तिवादेन पार्थानामकस्मान्मधुसूदन।
          भवान्क्षत्ता च राजा वाऽऽप्याचार्यो वा पितामहः।
          मामेव परिगर्हन्ते नान्यं कञ्चन पाण्डवम् ॥
“Krishna, partial towards
the Pandavas and without any reason, you, Vidura, the king, our teacher Drona
and our grandfather Bhishma reproach only me and not any of the Pandavas.”
         ‘न चाहं लक्षये कञ्चिद्व्यभिचारमिहात्मनः।’
‘And I do not see here any
transgression on my part.’
         ‘ न हि भीष्मकृपद्रोणास्सकर्णा मधुसूदन।
           देवैरपि युधा जेतुं शक्याः किमुत पाण्डवैः ॥’
‘Bhishma, Kripa, Drona and
Karna cannot, O Krishna, be won in battle even by the gods; why mention the
         ‘ते वयं वीरशयनं प्राप्स्यामो यदि संयुगे।
          अप्रणम्यैव शत्रूणां न नस्तप्स्यन्ति माधव ॥’
“If without bowing to our
enemies, we die a warrior’s death on the battle-field none will feel sorry for
us, Krishna”
        ’राज्यांशश्चाभ्यनुज्ञातो यो मे पित्रा पुराऽभवत्।
         न स
लभ्यः पुनर्जातु मयि जीवति केशव॥’
’And that share of the
kingdom which was  previously granted (to
the Pandavas) by my father, that can never be had again so long as I am alive.’
        ‘यावद्धि तीक्ष्णया सूच्या विद्ध्येदग्रेण केशव।
         तावदप्यपरित्याज्यं भूमेर्नः पाण्डवान्प्रति ॥’
“Krishna, that much of our
land even as is pierced by the tip of a sharp needle, cannot be parted with to
the Pandavas.”
     ततः प्रहस्य दाशार्हः क्रोधपर्याकुलेक्षणः ।
     दुर्योधनमिदं वाक्यमब्रवीत् कुरुसंसदि॥
Laughing and with eyes
perturbed with anger, Krishna then said these words to Duryodhana in the Kuru
        ’लप्स्यसे वीरशयनं काममेतदवाप्स्यसि।
        स्थिरो भव सहामात्यो विमर्दो भविता महान्॥’
“You shall get the hero’s
death; this desire of yours, you shall realise; be steadfast, along with your
counsellors; there shall be a great conflict.”
         ’यच्चैभ्यो याचमानेभ्यः पित्र्यमंशं न दित्ससि।
         तच्च पाप
प्रदाताऽसि भ्रष्टैश्वर्यो निपातितः॥’
’That which you do not like
to give to these Pandavas who beg for their paternal share, you, sinner, shall
give, fallen and bereft of your power.’   
         एवं ब्रुवति दाशार्हे धार्तराष्ट्रस्सुयोधनः।
         क्रुद्धः प्रातिष्ठतोत्थाय महानाग इव श्वसन्॥
When Krishna was speaking
thus, Duryodhana, the son of Dhritarashtra, rose up in anger and, sighing like
a huge serpent, departed.
          तं प्रस्थितमभिप्रेक्ष्य दाशार्हः पुष्करेक्षणः।
          भीष्मद्रोणमुखान्सर्वानभ्यभाषत वीर्यवान् ॥
Seeing him gone away, the
heroic, lotus-eyed Krishna addressed Bhishma, Drona, and all others:
सर्वेषां कुरुवृद्धानां महानयमतिक्रमः।
           प्रसह्य मन्दमैश्वर्ये न नियच्छन्ति यन्नृपम् ॥‘
“This is a grave neglect of
duty in all the Kuru elders that they do not, by force, curb the foolish king,
Duryodhana, to behave properly in his royal office.”
