                       संस्कृत व्यवहार साहस्री  -१
In these lessons
under the above title are presented simple sentences in Sanskrit which can be
used in day to day conversations at the very mundane level.  There are a thousand sentences covering day
to day interactions at the home, school, office, market, festivals, religious
and other functions etc.  Practice of
these sentences, it is hoped, will enable children and adults to communicate in
grammatical Sanskrit at the most elementary level in day-to-day
1.  शिष्टाचारः  Greetings
हरिः               hello
सुप्रभातम्           good morning    
शुभरात्रिः           good night       
धन्यवादाः           thanks  
स्वागतम्            welcome      
क्षम्यताम्            please excuse          
चिन्ता मास्तु         don’t worry
कृपया               kindly    
पुनः मिलामः         shall meet again     
अस्तु                be it so             
श्रीमन्!              sir!
साधु साधु           very good
2.  मिलनम्  : 
भवतः नाम किम्?    What is your name? (addressed to a male)
भवत्याः नाम किम्?   What is your name? (addressed to a female)
मम नाम ____       My name is _____
एषः मम मित्रम्       This is my friend (refers to a male)
एषा मम सखी         This is my friend (refers to a female)
एतस्य नाम श्रुतवान्     I have heard his name                   
भवान् (पुरुषः) किं उद्योगं करोति  
What work you (male) are doing?
भवती(स्त्री) किं उद्योगं करोति      What work you (female) are doing?
अहम् अध्यापकः अस्मि           I am a teacher (male)
अहम् अध्यापिका अस्मि            I am
a teacher (female)
[ अधिकारी – officer  लिपिकः – clerk  उट्टंककः – typist न्यायवादी – lawyer तंत्रज्ञः – engineer विक्रयिकः – salesman प्राध्यापकः-professor
उपन्यासकः – lecturer]
अहं यन्त्रागारे अस्मि           I am in the factory
[ कार्यालये –  in the office   वित्तकोषे – in the bank
 चिकित्सालये – in the hospital प्रौढशालायाम् – 
in the high school
 महाविद्यालये –  in the
 भवान् (पु) किं पठति         } In
which class you are reading?
 भवती (स्त्री) किं पठति        }        
अहं नवमकक्ष्यायां
पठामि      I am reading in the 9th class
अहं बी.एस्‍सी प्रथमवर्षे पठामि  I
am studying in B.Sc first year
भवतः ग्रामः? (पु.) भवत्याः ग्राम:?(स्त्री.)  Which is your village?
मम ग्रामः ……..                 My village is ………
कुशलं वा?                      Are you well (fine,ok)? 
गृहे सर्वे कुशलिनः
वा?        Are all those at home well?    
सर्वं कुशलम्                Everything is OK        
एवं अस्मि                 I am like this.    
कः विशेषः?                What is special?      
भवता एव वक्तव्यम्          should be told by you.  
अन्यः कः विशेषः?           What else is special?
कुतः आगच्छति?            From where are (you) coming?
शालातः आगच्छामि       (I am) coming from the school     
गृहतः आगच्छामि            (I am) coming from home
नगरात् आगच्छामि           (I am) coming from the town
                           [Note: ‘I’ is
understood from the form
                            of the verb ‘आगच्छामि’
भवान् कुत्र गच्छति? (पु.)      where are you going? (to a male)                
भवती कुत्र गच्छति? (स्त्री.)     where are you going?(to a female) 
देवालयं गच्छामि              I am going to the temple 
कार्यालयं गच्छामि             I am going to the office 
विपणिं गच्छामि               I am going to the market.
                         [Please note that the form
of the
                          Verb does not
change according to the
                          gender of the
किं,चिराद् दर्शनम्?          
What (is the matter)?  Seeing
                           after a long
भवन्तं कुत्रापि दृष्टवान्         (I) have seen you somewhere
भवान् संभाषणशिबिरं
आगतवान् वा?  Did you come to the discussion
तर्हि कुत्र दृष्टवान्?           In that case where did
तर्हि तत्रैव दृष्टवान्
          In that case (you) saw there
 3. लघुवाक्यानि (Simple Sentences)
तथैव अस्तु (तथैवास्तु)             Let that be so
जानामि भोः                      I know, friend
आम्, एवं एव                     Yes, that is so    
समीचीना सूचना                   Good news
किंचित् एव                        A little only      
किमर्थं न भवति?          Why does it not happen (take place)?
भवतु नाम                Let it be so
ओहो, एवं वा            Oh! Is it so? 
