Narayaneeyam, considered to be a Magnum Opus of Meppathur
Narayanabhattathiri,  is a masterly
summary of  Srimad Bhagavatam in 1034
sanskrit slokas of great poetic merit. 
The whole work is divided into 100 dasakas of mostly ten slokas  each. It was completed in 100 days at the end
of which Bhattathiri, who was suffering from chronic rheumatic disease, was
completely cured and also had a beatific vision of the Lord of Guruvayoor as Venugopala
. In the last sloka of each dasaka Bhattathiri cries out his heart,  praying to the Lord to end his afflictions
and restore his health. Dasakas 91-99 contain the essence of the Eleventh Canto
of Srimadbhagavatam
which focuses on
the sadhanas for Self-realisation or mukti, liberation from the
cycle of births and deaths. As in the previous dasakas,  Bhattathiri directly addresses the Lord of
Guruvayoor in these dasakas also.    
Given below is the text
of the 91st dasaka which eulogises Bhakti (devotion to the Lord)
with a prosaic translation in English.  
श्रीकृष्ण त्वत्पदोपासनमभयतमं बद्धमिथ्यार्थदृष्टेः
  मर्त्यस्यार्तस्य मन्ये, व्यपसरति
भयं यत्र सर्वात्मनैव।
यत्तावत् त्वत्प्रणीतानिह भजनविधीनास्थितो मोहमार्गे
   धावन्नप्यावृताक्ष स्खलति न कुहचिद्देवदेवाखिलात्मन्॥१॥
O Krishna! You are above
all the other gods and the indwelling spirit (atman)
of all beings.  Worshipping your lotus feet is the best means
of totally banishing all fears for those who see things where none exist and
suffer from this delusion. He who follows the methods of worshipping as
propounded by you will never trip and fall even though he runs on a deluding path
भूमन् कायेन वाचा पुनरपि मनसा त्वत्बलप्रेरितात्मा
    यद्यत्कुर्वे समस्तं तदिह परतरे त्वय्यसावर्पयामि|
जात्यापीह श्वपाकस्त्वयि निहितमतिः कर्मवागिन्द्रियार्थ-
    प्राणो विश्वं पुनीते न तु विमुखमनास्त्वत्प्रसादाद्विप्रवर्यः ||२|
Magnificent Lord! powered and motivated by you, 
the indwelling atman, whatever I do by thought, word or deed, I offer at
your lotus feet.  Even one who by birth
is a shwapaka (one who cooks and eats dogs), if he surrenders to you his
mind, deeds, words, sense objects and the prana (vital air), purifies
the world;  not the best among brahmins
who has turned away from your lotus feet.
भीतिर्नाम द्वितीयाद्भवति,
ननु मनःकल्पितं च द्वितीयं
   तेनैक्याभ्यासशीलो हृदयमिह यथाशक्ति बुद्ध्या निरुन्ध्याम्।
मायाविद्धे तु तस्मिन् पुनरपि न तथा भाति मायाधिनाथं
   तं त्वां भक्त्या महत्या सततमनुभजन्नीश!
भीतिं विजह्याम् ॥३॥
 Fear arises when there is a second (entity, object).  The second is only a projection of the mind
not real. Let me therefore practice the unity of my atman (individual
soul) with you, the paramatman (Universal soul) by disciplining the mind
with the higher intellect.  When the mind
again comes under the influence of  maya it goes back to its previous state of
seeing multiplicity in place of unity. 
Then I will continuously think of you and identify with you, the
master of maya
,  with loving devotion
and thus conquer my fear.       
भक्तेरुत्पत्तिवृद्धी तव चरणजुषां संगमेनैव पुंसा-
  मासाद्ये पुण्यभाजां, श्रिय
इव जगति श्रीमतां सङ्गमेन।
तत्संगो देव भूयान्मम खलु सततं,
  त्वन्माहात्म्यप्रकारैर्भवति च सुदृढा भक्तिरुद्धूतपापा ॥४॥
Just as wealth is
acquired by association with the wealthy in this world, the sprouting of
devotion and its growth is achieved, by those who have earned enough punya, by
association with those who are devoted to your lotus feet.  May I always have the company of such devoted
people and let me, by hearing stories of your greatness and magnanimity flowing
out from their mouths, strengthen my devotion which will wipe out my sins O