           ’राजन्दुर्योधनं बद्ध्वा ततः संशाम्य पाण्डवैः।
           त्वत्कृते न विनश्येयुः क्षत्रियाः क्षत्रियर्षभ ॥’
’King, restraining
Duryodhana, come to peace with the Pandavas; let not kings perish on your
            कृष्णस्य तु वचश्श्रुत्वा धृतराष्ट्रो जनेश्वरः।
            विदुरं सर्वधर्मज्ञं त्वरमाणोऽभ्यभाषत ॥

Hearing Krishna’s words, king Dhritarashtra hastened and addressed Vidura who
knew well Dharmas:
           गच्छ तात महाप्राज्ञ गान्धारीं दीर्घदर्शिनीम्।
           आनयेह तया सार्धमनुनेष्यामि दुर्मतिम् ॥
‘Dear and very intelligent
Vidura, go and fetch the far-sighted Gandhari  here; along with her, I will supplicate that
             राज्ञस्तु वचनं श्रुत्वा विदुरो दीर्घदर्शिनीम्।
             आनयामास गान्धारीं धृतराष्ट्रस्य शासनात्॥
Hearing the words of the
king, Vidura brought the far-sighted Gandhari. On the command of Dhritarashtra.
              एष गान्धारि पुत्रस्ते दुरात्मा शासनातिगः।
              सभाया निर्गतो मूढो व्यतिक्रम्य सुहृद्वचः॥
‘Gandhari, this evil son of
yours, transgressor  (all) laws, has
walked out of the hall, overriding friends’ words.’
              ’आनायय सुतं क्षिप्रं राज्यकामुकमातुरम्’ ।
‘Quickly fetch my son, who
is feverishly covetous of the kingdom.’
             शासनाद्धृतराष्ट्रस्य दुर्योधनममर्षणम्।
             मातुश्च वचनात्क्षत्ता सभां प्रावेशयत्पुनः॥
On the command of
Dhritarashtra and on his mother’s words, Vidura made the bad tempered
Duryodhana enter the hall again.
               तं प्रविष्टमभिप्रेक्ष्य पुत्रमुत्पथगामिनम्।
               विगर्हमाणा गान्धारी शमार्थं वाक्यमब्रवीत्॥
Seeing that erring son enter
the hall, Gandhari censured him and said for the sake of peace:
            ‘दुर्योधन यदाह त्वां पिता
             भीष्मो द्रोणः कृपः क्षत्ता सुहृदां कुरु तद्वचः॥
‘Duryodhana, what your
father, Bhishma, Drona, Kripa and Vidura told you, act up to those words of
your friends.’
              ‘प्रपद्यस्व महाबाहुं कृष्णमक्लिष्टकारिणम्।
               प्रसन्नो हि सुखाय स्यादुभयोरेव केशवः ॥
‘Seek the mighty Krishna,
unharmful in his acts.  If he is gracious,
Krishna will be for the happiness of both (yourself and the Pandavas).
               ‘प्रयच्छ पाण्डुपुत्राणां यथोचितम् (अरिन्दम)।
                यदीच्छसि सहामात्यो भोक्तुमर्धं प्रदीयताम् ॥’
’Give to the  Pandavas what is proper; if you want to be
happy with your
counsellors, let half of the
(kingdom) be given to the Pandavas.’
                 तत्तु वाक्यमनादृत्य सोऽर्थवन्मातृभाषितम्।
                 पुनः प्रतस्थे संरम्भात् सकाशमकृतात्मनाम् ॥
Disregarding those sensible
words spoken by his mother, he again went away in a flurry to where those
self-willed (friends of his) were there.
                  एकान्तमुपसृत्येह मन्त्रं पुनरमन्त्रयत्।
                 ’वयमेव हृषीकेशं निगृहीम बलादिव’       
Moving to a secluded place,
Duryodana took counsel: “We ourselves shall seize Krishna”
                 तेषां पापमभिप्रायं विदुरो दीर्घदर्शिवान्।
                 धृतराष्ट्रं महाबाहुमब्रवीत्कुरुसंसदि ॥
The far-sighted Vidura informed
the powerful Dhritarashtra in the Kuru assembly of their evil design.
ततो दुर्योधनं क्षत्ता पुनः प्रावेशयत्सभाम्।
Then, Vidura made Duryodhana
enter the hall again.
                  अथ दुर्योधनं राजा धृतराष्ट्रोऽभ्यभाषत।
King Dhritarashtra then
addressed Duryodhana:
                  त्वमिमं पुण्डरीकाक्षमप्रधृष्यं दुरासदम्।
                  पापैस्सहायैस्संहत्य निग्रहीतुं किलेच्छसि॥
’This unassailable,
unapproachable Krishna, you, I hear, want to seize, uniting with evil allies.’
