
मदालासां मञ्जुलवाग्विलासाम् ।
मातंगकन्यां सततं स्मरामि ॥१॥

I always meditate on the daughter of Matanga Maharshi who playfully holds a Veena made of Mankikya, who is lazy by intoxication, whose speech is picturesque and beautiful and whose body is resplendent like the dark blue gemstone. 

चतुर्भुजे चन्द्रकलावतंसे
कुचोन्नते कुङ्कुमरागशोणे ।
हस्ते नमस्ते जगदेकमातः ॥२॥

O The Mother of the Worlds who has four hands, whose head is adorned with the crescent moon, who has a full bosom, who has a complexion red as kukum and who carries in her hands a bow of sugarcane, arrows of flowers, the rope and the ankusa (goad), my prostrations before you.

माता मरकतश्यामा
मातङ्गी मदशालिनी ।
कटाक्षयतु कल्याणी
कदंबवनवासिनी ॥३॥

May the Mother, who is dark as the marakata gemstone, who is the daughter of Matanga maharshi, who is exuberant, who is auspicious and who abides in the kadamba forest, cast on me the glances from her eye-corners. 

जय मातंगतनये
जय नीलोत्पलद्युते ।
जय संगीतरसिके
जय लीलाशुकप्रिये ॥४॥

Victory to the daughter of Matanga. Victory to the one who has the complexion of the dark blue lily. Victory to the one who enjoys and appreciates music. Victory to the one who is fond of the playful parrot.

जय जननि सुधासमुद्रान्तरुद्यन्मणिद्वीप-संरूढ-बिल्वाटवीमध्य-
कल्पद्रुमाकल्प-कादम्बकान्तार-वासप्रिये, कृत्तिवासप्रिये,
सर्वलोकप्रिये !

(Victory to the Divine Mother) who is the darling of Siva and the whole world and who likes to live in the forest of kalpavriksha-like kadamba trees surrounding which is a forest of bilwa trees on the island of Manidweep in the midst of the ocean of nectar.

सादरारब्ध-संगीत-संभावना-संभ्रमालोल-नीपस्रगाबद्ध-चूलीसनाथत्रिके, सानुमत्पुत्रिके !

(Victory to the Divine Mother) who is the daughter of Himavan, whose locks, around which are tied garlands of nipa which oscillate when she nods in appreciation of the melodious music started in her honour.

शेखरीभूत-शीतांशुरेखा-मयूखावलीबद्ध-सुस्निग्ध-नीलालकश्रेणि-शृंगारिते, लोकसंभाविते !

(Victory to the Divine Mother) who is worshipped by the people and whose beauty is enhanced by the dark blue locks which are smooth and which are illumined by the rays from the crescent moon adorning her forehead. 

वाक्सुधासेचने, चारुगोरचनापङ्क-केलीललामाभिरामे, सुरामे! रमे!

(Victory to the Divine Mother) who is the embodiment of beauty, who is Lakshmi herself, whose eye-brows give the impression of the bow of Cupid, whose eyes lead one to doubt that they are the flowers of the eye-brow creepers, who showers sweet words and who is adorned with a pretty bindi (a round mark on the forehead) of gorochana 

प्रोल्लसद्बालिका-मौक्तिकश्रेणिका-चन्द्रिकामण्डलोद्भासि-लावण्य-गण्डस्थलन्यस्त-कस्तूरिकापत्ररेखा-समुद्भूत-सौरभ्य-संभ्रान्त-भृङ्गांगनागीत-सान्द्रीभवन्मन्द्रतन्त्रीस्वरे, सुस्वरे! भास्वरे!

(Victory to the Divine Mother) whose beautiful cheeks are lighted up by the moonlight-like lustre from the string of pearls adorning the short curly hair (playing on her forehead) and the melody from the Veena is made denser by the humming of honey-bees which are attracted by the fragrance arising from the patterns of kasturi made on her cheeks. Victory to the Mother who has a melodious voice and who has a resplendent form. 

सिद्धसम्मानिते !

(Victory to the Divine Mother) who is honoured by the siddhas and who is adorned with tatankas (ear-ornaments) crafted from palm leaves which oscillate in the process of her playing the veena.

दिव्यहाला-मदोद्वेल-हेलालसच्चक्षुरान्दोलनश्री-समाक्षिप्त-कर्णैकनीलोत्पले ! श्यामले, पूरिताशेषलोकाभिवाञ्छाफले ! निर्मले श्रीफले!

(Victory to the Divine Mother) the beauty of whose eyes, undulating because of the inebriation caused by imbibing somarasa, surpasses the beauty of the blue lily worn on her ears, who is of dark blue complexion, who fulfils the desires of all the people, who is without blemish and who gives riches as the fruit (of worshiping her)

स्वेदबिन्दूल्लसत्-फाललावण्य-निष्यन्द-सन्दोह-सन्देहकृन्नासिकामौक्तिके, सर्वमन्त्रात्मिके, कालिके! सर्वसिद्ध्यात्मिके !

