दुष्टदैत्यनिवहैर्भारातुरां दुःखितां 
भूमिं दृष्टवता सरोरुहभुवा
संप्रार्थितः सादरं ।
देवो भक्त-दयानिधिर्यदुकुलं
शेषेण साकं मुदा 
देवक्या: सुकृताङ्कुरः
 सुरभयन् कृष्णोऽनिशं पातु
May BhagavAn SRee-KR^shNa protect You
all — that KR^shNa who was prayed to with deep respect (to incarnate on the
Earth) by BrahmadEva who had seen Goddess Earth suffering deep distress by
bearing the burden of evil asura-s who had been born on the earth in the guise
of Royalty.
May BhagavAn SRee-KR^shNa protect You
all — that KR^shNa who is an ocean of kindness for His bhakta-s and who took
birth with the serpent deity SEsha in the Yadu clan which was made famous by
that birth and who was born as the budding result  of SRee-dEvakee’s accumulated
merit (PuNNyam) ( as Her son).
[This is a blessing prayer by the anonymous
poet offered for the readers’ benefit.]
जातः कंसभयाद् व्रजं गमितवान् पित्रा
शिशु: शौरिणा 
साकं पूतनया तथैव शकटं वात्यासुरं चार्दयन्  ।
मात्रे विश्वमिदं प्रदर्श्य वदने निर्मूलयन्नर्जुनौ 
निघ्नन् वत्सबकाघनामदितिजान् कृष्णोऽनिशम् पातु वः ॥२॥
May BhagavAn SRee-KR^shNa protect You all —
that KRshNa who was taken to VRajam by His father VasudEva (soon after birth)
because of the fear that His uncle Kamsa might kill Him — that BhagavAn who
destoryed demons such as PootanA, SakaTa, and tR^NAvaRta (when they tried to
attack Him).
May BhagavAn SRee-KR^shNa protect You all —
that KR^shNa who showed the whole universe contained inside His mouth to His
mother (who wanted just to check if He had reportedly eaten mud) and who broke
the two huge aRjuna trees and later in three encounters destroyed demons who
came to attack Him disguised as a calf, a crane, and a python.  
ब्रह्माणं भ्रमयंश्च धेनुकरिपुर्निर्मर्दयन् काळियं 
पीत्वाग्निं स्वजनौघघस्मरशिखम् निघ्नन् प्रलम्बासुरम्  |
गोपीनां वसनं  हरन्द्विजकुलस्त्रीणां च मुक्तिप्रदो 
देवेन्द्रं दमयन्करेण गिरिधृक् कृष्णोऽनिशं पातु वः  ॥३॥
May BhagavAn SRee-KR^shna protect You
all —  that BhagavAn who  caused some nervousness in BrahmadEva
once; who destroyed the demon named dhEnuka;  who brought
KALiya’s arrogance and evil actions under control; who drank and swallowed
the forest fire that attempted to burn BhagavAn’s relatives to ashes; who
destroyed the demon named PRalamba; who stole the clothes of the (bathing)
GOpika-s; who gave MOksham to the women of the BrahmaNa clan; and who brought
Indra under control by lifting up the GOvaRddhana mountain to protect the
GOkulam from rain.
उदधेर्नन्दं तथा पालयन् 
क्रीडन् गोपनितम्बिनीभिरहितो नन्दस्य मुक्तिं दिशन् ।
गोपी-हारक–शङ्खचूड मदहृन्निघ्नन्नरिष्टासुरं 
केशिव्योमनिशाचरौ  च
बलिनौ कृष्णोऽनिशम् पातु
May BhagavAn SRee-KR^shNa protect You
all —  that BhagavAn who was ritually anointed by dEvEndra
 (whose arrogance had been removed at the miracle
of GOvaRddhanOddharaNam) by sacred waters ;who was  able to protect SRee-nanda-gOpa from the
ocean;who performed the sacred rAsa-kReeDa with the GOpa-clan’s
beautiful young women; who saved SRee-nanda-gOpa from a serpent;  who destroyed the arrogance of San*khachooDa
who had stolen GOpika-s and who annihilated the powerful demons
named KESi, VyOma, and arishTa.