                  इत्युक्ते धृतराष्ट्रेण केशवश्शत्रुपूगहा।
                  दुर्योधनं धार्तराष्ट्रमभ्यभाषत वीर्यवान्॥
When Dhritarashtra said
this, the valorous Krishna, destroyer of enemy armies, told Duryodhana, son of
                  एकोऽहमितियन्मोहान्मन्यसे मां सुयोधन।
                  परिभूय सुदुर्बुद्धे ग्रहीतुं मां चिकीर्षसि ॥
“ Extremely stupid
Duryodhana! You want to overpower me and do things to catch me, taking me in
your ignorance, to be single.”
                   इहैव पाण्डवास्सर्वे तथैवान्धकवृष्णयः।
                   इहादित्याश्च रुद्राश्च वसवश्च महर्षिभिः॥
“Here itself, in me, are all
the Pandavas, all the Andhakas and the Vrishnis, Devas, Rudras, Vasus and all
the great sages.”
                एवमुक्त्वा जहासोच्चैः केशवः परवीरहा।
                तस्य संस्मयतश्शौरेः विद्युद्रूपा महात्मनः।
                युगपच्च विनिष्पेतुस्साक्षात्सर्वास्तु देवताः॥
Having said so, Krishna, the
destroyer of enemy-warriors, laughed aloud, and of that great Krishna who was
laughing, came out simultaneously, like flashes of lightning, all the gods in
                 तं दृष्ट्वा घोरमात्मानं केशवस्य महात्मनः।
                 न्यमीलयन्त नेत्राणि राजानस्त्रस्तचेतसः॥
Seeing that terrible form of
the great Krishna, the frightened kings closed their eyes.
                  प्रादात्तेषां स भगवान्  दिव्यं चक्षुर्जनार्दनः।
                  प्रणम्य शिरसा देवं तुष्टुवुः प्राञ्जलिस्थिताः ॥
Lord Krishna gave them the
divine eye; bowing with their head , they stood with folded arms and extolled
the Lord.
                 ततस्स पुरुषव्याघ्रस्सञ्जहार वपुस्स्वकम्।
                 धृतराष्ट्रो महाराजः पुनरेवाभ्यभाषत ॥
Then the greatest of men,
Krishna, withdrew his form.  King
Dhritarashtra again spoke:
                 ‘यावद्बलं मे पुत्रेषु पश्यतस्ते जनार्दन।
                 प्रत्यक्षं ते न ते किञ्चित्परोक्षं शत्रुकर्शन।
                 विदित्वैतामवस्थां मे नातिशङ्कितुमर्हसि॥‘

“Krishna, tormentor of your enemies, what influence I have over my sons, must
have become clear to you who have been seeing (all this); there is nothing
unknown to you. Knowing this plight of mine, you should not suspect me very

                ततोऽब्रवीन्महाबाहुर्धृतराष्ट्रं जनार्दनः।
                द्रोणं पितामहं भीष्मं क्षत्तारं बाह्लिकं कृपम्॥
Then the mighty Krishna tod
Dhritrarashtra,  Drona, grandfather
Bhishma, Vidura, Bahlika and Kripa:
              प्रत्यक्षमेतद्भवतां यद्वृत्तं कुरुसंसदि।
              यथा चाशिष्टवन्मन्दो रोषादद्य समुत्थितः।
              वदत्यनीशमात्मानं धृतराष्ट्रो महीपतिः।
               आपृच्छे भवतस्सर्वान् गमिष्यामि युधिष्ठिरम्॥

“What happened in the Kuru assembly happened before your eyes.  As Duryodhana, the fool, rose up (and went
away) now in anger, like an ill-bred fellow and as Dhritarashtra, the king,
describes himself as powerless, I take leave of you all and go to Yudhishthira.

              कुरूणां पश्यतां द्रष्टुं स्वसारं स पितुर्ययौ।
 As the Kauravas were looking on, Krishna went
to his aunt, Kunti.
              प्रविश्याथ गृहं तस्याश्चरणावभिवाद्य च ।
              आचख्यौ तत्समासेन  यद् वृत्तं कुरुसंसदि॥
Entering her house, and
bowing at her feet, he briefly told her what happened in the Kuru assembly.
