LESSON 19
संस्कृत व्यवहार साहस्री – ४
In these lessons,
 under the above title,  are presented simple sentences in Sanskrit
which can be used in day to day conversations at the very mundane level.  There are a thousand sentences covering day
to day interactions at the home, school, office, market, festivals, religious
and other functions etc.  Practice of
these sentences, it is hoped, will enable children and adults to communicate in
grammatical Sanskrit at the most elementary level in day-to-day situations. The
English translation conveys the meaning without attempting a word for word
translation which is not practical due to differences in syntax, structure of
sentences, cultural differenes etc.
  10. चलनचित्रादि विषये (about films, cinema etc)      
मासे कति चित्राणि पश्यति How many films (you) see in a month?
द्वयं त्रयं वा ….    
      Two or three
चित्रमन्दिरं पूर्णं आसीत्  
The cinema house was full
महान् सम्मर्दः आसीत् वा? 
Was there a big crowd?
चिटिका न लब्धा वा? 
Did you not get ticket?
चित्रं कथं आसीत्? 
How was the picture?
केवलं डिषुं डिषुं, तावदेव, अन्यत् किमपि नास्ति Only fighting,  that is all, nothing else
करमुक्तं इत्यतः दृष्टवान् Free from tax, so (I) saw that
कस्य निर्देशनम्? 
Whose direction?
तर्हि समीचीनं एव स्यात् In that case it will be only good
समीचीनं अस्ति – Dialogue and story are good
एतत्  द्वितीयवारं पश्यन् अस्मि – This I am seeing for the second time
एकमपि चित्रं सम्यक् नास्ति – Not a single film is good
परह्यः एव दृष्टवान् अहम्  
Day before yesterday only I saw (the picture)
केवलं निःसारम्, …. जामिता भवति 
Only trash, (one) gets bored
तर्हि किमर्थं दृष्टवान्  In
that case why did you see?
मया अपि एकवारं द्रष्टव्यम् – 
I should also see it once
सर्वे मिलित्वा गतवन्तः वा? 
Did all of you go together?
केवलं धनं व्यर्थम् 
Only waste of money
      11. शिक्षकाः
भवतः वेतनश्रेणी का? 
What is your scale of pay?
इदानीं सर्वत्र समाना किल? 
Now everywhere (the scale is) equal, no?
प्राचार्यस्य आदेशं दृष्टवान् वा? Did you see the principal’s memo?
तत् तु सामान्यम् 
that is common, normal
अधिवेतनं लब्धं वा? Did (you) get increment?
लिपिकारं दृष्टवान् वा? Did (you) see the clerk?
एवं चेत् कथं जीवामः  If
so, how can (we) live?
‘महान् कोलाहलः’ इति श्रुतवान्   I
heard there was a big commotion
पत्रिका पठिता वा? वेतनं वर्धितम् 
Did your read the newspaper? Salary has been
कदा आरभ्य अन्वयः? 
From when takes effect?
इदानीं कक्ष्या अस्ति वा? 
Now there is class?
अद्य कक्ष्यां न स्वीकरोमि, इति सूचयतु 
Notify that (I) will not take class today
प्राचार्यः आगतः वा? 
Has the principal come?
अस्मिन् मासे कति विरामाः? How many holidays this month?
परश्वः विरामः अस्ति वा? Day after tomorrow  is holiday?
प्रश्नपत्रिका सज्जीकृता वा? 
Question papers prepared?
अस्मिन् वर्षे फलितांशः कथम्? 
How is the result (pass percentage) this year?
एतावन्तः अंकाः कथं लब्धाः इति ? How this many marks were obtained?
परीक्षकाणां औदार्यम् ! The generosity of examiners!
परीक्षा अन्या, योग्यता अन्या  
Exam is different, talent is different
मौल्यमापनार्थं गच्छति वा? 
Do (you) go for evaluation?
मौल्यमापनं कुत्र Where is evaluation?