अक्रूराय निदर्शयन्निजवपुर्निर्णेजकं चूर्णयन् 
कुब्जां सुन्दर-रूपिणीं विरचयन् कोदण्डमाखण्डयन् ।
मत्तेभम् विनिपात्य दन्तयुगलीं उत्पाटयन्मुष्टिभिः 
चाणूरं सहमुष्टिकं
विदलयन्कृष्णोऽनिशं पातु वः ॥५॥
May BhagavAn KR^shNa who performed all
the following miraculous feats protect You all: Revealed His cosmic form to
SRee akRoora; Destroyed the evil washerman(in the city of MathurA who was an
agent of Kamsa);Turned the disabled KubjA into a pretty woman; Broke the bow at
the martial arts tournament at Kamsa’s palace; Felled the elephant in rut
(placed at the gate by Kamsa to kill KR^shNa) and pulled out his tusks and using
His fists defeated and crushed the evil wrestlers ChANoora and MushTika.
नीत्वा मल्लमहासुरान् यमपुरीं निर्वर्ण्य दुर्वादिनं 
कंसं मञ्चगतं
निपात्य तरसा पञ्चत्वमापादयन्।  
तातं मातरमुग्रसेनमचिरान्निर्मोचयन्बन्धनात् 
राज्यं तस्य दिशन्नुपासितगुरुः कृष्णोऽनिशं पातु
वः ॥६॥
May  BhagavAn SRee-KR^shNa protect
You all —  that Lord KR^shNa who sent terrible demons such as Malla to
their death; who cast an angry look at Kamsa who was used to giving evil orders
and was sitting on his balcony; who pulled him down quickly and destroyed him;
who without any delay freed His own mother and father and UgrasEna from bondage
in Kamsa’s prison; who returned the kingdom to its rightful king UgrasEna; and
who then went to Maharshi sAndeepani’s ASRam as a student and paid respects to
Him and acquired learning.
हत्वा पञ्चजनं मृतं च गुरवे
दत्वा सुतं मागधं 
जित्वा तौ च सृगालकालयवनौ
हत्वा च निर्मोक्षयन् ।
पातालं मुचुकुन्दमाशु महिषीरष्टौ स्पृशन् पाणिना 
तं हंसं डिभकं निपात्य
मुदितः कृष्णोऽनिशं पातु वः ॥७॥
Lord SRee-KR^shNa destroyed Pan^chajana,
the conch-shaped demon; He resurrected His Guru’s son who had died and gave the
boy to the Guru as a GurudakshiNa;  defeated the evil King
JarAsanddha of Magadha;  He destroyed the evil sR^gAla and KAla-yavana;
protected Muchukunda well and gave him MOksham;  He married 8 wives
(SRee-rugmiNi, SRee-satyabhAmA, etc.);  He annihilated the demonic Hamsa
and Dibhaka, and  rejoiced (in all these  feats of valor and
compassion to promote dhaRma).  May that BhagavAn protect You all!!
घण्टाकर्णगतिं वितीर्य कलधौताद्रौ गिरीशाद्वरं 
विन्दन्नङ्गजमात्मजं च
जनयन्निष्प्राणयन्पौण्ड्रकम् ।
दग्द्ध्वा काशिपुरीं
स्यमन्तकमणिं कीर्त्या
स्वयं भूषयन् 
कुर्वाणः शतधन्वनोऽपि निधनं कृष्णोऽनिशं पातु वः ॥८॥
May BhagavAn SRee-KR^shNa protect You
all–that BhagavAn who blessed GhaNTAkaRNa and gave him mOksham; who
gained boons from Lord Siva on the KailAsa mountain; who had KAmadEva born as
His son (PRadyumna); who destroyed PouNDRaka; who burned the city of KASee
(using sudaRSanam); who (destroyed the rumors around the
jewel syamantakam and Himself and) increased His own and the jewel’s
good fame; and who annihilated the evil Sata-dhanvA (for preserving dhaRma and
protecting His devotees). 
भिन्दानश्च मुरासुरं च नरकं
धात्रीं नयन्स्वस्तरुं 
षट्साहस्रयुतायुतं परिणयन्नुत्पादयन्नात्मजान्
पार्थेनैव च
खण्डवाख्यविपिनं निर्द्दाहयन्मोचयन् 
भूपान्बन्धनतश्च चेदिपरिपुः
 कृष्णोऽनिशं पातु
वः ॥९॥
May You
all be protected by BhgavAn SRee-KR^shNa, who destroyed the demons named Mura
and naraka;  who brought down ParijAtam, the celestial tree,  down to the earth; who married 16,000 young
women (who had been imprisoned by the demonic narkAsura); who created sons and
daughters with those ladies; who burned down the KhANDava forest with the help
of Prince-aRjuna; and who freed many kings from prisons and killed SiSupAla, the criminal king of ChEdi.