               ‘उक्तं बहुविधं वाक्यं न चासौ तद् गृहीतवान्।
               आपृच्छे भवतीं शीघ्रं प्रयास्ये पाण्डवान्प्रति।
               किं वाच्याः पाण्डवेयास्ते भवत्या वचनान्मया॥
“Duryodhana was advised in
various ways but he did not accept those words. 
I take leave of you and shall go to the Pandavas quickly. What shall I
tell the Pandavas as your message?”
               ’ब्रूयाः केशव राजानं धर्मात्मानं युधिष्ठिरम्।
               “परपिण्डमुदीक्षे वै त्वां सूत्वा मित्रनन्दन।
                युध्यस्व राजधर्मेण मा गमः
पापिकां गतिम्।
                यदर्थं क्षत्रिया सूते तस्य
              अरिष्टं गच्छ पन्थानं पुत्रान्मे प्रतिपालय॥’
“Krishna, tell the virtuous
king YudhiShthira: ‘Having borne you, the joy of your friends, I am looking up
to others for my food; in accordance with royal duty,
Fight; incur not the fate of
sin.  The time for that for which a woman
of royal blood gives birth to a son has come now.’  (Krishna), go your safe way; protect my son.”
             अभिवाद्याथ तां कृष्णः सिंहखेलगतिस्ततः।
             आरोप्याथ रथे कर्णं प्रायात्सात्यकिना सह॥
Bowing to her then, Krishna
of the lion’s sportive gait, took Karna in his chariot and went along with
             ’मया सार्धमितो यातमद्य त्वां तात पाण्डवाः।
             अभिजानन्तु कौन्तेयं पूर्वजातं युधिष्ठिरात्।
             पादौ तव ग्रहिष्यन्ति भ्रातरः पञ्च पाण्डवाः॥
Karna, let the Pandavas know you who are now going from here along with me, as
a son of Kunti, born prior to YudhiShthira. 
“Your brothers, the five Pandavas, shall hold your feet in respect.”
             ’अहं च त्वाऽभिषेक्ष्यामि राजानं पृथिवीपतिम्।
             प्रशाधि राज्यं कौन्तेय कुन्तीं च प्रतिनन्दय ॥’
“And I shall install you as
king; son of Kunti! you rule the kingdom and delight Kunti also.”
              सर्वं चैवाभिजानामि यथा त्वं कृष्ण मन्यसे।
              कन्या गर्भं समाधत्त भास्करान्मां जनार्दन।
              कुन्त्या त्वहमपाकीर्णो यथा न कुशलं तथा॥
“I understand all that you
think, Krishna.  Kunti, as a maiden, bore
me to the sun.  However, in such a manner
as there could be no welfare for me, I was abandoned by Kunti. “
              ’सूतो हि मामधिरथो दृष्ट्वैवाभ्यानयद्गृहान्।
               मत्स्नेहाच्चैव राधायां सद्यः क्षीरमवातरत्॥’
‘ And it was the driver,
Adhiratha, who seeing me, took me to his house, and out of love for me, milk
flowed immediately from Radha (his wife).’
              ’पितरं चाभिजानामि तमहं सौहृदात्सदा ॥’
‘And I consider that
Adhiratha as my father always, by reason of his affection.’
               ‘भार्याश्चोढास्तासु पुत्राः पौत्रा जाता जनार्दन।
                तासु मे हृदयं कृष्ण सञ्जातं कामबन्धनम्॥’
‘I have married wives and
through them, sons and grandsons have been born and with them, Krishna, my
heart is bound in ties of affection.
                न पृथिव्या सकलया न सुवर्णस्य राशिभिः।
                हर्षाद्भयाद्वा गोविन्द मिथ्याकर्तुं तदुत्सहे ॥                                                
“Not for all this world, not
for heaps of gold, not for pleasure or fear, would I bear proving faithless to
these, Krishna.”
                 धृतराष्ट्रकुले कृष्ण भुक्तं राज्यमकण्टकम्।
                 मां च कृष्ण समासाद्य विग्रहश्चापि पाण्डवैः॥
“Krishna, living in
Dhritarashtra’s family, freely  has the
kingdom been enjoyed by me; and on my strength, quarrel with the Pandavas was
picked up (by Duryodhana)  
               ‘अनृतं नोत्सहे कर्तुं धार्तराष्ट्रस्य धीमतः ।’
“I will not bear proving faithless
to the intelligent Duryodhana.”