अस्वस्थः अपि आगतवान् 
(I) have come,  though unwell
इदानींतनबालाः तु ………… 
But boys of these days are…..
एकवारं आगच्छतु   O
Man! Come here just for once

गणितस्य अध्यापकः अस्ति वा, पश्यतु  Is
the maths teacher there? Pl see.
ते तु बालाः किल? 
After all, are they not boys?
किं भोः, सम्यक् पठति किल? What man, do you study well?
संशयः अस्ति चेत् पृच्छन्तु। If there is doubt, (you) ask (the
ज्ञातं किल? 
(Have you) understood?
पुनः एकवारं वदतु 
Explain (say) that once again, please
एकमपि गणितं न कृतवान् वा? 
Did you not work out even a single sum?
एवं चेत् परीक्षायां किं करोति? If this is so, what will you do in the
सेवकं किंचित् आह्वयतु Just call the peon
घंटा ताडिता वा? 
Has the bell rung?
टिप्पणीं लिखन्तु 
(You) write the notes
एकोऽपि न जानाति वा? 
Not even one knows?
भवान् ज्ञातवान् वा? Did you know (understand)?
वदतु किञ्चित् –Tell something
अद्य एतावतेव पर्याप्तम् – This is sufficient for today
अस्य अनुच्छेदस्य अनन्तरं समापयामः We shall finish after this paragraph
श्वः एतत् सम्यक् पठित्वा आगन्तव्यम् – Tomorrow you should come after studying
गृहे किमपि पठन्ति वा?  
Do (you all) study anything at home?
किं भोः! सः कोलाहलः? 
What man! that commotion?
ह्यः कियत्पर्यन्तं पठितवान् ? Yesterday upto what time did (you)
     12. स्त्रियः (Women)
गृहकार्यं सर्वं समाप्तं वा?  
Are all household chores finished?
समाप्तप्रायम्  Almost finished
द्वित्रीणि दिनानि न दृष्टा 
Why not seen for two three days?
अहं मातृगृहं गतवती – I had gone to my mother’s house
एतेषु दिनेषु ’विमला’ मिलितवती 
These days did (you) meet Vimala
कार्यालयतः तेषां आगमनसमयः एषः This is the time they come from office
ममापि बहु कार्यं अस्ति  I
too have lot of work
अतिथयः आगताः सन्ति 
Guests have come
किंचित् शर्करां ददाति वा  Can you give some
[क्षीरम्=milk संपिष्टम्
= maida flower पृथुकम्=flattened rice काफी चूर्णम् =coffee powder]
भवतः  माता किं करोति स्म? = what was your mother
प्रातः आरभ्य अद्य
बहु कार्याणि = From morning there is lot of work
तस्य पुत्र्याः विवाहः
निश्चितः इति श्रुतम्  Heard that his
daughter’s marriage is fixed.
वरः विदेशे अस्ति इति
श्रुतम्  Heard that the groom is in a
foreign country
कन्याया कृते किं किं
दत्तम् Whatever was given for the bride?
मृत्तैलं लब्धं वा  got kerosene oil?
मृत्तैलं दीयते इति
श्रुतम्  Heard that kerosene oil is being
   13. पाकः
पाकः समाप्तः वा?  Is cooking over?
अद्य कः पाकः?
What is cooked today
भोजनं समाप्तं वा?
Had your food?
भवत्याः गृहं कश्चित्
आगतः इव  Looks like some one has come to
your house
अन्यत् किमपि नास्ति,
केवलं सार: Nothing else is there, only rasam
अस्मद् गृहे एकैकस्य
एकैका रुचिः  In our house each one has a
different taste
   14. शाटिका, आभरणं इत्यादि (Saree, ornaments
भवत्याः शाटिका नूतना
वा? Is your saree new?
नैव, गतवर्षे एव क्रीतवती  No, I bought it last only
तथापि नूतनं इव प्रतिभाति
Even then it looks new
एतावती शाटिका मम समीपे
अपि अस्ति  I also have a saree like this
अहं नूतनशाटिकां क्रीतवती  I bought a new saree
अंचलः बहु सम्यक् अस्ति  The anchal  is nice
एतां कुत्र क्रीतवती
Where did you buy this?