(Victory to the Divine Mother) who is Kali, who is the soul of all mantras and all psychic powers and the pearl on whose nose-stud gives the impression that it is a drop oozing from the beauty of her forehead with beads of perspiration glistening on it. 

मुग्धमन्दस्मितोदार-वक्त्रस्फुरत्-पूगतांबूलकर्पुरखण्डोत्करे !
ज्ञानमुद्राकरे ! श्रीकरे! पद्मभास्वत्करे !

(Victory to the Divine Mother) whose face is lighted up by a beautiful smile, whose mouth is fragrant with betel leaf areca nut and camphor pieces, who sports the gnana mudra on her hand, who showers riches (on her devotees) and whose hands are beautiful and soft like the lotus 

कुन्द्पुष्पद्युति-स्निग्धदन्तावली-निर्मलालोलकल्लोल-सम्मेलन-स्मेर-शोणाधरे ! 

चारुवीणाधरे ! पक्वबिंबाधरे !

(Victory to the Divine Mother) who carries the beautiful veena, whose lips are red like the ripe bimba fruit and whose teeth shine like jasmine buds and the red of her lips mixes with the pure white of her teeth when she smiles. .

कंबुबिंबोकभृत्-कन्धरे ! सत्कलामन्दिरे ! मन्थरे!

(Victory to the Divine Mother) whose gait is leisurely, who is the repository of all fine arts, whose neck is like the conch emerging from the milky ocean of the high tide of beauty caused by the rising moon of freshness of youth, delicate and beautiful.

दिव्यरत्नप्रभा-बंधुरछन्न-हारादिभूषा-समुद्योतमानानवद्यांगशोभे, शुभे !

(Victory to the Divine Mother) who is the embodiment of auspiciousness and whose blemishless beauty is lighted up by ornaments like necklaces studded with divine diamonds and gems

रत्नकेयूर-रश्मिच्छटा-पल्लव-प्रोल्लसत्-दोर्लताराजिते ! योगिभिः पूजिते!

(Victory to the Divine Mother) who is worshipped by the yogis and whose hands shine with the rays from the diamond-studded keyura, the rays giving the impression of tender leaf buds

विभ्रमालंकृते- साधुभिस्सत्कृते!

(Victory to the Divine Mother) who is worshipped by sadhus, the splendour of the manikya in whose bangles spreads in all directions of the world and who is splendidly adorned.

वासरारंभवेला-समुज्जृंभमाणारविन्द-प्रतिद्वन्द्वि-पाणिद्वये ! संततोद्यद्दये! अद्वये !

(Victory to the Divine Mother) who is one without a second, whose compassion is always ascendant and whose both hands surpass the beauty of the blooming lotus in the early morning

प्रभामण्डले ! सन्नताखण्डले ! चित्प्रभामण्डले ! प्रोल्लसद्कुण्डले!

(Victory to the Divine Mother) before whom bows Indra, who is effulgent consciousness, whose ear-globes shine and whose nails give the impression of the orb of the rising moon, the diamond-studded rings on her fingers giving out bright red rays creating the impression of evening twilight period (sayam sandhya). 
तारकाराजि-नीकाश-हारावलि-स्मेर-चारुस्तनाभोग-भारानमन्मध्यवल्ली-वलिच्छेद-वीचीसमुल्लास-सन्दर्शिताकार-सौन्दर्य-रत्नाकरे, किङ्कर श्रीकरे!

(Victory to the Divine Mother) who showers wealth on those serving her, whose bosom is adorned by several gold chains studded with diamonds resembling a cluster of stars and who is slightly bent (because of the weight of the breasts) and who has wave-like folds in the middle which further enhance the beauty of what is already an diamond mine (or ocean) of beauty. 

हेमकुंभोपमोत्तुङ्गवक्षोजभारावनम्रे ! त्रिलोकावनम्रे!

(Victory to the Divine Mother) whose full breasts resemble pots of gold causing her to bend slightly and to whom the three worlds bow down (as the Divine Mother)`

श्यामरोमावली-भूषणे ! मञ्जुसंभाषणे!

(Victory to the Divine Mother) whose speech is sweet and who is adorned with dark hair around the deep and round navel which makes one think of a lake with moss on its banks

चारुशिञ्जत्-कटीसूत्र-निर्भर्त्सितानंग-लीलाधनु-श्शिञ्जिनीडंबरे !
दिव्यरत्नांबरे !