               ’यदि ह्यद्य न गच्छेयं द्वैरथं सव्यसाचिना।
               अकीर्तिस्स्याद्धृषीकेश मम पार्थस्य चोभयोः ॥
“If I do not meet Arjuna in
duel now, there will be infamy, Krishna, for both myself and Arjuna.”       
                ’यदि जानाति मां राजा धर्मात्मा संयतेन्द्रियः।
                 कुन्त्याः प्रथमजं पुत्रं न स राज्यं ग्रहिष्यति॥
‘ If the righteous
Yudhishthira of controlled senses knows me as the eldest son of Kunti, he will
not take the kingdom.’
                प्राप्य चापि महद्राज्यं तदहं (मधुसूदन)।
                स्फीतं दुर्योधनायैव संप्रदद्याम् (अरिन्दम)॥
“And even after getting that
vast and prosperous kingdom, I will give it only to Duryodhana,”
                स एव राजा धर्मात्मा शाश्वतोऽस्तु युधिष्ठिरः।
                नेता यस्य हृषीकेशो योद्धा यस्य धनञ्जयः ॥
“May that righteous
Yudhishthira himself be the permanent king, for whom Krishna is the leader and
Arjuna, the fighter”
               ’तदत्र (पुण्डरीकाक्ष) विधत्स्व यदभीप्सितम्।
                समुपानय कौन्तेयं युद्धाय मम (केशव)।
                मन्त्रसंवरणं कुर्वन् नित्यमेव (परन्तप)॥’
“Therefore, do what you
please.  Keeping this consultation with
me secret for ever, bring Arjuna to me for fight.”
इत्युक्त्वा माधवं कर्णः परिष्वज्य च पीडितम्।
                 विसर्जितो निववृते, गङ्गातीरे यतव्रतः।
                 दृष्ट्वा कुन्तीमुपातिष्ठदभिवाद्य कृताञ्जलिः।
                 राधेयोऽहमाधिरथिः ब्रूहि किं करवाणि ते ॥
said so, Karna, embraced Krishna closely and given leave, returned.  Meeting Kunti on the banks of the Ganges,
Karna who swerved not from his vow, bowed to her and with folded hands stood
ready to serve her, with the  words: “I
am Karna, son of Adhiratha; tell me, what shall I do for you?”
                 कुन्ती –
                 “कौन्तेयस्त्वं न राधेयो न तवाधिरथः पिता।
                  कानीनस्त्वं मया जातः पार्थस्त्वमसि पुत्रक॥
“You are the son of Kunti,
not Radha; Adhiraratha is not your father; you were borne by me when I was a
maiden; my son, you are the son of Kunti.”
                  ’अद्य पश्यन्तु कुरवः कर्णार्जुनसमागमम्।’
“Let the Kurus now witness
the union of Karna and Arjuna.”
                    न वै मम हितं पूर्वं मातृवच्चेष्टितं त्वया।
                    स मां संबोधयस्यद्य केवलात्महितैषिणी॥
“You have never acted before
for my welfare like a mother, and you now inform me (of this), desiring only
your own good.
                   “पाण्डवान् यदि गच्छामि किं मां क्षत्रं वदिष्यति”
“If I go over to the
Pandavas, what will the world of kings say?”
                    “उपनह्य परैर्वैरं ये मां नित्यमुपासते।
                     नमस्कुर्वन्ति च कथं तेषां छिन्द्यां मनोरथम्॥“
“How can I frustrate the
hopes of those who, developing enmity with their foes, adore me and pay
respects to me constantly?”
                      ‘धार्तराष्ट्रस्य पुत्राणामर्थे योत्स्यामि ते सुतैः।
                       बलं च शक्तिं चास्थाय न वै त्वय्यनृतं वदे॥’
“With my strength and power,
I will fight your sons for the sons of Dhritarashtra; I am not speaking
falsehood to you.”
              ‘न च तेऽयं समारम्भो मयि मोघो भविष्यति।
               संग्रामे न हनिष्यामि ते सुतानर्जुनादृते॥’
“And this effort of yours
regarding me shall not be futile; barring Arjuna, I will not kill in battle
your (other) sons.”
                ‘न ते जातु विनश्यन्ति पुत्राः पञ्च यशस्विनि।
                निरर्जुनास्सकर्णा वा सार्जुना वा ह्ते मयि॥’
“Renowned woman, five of
your sons will never perish; they will be either without Arjuna but with Karna
or with Arjuna when I am killed.”