कौन्तेयेन  च
कारयन्क्रतुवरं सौभं च
खातादाशु विमोचयंश्च  द्विविदं निष्पीडयन्वानरम् ।
छित्वा बाणभुजान् मृधे च
गिरिशं जित्वा गणैरन्वितं
दत्वा वत्कलमन्तकाय मुदितः कृष्णोऽनिशं पातु वः ॥१०॥ 
May You all be protected by BhagavAn
SRee-KR^shNa who helped King YudhishTTHira to perform the most sacred YAga-s;
who killed King sAlva also known as soubha; who gave mOksham to the
good soul nR^ga (who had been turned into a chameleon and had fallen into a
deep well); who destroyed the evil VAnara Vivida; who cut off all the hands of
BANAsura in battle; who defeated Lord Siva and His Bhoota-gaNam in
battle;  who sent VatkalAsura to his death and who became joyful (by
performing His avatAra-dhaRma).
कौन्तेयैरुपसंहरन्वसुमतीभारं कुचेलोदयं
कुर्वाणोपि च रुग्मिणं विदलयन्संतोषयन्नारदम् ।
समर्पयन्मृतसुतान्कालिङ्गकं कालयन् 
षट्तनयान्प्रदर्श्य सुखयन् कृष्णोऽनिशं पातु वः॥११॥
May You all be protected by BhagavAn
SRee-KR^shNa who helped the royal PANDava-s to eliminate evil kings thereby
reducing the burden on the Goddess Earth;  who created wealth and
prosperity for the poor KuchEla BrAhmaNa; who destroyed the evil Rugmi; who
brought back the nine dead children of a BrAhmaNa from VaikuNTTHam; who sent
the evil king of Kalin*gam to the world of Yama; and who pleased His mother
SRee-dEvaki by showing Her the six children of Hers who had been killed by
अद्धा बुद्धिमदुद्धवाय
विमलज्ञानं मुदैवादिशन् 
नानानाकिनिकायचारणगणैरुद्बोधितात्मा स्वयम् ।
मायां मोहमयीं विधाय
विततां उन्मूलयन्स्वं कुलं
देहं चापि पयस्समुद्रवसतिः
पातु वः  ॥१२॥
May You all be always protected by
BhagavAn SRee-KR^shNa, who, in a miraculous way performed all the following
feats: He revealed the supreme spiritual knowledge to SReemad-uddhava
Bhagavadpaada  and was informed through His own mind by groups of
celestial beings such as Gods, ChAraNas, etc. (that it was time for
svaRgArOhaNam = ascent to the divine world).  He created His own
magnificent power of MAya and through it destroyed His own YAdava clan.
 And BhagavAn gave up His physical body and returned to (VaikuNTTHam on)
the divine Ocean of Milk (after all His incarnational goals had been
Phala-SRuti  =  Merits of
Reading/Reciting/Singing this Hymn (given below)
श्लोकैर्द्वादशभिः समस्तचरितं संक्षिप्य
सम्पादितम् ।
स्तोत्रं कृष्णकृतावतारविषयं सम्यक्पठन्  मानुषो 
विन्दन्कीर्तिमरोगतां च कवितां विष्णोः पदं यास्यति॥१२॥
Anyone who reads or recites or sings
this hymn written in an abridged way on the topic of BhagavAn KR^shNa’s
incarnation on the earth — any literary merit (sarasvatee-pRsAdam) in it
flows out of KR^shNa-bhakti–  will attain good fame, good health, and
creative fulfilment.  He or she will then, in he afterlife, will reach
BhagavAn’s feet in VaikuNTTHam.
[Text in Devanagari and  English translation sourced from Sri D K
Mohanachandran Kartha. This beautiful hymn is from an anonymous author]

Sri P R Ramamurthy Ji was the author of this website. When he started this website in 2009, he was in his eighties. He was able to publish such a great number of posts in limited time of 4 years. We appreciate his enthusiasm for Sanskrit Literature. Authors story in his own words :

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