श्रेयोमार्गेषु भक्तावधिकबहुमतिर्जन्मकर्माणि भूयो
    गायन् क्षेमाणि नामान्यपि तदुभयतः प्रद्रुतं प्रद्रुतात्मा।
उद्यद्धासः कदाचित् कुहचिदपि रुदन् क्वापि गर्जन् प्रगाय-
   न्नुन्मादीवप्रनृत्यन्नयि, कुरु
करुणां लोकबाह्यश्चरेयम् ॥५॥
With unwavering regard
for devotion as the best way of attaining liberation, let me sing about your
incarnations and chant your divine names. By these two means, let my heart melt
very soon and may I laugh some times, cry sometimes, shout or sing or dance
like mad at other times steeped in love for you and walk completely outside the
conventional materialistic way of life. May I have your grace for such a state of
mind O Lord!       
भूतान्येतानि भूतात्मकमपि सकलं पक्षिमत्स्यान्
    मर्त्यान् मित्राणि शत्रूनपि
त्वत्सेवायां हि सिद्ध्येन्मम तव कृपया
भक्तिदार्ढ्यं विराग-
च भुवनपते! यत्नभेदं विनैव ॥६॥
O Lord of the worlds! With
a subdued mind,  I shall pay obeisance  to all the five elements (earth, water, fire,
air and space) and all that have been formed of these elements such as birds,
fish, animals, humans, friends, foes which are all nothing but Your own
manifestation.  By worshipping You,  my devotion will take root, I will develop
detachment and True Knowledge about You will dawn on me without any other
नो मुह्यन् क्षुत्तृडाद्यैर्भवसरणिभवैस्त्वन्निलीनाशयत्वा-
   च्चिन्तासातत्यशाली निमिषलवमपि
इष्टानिष्टेषु तुष्टिव्यसनविरहितो मायिकत्वावबोधा-
I shall pass my days without
being distracted by hunger, thirst etc. arising in the path of this mundane
life, with the mind dissolved in You and not moving away from Your lotus feet
even for a second, with continuous remembrance of Your captivating form,  neither happy when something good happens nor
unhappy when undesirable things occur realizing every thing is Maya,  with the mind cooled by the moonlight
from Your toe nails which shine like the moon. 
भूतेष्वेषु त्वदैक्यस्मृतिसमधिगतौ नाधिकारोऽधुना
   त्वत्प्रेम त्वत्कमैत्री जडमतिषु
कृपा द्विट्सु भूयादुपेक्षा।
अर्चायां वा समर्चाकुतुकमुरुतरश्रद्धया
वर्धतां मे
   त्वत्संसेवी तथापि द्रुतमुपलभते
If I am not yet qualified
to experience You as the indwelling spirit  (atma) of all beings, May I have love
for You, friendship with your devotees, compassion towards dull-heads and
indifference to enemies.  May I develop  earnest interest in worshipping you in an idol
or image.  Serving you by these means I
will soon become one of the best among your devotees.    
आवृत्य त्वत्स्वरूपं क्षितिजलमरुदाद्यात्मना
  जीवान् भूयिष्ठकर्मावलिविवशगतीन्
दुःखजाले क्षिपन्ती।
त्वन्माया माभिभून्मामयि भुवनपते! कल्पते तत्प्रशान्त्यै
  त्वत्पादे भक्तिरेवेत्यवददयि
विभो! सिद्धयोगी प्रबुद्धः ॥९॥
O Lord of the worlds!
Your Maya veils your real nature by projecting it in the form of the five
elements earth, water, fire, air and space. 
It pushes beings,  which are
tossed about with no control over themselves, into a web of sorrow and misery according
to the their many karmas, past and present.  O Lord! Let not Your Maya overcome
me for which Siddhayogi Prabhuddha has prescribed Bhakti
to your lotus feet as  the only remedy. .

दुःखान्यालोक्य जन्तुष्वलमुदितविवेकोऽहमाचार्यवर्या-
  ल्लब्ध्वा त्वद्रूपतत्त्वं गुणचरितकथाद्युद्भवद्भक्तिभूमा
मायामेनां तरित्वा परमसुखमये
त्वत्पदे मोदिताहे
  तस्यायं पूर्वरङ्गः पवनपुरपते! नाशयाशेषरोगान् ॥१०॥
Seeing the sorrow and
suffering through which all beings pass, I will develop dispassion and
discrimination and, having obtained from a competent guru the secret of your
true nature, develop loving devotion to you by hearing stories about your
qualities, leelas and exploits and, overcoming  the maya of yours, experience the pure bliss
at your lotus feet. This is the first step towards that, O Lord of Guruvayoor!,
destroy all my afflictions.     

Sri P R Ramamurthy Ji was the author of this website. When he started this website in 2009, he was in his eighties. He was able to publish such a great number of posts in limited time of 4 years. We appreciate his enthusiasm for Sanskrit Literature. Authors story in his own words :

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