                 अनामयं स्वस्ति चेति ततस्तौ जग्मतुः पृथक्।
Wishing welfare and bidding
farewell, the two then parted. 
                  आगम्य हास्तिनपुरादुपप्लाव्यमरिन्दमः।
                  पाण्डवानां यथावृत्तं केशवस्सर्वमुक्तवान्॥
Krishna, the subduer of his
enemies, coming to Upaplavya from Hastinapura, told the Pandavas everything as
it happened
                   ’तथ्यं पथ्यं हितं चोक्तो न च गृह्णाति दुर्मतिः।
                    दण्डं चतुर्थं पश्यामि तेषु पापेषु नान्यथा॥
“Duryodhana was told what
was truthful, wholesome and beneficial; the fool does not take the words.  I consider punishment by war, the fourth
expedient, as proper for those sinners; by no other means (can they be
                   ‘निर्याताश्च विनाशाय कुरुक्षेत्रं नराधिपाः।’
“And kings have (already)
started for the Kurukshetra for their own ruin.”
             जनार्दनवचश्श्रुत्वा धर्मराजो युधिष्ठिरः।
             भ्रातॄनुवाच धर्मात्मा समक्षं केशवस्य ह।
             ’तस्मात्सेनाविभागं मे कुरुध्वं नरसत्तमाः॥
Hearing the words of
Krishna, the righteous Yudhishthira told his brothers, in the presence of
Krishna: “Therefore, you best of men, marshal my army.”
             तस्य तद्वचनं श्रुत्वा संप्राहृष्यन्नरोत्तमाः।
             तेऽवगाह्य कुरुक्षेत्रं शङ्खान्दध्मुररिन्दमाः॥
Those best of men rejoiced
on hearing those words of Yidhishthira. Those subduers of enemies entered
Kurukshetra and blew their coches.
              ततश्शान्तनवं भीष्मं प्राञ्जलिर्धृतराष्ट्रजः।
              सह सर्वैर्महीपालैरिदं वचनमब्रवीत्।
              ’प्रयातु नो भवानग्रे देवानामिव पावकिः॥
Then, Duryodhana, standing
in reverential attitude, spoke, along with all the kings, these words to
Bhishma: “May you lead on, as god Skanda led the gods.”
              “यथैव हि भवन्तो मे तथैव मम पाण्डवाः।
               न त्वेवोत्सादनीया मे पाण्डोः पुत्रा जनाधिप।
               तस्माद् योधान्हनिष्यामि प्रयोगेणायुतं सदा।
सेनापतिस्त्वहं राजन् समयेनापरेण ते।
               कर्णो वा युध्यतां पूर्वमहं वा पृथिवीपते॥
“As you are to me, so are
the Pandavas.  The sons of Pandu ought
not to be destroyed by me.  Therefore I
shall kill a ten thousand warriors (on their side) by discharging my missiles
every time I fight. King, I will be your generalissimo on one other condition:
‘Let Karna fight first or myself.”
                  “नाहं जीवति गाङ्गेये  राजन् योत्स्ये कथञ्चन।
                  हते भीष्मे तु योत्स्यामि सह गाण्डीवधन्वना॥“
“King, as long as Bhishma is
alive I will not fight in any manner; but when Bhishma is killed, I will fight
the Gandhiva-bowed Arjuna.”
             ततः प्रभाते विमले धार्तराष्ट्रेण चोदिताः।
             दुर्योधनेन राजानः प्रययुः पाण्डवान्प्रति॥
Then, in the clear morning,
the kings urged by Duryodhana, son of Dhritarashtra, marched against the
              तथैव राजा कौन्तेयो धर्मपुत्रो युधिष्ठिरः।
              धृष्टद्युम्नमुखान्वीरांश्चोदयामास (भारत)॥
Similary, king Yudhishthira,
son of Kunti, directed the warriors led by Dhrishtadyumna (to attack).
                  || इति उद्योगपर्व समाप्तम्॥

Sri P R Ramamurthy Ji was the author of this website. When he started this website in 2009, he was in his eighties. He was able to publish such a great number of posts in limited time of 4 years. We appreciate his enthusiasm for Sanskrit Literature. Authors story in his own words :

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