तथा वा?                 Is that so?
एवं अपि अस्ति वा?        Is there like this also?
(एवमपि अस्ति वा?)          
अथ किम्?                   What else?  
नैव किल!                    Nothing at all
भवतु                        Let it be so 
आगच्छन्तु                Please come     
उपविशंतु                  Please sit down
सर्वथा मास्तु               Let it not be at any rate.
तथैव अस्तु (तथैवास्तु)      
Let it be so  
अस्तु वा?                  Can it be so?    
किमर्थं भोः?                For what? sir! 
लब्धं किल?                Got it,ok?
’शक्यते वा’ इति पश्यामः Let us see ‘whether it is possible’
ज्ञातं वा?              Have (you) understood? 
कथं आसीत्?           How was it ?
अंगीकृतं किल?          Approved, ok?   
कति अपेक्षितानि?        How many are required? 
अद्य एव वा? (अद्यैव वा?)  Today itself?
इदानीं एव वा? (इदानीमेव वा?) Now itself?
आगन्तव्यं भोः            (You) should come,  sir!
तदर्थं वा!                 For that (purpose)?
तत् किमपि मास्तु          Let there not be any such thing
न दृश्यते                  ( You are )not seen!
समाप्तं वा?                (Is it) over?  
कस्मिन् समये?            At what time?  
तथापि….                  Even then…….
आवश्यकं न आसीत्         (It) was not required. 
तिष्ठतु भोः                  wait, sir!
स्मरति किल?               (you) remember,ok?      
तथा किमपि नास्ति           Nothing like that.
कथम् अस्ति भवान्         How are you?
मा विस्मरतु                 Do not forget
निःसंकोचं वदतु              Speak (tell) without
अन्यच्च … …                another thing……..
तदनंतरम्……                 after that…. 
एतावदेव किल्?               This only ?
महान् संतोषः                 great pleasure           
तत् तथा न                   that is not so
तस्य कः अर्थः?               What does it mean?
एवमेव …..                    like this only
तन्नाम……                    that is ……….  
4.  सामान्यवाक्यानि (Common Sentences)
प्रयत्नं करोमि         
(I) am trying
न शक्यते भोः          Not
possible, sir!
एवं/तथा न वदतु        don’t
say like that
तत्र कोऽपि सन्देहः नास्ति There is no doubt about it.
अहं न ज्ञातवान्         
I did not know
कदा ददाति             
when will (you) give?
अहं कथं वदामि          How
can I tell?
तथा भवति वा?          Can
it happen like that?
भवतः समयावकाशः अस्ति वा?  
You have leisure time?
अद्य भवतः (भवत्याः) कार्यक्रमः कः?  What is your
progam today?
अरे हस्तस्य/पादस्य किं अभवत्? 
What happended to your hand/leg?
बहुदिनैः ते परिचिताः        
They know each other over a long time  
तस्य कियद् धैर्यम्/धार्ष्ट्यम्?    What
courage/audacity of his ?
भवान् न उक्तवान् एव        
You did not speak at all     
अहं किं करोमि?             
What shall I do?
अहं न जानामि              I do not know
यथा भवान् इच्छति तथा       
Let it be like what you wish,
भवतु, किं तेन?               Be it
so,  what of that? 
तेन किमपि न सिध्यति       
 Nothing will be achieved by that. 
सः सर्वथा अप्रयोजकः          
He is not useful for anything.
प्रयोजनं एव नास्ति            
There is no use at all
एकवारं प्रयत्नं कुर्मः              (we) shall try once.   
मौनं एव (मौनमेव) उचितम्       Only
silence is good
तस्मिन् विषये अहं किमपि न वदामि I will not speak anything
विचिन्त्य वक्तव्यम्                Think before (you) talk  
तर्हि समीचीनम्                   Only then it is OK   
एवं चेत् कथम्?                  
What if it is like this? 
मां किञ्चित् स्मारयतु              Remind me a bit.
तं अहं सम्यक् जानामि            
I know him very well.   
तदानीम् एव उक्तं किल?           
Then only it was told, no?  
कदा उक्तं भोः?                   
When was it told, sir!  
यत्किमपि भवतु                
 Let whatever happens, happen  
सः बहु समीचीनः                  He is very good   
सः बहु रूक्षः                   
 He is very rough    
तद्विषये चिन्ता मास्तु               Don’t worry about that
तथैव इति न नियमः      
is no rule that it should
                                 be so.  