शाटिकायाः अनुरूपः
चोलः न लब्धः? Didn’t (you) get a matching blouse for the saree?
वलयस्य विन्यासः सम्यक्
अस्ति Design of the bangle is good
शाटिकया सा प्रौढा
इव दृश्यते She looks grown up in the saree
परिणाहः बहु न्यूनः
 border is very narrow
मम अपि क्रीतव्यं इति
इच्छा अस्ति  I too have a desire to buy
बहु सुन्दरं अस्ति
किल एतत्?   Is it not very beautiful?
भवत्याः एतत् युज्यते
This is quite good on you.
कियद् दत्तम्? How
much (you) paid?
बम्बाइतेः मम अग्रजः
आनीतवान् MY elder brother has brought from Bombay
   15. कार्यालयः (Office)
भवान् कति दिनानि विरामं
स्वीकरोति  How many days’ leave you have taken?
एषु दिनेषु महान् कार्यभारः  These days there is lot of work pressure.
एतद् सूचनाफलके स्थापयतु  Put this on the Notice Board
अत्र हस्तांकनं करोतु  Put (your) signature here
सः विरामं स्वीकृतवान्  He has taken retirement
एतस्मिन् विषये पुनः
चिन्तयामि  I shall think about (examine)
this matter again.
आगामि सप्ताहे मां
पश्यतु  – 
See me next week
एतस्मिन् विषये अनन्तरं
वदामि –   I shall talk about this matter
एतत् अवश्यं मनसि स्थापयामि
I shall certainly fix it in my mind
भवदुक्तं सर्वं ज्ञातं
भोः Whatever you said is known (to me), sir
अत्र तस्य एव सर्वाधिकारः  He only has all the powers here
दूरवाणी कापि आगता
वा?  Did any telephone call come?
भवान् कस्मिन् स्थाने
नियुक्तः अस्ति  In which post have you
been posted?
एषः सदा आगत्य पीडयति  He comes and tortures (me) always
इदानीं समयः अतीतः  It is too late now (The time has expired)
श्वः आगच्छतु  come tomorrow
सः अपि आगतवान् इति
स्मरामि  I remember that he also had come
पञ्चवादनपर्यन्तं अत्रैव
आसीत् (He) was here upto five o’ clock
मां आहूतवान् वा?  Did (he) call me?
तद् व्यवस्थां अहं
करोमि  I shall make the arrangements
कार्यालयस्य समाप्तिः
कदा? When does the office close?
एतद्विषये श्वः पुनरपि
स्मारयतु Remind (me) again about this matter
तं अत्र आगन्तुं सूचयतु
 Notify him to come here
किमर्थं इदानीमपि कार्यं
न आरब्धम्? Why the job has not been started even now?
अन्येषां उपहासेन एव
कालं यापयति (He) spends time only by making fun of others
मया किं करणीयं? वदतु
 What is to be done by me? Please tell
अहं किं करोमि भोः?
What shall I do, friend?
अस्तु, परिशीलयामः
OK, (we) shall examine
आगच्छतु, काफी पीत्वा
आगच्छामः  Come, (we) shall come after
having coffee
भवान् शीघ्रं प्रत्यागच्छति
वा?  You will return early, no?
कृपया उपविशतु
Please sit
पञ्चनिमेषेषु कृत्वा
ददामि  I will finish it in five minutes
and give you
अद्य सः नास्ति किल!  Today he is not there!
एकसप्ताहानन्तरम् आगच्छेत्  (You) can come after one week  

Sri P R Ramamurthy Ji was the author of this website. When he started this website in 2009, he was in his eighties. He was able to publish such a great number of posts in limited time of 4 years. We appreciate his enthusiasm for Sanskrit Literature. Authors story in his own words : http://ramamurthypr1931.blogspot.com/

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