Lyrics of “Kripayaa mamuddhara
shrikrishna” by Vijayagopalaswamy
Raga: Madhyamavati
Tala: Adi
Pallavi (refrain)
कृपया मामुद्धर श्रीक्रुष्ण
हरे मुकुन्द               (कृपया….)
द्रुपदनृपतनया दुरितहर चरण
कपटरिपुहरण कौस्तुभाभरण   (कृपया….)
धीर वारिधिगंभीर सकललोकाधार
हैयङ्गवीनचोर गोपसुन्दरी-
जाराकार विजितमार मनोविदूर
तारक विरचित हार विराजित
दानवदर्प विभञ्जन शूर      (कृपया….)
अमरारि भञ्जनातिभीम हे माधव
कमला मनोमोहन काम अति तामस-
यमलार्जुन शाप विराम यमुनाविहार
रमणीजनहृदय कर्षणाद्भुत-
कलमृदुवचन वागभिराम    
अगजासन्नुतकीर्तिजाल आद्यन्तरहित
निगमावलि विधेयलील अत्यंतभक्त-
सुखमार्गप्रदान सुशील कालिय शिरसि
तकिट धिमि धिमित धकृत झणुझणुत
तकिट धिमि धिमिति नटनविलोल  (कृपया….)
पीताम्बरधराभ्रनील भक्त पाण्डव-
दूत दुर्योधनादिकाल सकललोका-
तीत कस्तूरितिलकफाल धृतवनमाल
पातकततिहर पावन गुणतुल
वेदगणेडित विजय गोपाल   

Sri P R Ramamurthy Ji was the author of this website. When he started this website in 2009, he was in his eighties. He was able to publish such a great number of posts in limited time of 4 years. We appreciate his enthusiasm for Sanskrit Literature. Authors story in his own words :

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  1. I want to get tamil version . is it possible ?

    1. Sure, follow steps:

      1. Select the blog post and copy the text ( by pressing ^C). The text will be saved in the clipboard of your computer.
      2. Go to and enter Source as Devanagari and select Target from the dropdown list.
      3. Paste what you have copied to the input panel (upper panel) of aksharamukha.
      4. Press 'Convert' at the bottom. The text will be converted to the selected script and copied in the output panel (lower panel) of Aksharamukha.
      5. Open a blank Word document, copy the converted text from the lower panel of Aksharamukha and paste it on the blank Word document you opened and save it in your system for future reference.

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