कर्तुं शक्यं, किंचित् समयः अपेक्ष्यते  
Could be done, some time is required.
एतावत् वा कृतवान्                 (He) has done at least this
द्रष्टुं एव (द्रष्टुमेव) न शक्यते           Can’t
even see
तत्रैव कुत्रापि स्यात्                  (It) will be there only somewhere     
यथार्थं वदामि                      (I)
tell the truth     
एवं भवितुं अर्हति                   It should happen like this
कदाचित् एवमपि स्यात्              It could be like this sometimes
अहं तावत् अपि न जानामि वा?      
Do I not know even this much?
कः वा न इच्छति?                  Who will not like (desire)?
तत्र गत्वा किं करोति?                What will (you) do having gone
पुनः आगच्छतु                      Come again. 
मम कोऽपि क्लेशः नास्ति            
I don’t have any difficulty whatsoever
अत्र किं कष्टम्?                      What is the difficulty here?          
भोः आनीतवान् वा?                  (You) have brought (it),no?
भवन्तं कः उक्तवान्?                  Who has told you? 
यदा कदा वा आगच्छेत्                should come once in a while
प्रायः तथा न स्यात्           
(It) will not be like that most of the time
चिन्ता मास्तु, श्वः ददातु          Don’t
worry, give tomorrow
अहं पुनः सूचयामि               I shall inform again 
अद्य आसीत् वा?                
Did (it) take place today?   
अवश्यं आगच्छामि                (I) shall certainly come
’नागराजः’ अस्ति वा?             Is
Nagaraja (there) ?
एतत् कथं एवं जातम्           
 How did this happen?
तत्र आसीत् वा                 
 Was it there?
किमपि उक्तं वा                  Did you say something?
कुतः आनीतम्                  
From where was (this) brought?   
अन्यत् किमपि कार्यं नास्ति       
No other work is there  
मम वचनं किंचित् शृणोतु         
Hear my words a little  
एतत् सत्यं किल?               
Is it true?
तत् अहं अपि जानामि           
 I too know that     
तावत् आवश्यकं न                That much is not required
भवतः का हानिः?               
What is the loss for you?   
किमर्थं एतावान् विलंबः?           For what was this much delay?
यथेष्टं अस्ति                    
There is as much as (you) wish   
भवतः अभिप्रायः क:?              What is your opinion?
तस्य किं कारणम्?              
What is the reason for that 
स्वयं एव (स्वयमेव)  करोति वा?    Will (you) do it yourself?    
तत् मह्यं न रोचते                 I don’t like that.
उक्तं एव वदति सः                He says only what was told      
अन्यथा बहु कष्टम्                Otherwise it is very difficult
किमर्थं पूर्वं न उक्तम्?             Why was it not told before?
सम्यक् न जानामि                (I) do not know well
निश्चयः नास्ति                    No certainty
कुत्र आसीत् भवान्?                Where were you?       
भयस्य कारणं नास्ति               There is no cause for fear        
तद्विषये महती प्रीतिः                (I) have much interest in this matter    
कियत् लज्जास्पदम्?                How shameless?
एषः मम दोषः न                  
This is not my fault   
मम तु आक्षेपः नास्ति               I have no objection 
सः शीघ्रकोपी                       He is short-tempered     
तीव्रं मा परिगणयतु                 Don’t take it seriously       
आगतः एषः वराकः                 This fellow has come    
युक्ते समये आगतवान्                He has come at the proper time.
बहु जल्पति  भो:!                   You are talking too much!     
एषा केवलं किंवदन्ती                 This is only gossip. 
किमपि न भवति                    
Nothing will happen     
एवं एव आगतवान्                    (I) came like this only
विना कारणं किमर्थं गन्तव्यम्?         
Why (you) should go without reason?
भवतः वचनं सत्यम्                    Your words are true
मम वचनं कः शृणोति?                 Who hears my words?            
किमर्थं तावती चिन्ता?                  For what purpose is that much
भवतः किं अस्ति कष्टम्?                 What is your difficulty?
भो, एवं न भवितव्यं आसीत्        
This should not have happened thus ,friend!
अन्यथा मा चिन्तयतु                    Don’t think otherwise

Sri P R Ramamurthy Ji was the author of this website. When he started this website in 2009, he was in his eighties. He was able to publish such a great number of posts in limited time of 4 years. We appreciate his enthusiasm for Sanskrit Literature. Authors story in his own words : http://ramamurthypr1931.blogspot.com/

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