(Victory to the Divine Mother) who is clothed in divine gem-studded raiment and the tinkling sound from whose waist-belt competes with that from the sporty bow of Kama (Cupid) (in arousing passionate love)

पद्मरागोल्लसन्मेखला-भास्वर-श्रोणिशोभाजित-स्वर्णभूभृत्तले! चन्द्रिकाशीतले !

(Victory to the Divine Mother) who is as cool as the moonlight and the expanse and beauty of whose hip, adorned with a mekhala which shines with red stones, surpasses the expanse and beauty of the plateau of the golden mountain (Meru)

सिन्दूर-शोणायमानेन्द्रमातंग-हस्तार्गले ! वैभवानर्गले ! श्यामले !

(Victory to the Divine Mother) whose beautiful thighs, covered with divine clothes with the colour of new blooming kimshuka flowers, compete with Indra’s elephant’s trunk smeared with sindur, who is a dark beauty and whose grace flows unimpeded.

कोमलस्निग्ध-नीलोत्पलोत्पादितानंगतूणीर-शङ्काकरोदारजंघालते चारुलीलागते !

(Victory to the Divine Mother) whose lower leg is pretty and smooth giving the impression of Kama’s quiver made of blue lilies and whose gait is pretty and playful

दूर्वाङ्कुराशंकि-सारंग-संयोग-रिंखन्नखेन्दूज्ज्वले. प्रोज्ज्वले! निर्मले !

(Victory to the Divine Mother) who is resplendent and pure and whose toe nails are brilliant and who is surrounded by deer which are attracted by the dark smooth locks of the consorts of the presiding deities of the eight quarters who bow down at her feet. The deer are deluded into thinking, by the texture and colour of the hair, that it is green durva grass.

प्रह्व-देवेश-लक्ष्मीश-भूतेश-लोकेश-वाणीश-कीनाश-दैत्येश-यक्षेश-वाय्वग्नि-कोटीरमाणिक्य-संघृष्ट-बालातपोद्दाम-लाक्षारसारुण्य-तारुण्य-लक्ष्मीगृहीतांघ्रिपद्मे ! सुपद्मे उमे!

(Victory to the Divine Mother) before whom bow down Indra, Vishnu, Siva, the lokapalas, Brahma, Yama, the Asura King, Kubera, Vayu, Agni and whose feet, adorned with red laksharasa and caressed by Lakshmi, shine like the light of the rising sun by the rays of manikya in the crowns of the celestials bowing down. 

सुरुचिर-नवरत्न-पीठस्थिते, रत्नपद्मासने, रत्नसिंहासने, शंखपद्मद्वयोपाश्रिते, विश्रुते, तत्र विघ्नेशदुर्गावटुक्षेत्र्पालैर्युते !
मत्तमातंगकन्यासमूहान्विते, भैरवैरष्टभिर्वेष्टिते, मञ्जुलामेनकाद्यंगनामानिते, देवि वामादिभि: शक्तिभिः सेविते ! धात्रिलक्ष्म्यादि-शक्त्यष्टकैर्सेविते ! मातृकामण्डलैर्मण्डिते !
यक्षगन्धर्व-सिद्धांगनामण्डलैरर्चिते ! भैरवीसंवृते ! पंचबाणात्मिके ! पंचबाणेन रत्या च संभाविते ! प्रीतिभाजा वसन्तेन चानन्दिते !

(Victory to the Divine Mother) who is seated on the dais of pretty nine jewels, whose throne is of diamonds, who is served by the shamkha and padma nidhis, who is famous, who is accompanied by Ganesha, Durga, Vatu and Kshetrapala, who has the company of intoxicated matanga kanyas, who is surrounded by the eight bhairavas, who is honoured by Manjula, Menaka and other celestial damsels, who is served by saktis like Vama, eight saktis of Dhatri ,Lakshmi and others, who is worshipped by the seven mothers, yakshas, gandharvas and the siddhanganas, who is surrounded by bhairavies, who is the very soul of Kama, who is honoured by Kama and Rati and who is propitiated by Vasanta who enjoys her affection.

भक्तिभाजां परं श्रेयसे कल्पसे । योगिनां मानसे द्योतसे । छन्दसामोजसा भ्राजसे। गीतविद्याविनोदातितृष्णेन कृष्णेनसंपूज्यसे भक्तिमच्चेतसा वेधसा स्तूयसे । विश्वहृद्येन वाद्येन विद्याधरैर्गीयसे ।

O Mother! You bless your devotees with material and spiritual welfare. You shine in the hearts of yogis. You shine by the powerful Vedic chants. You are worshipped by Krishna who very much likes gitavidya( the fine art of music). Brahma sings your praises with deep devotion. Vidyadharas sing your glories with instruments which captivate the hearts of all. 
श्रवणहरण-दक्षिणक्वाणया वीणया किन्नरैर्गीयसे, यक्षगन्धर्वसिद्धांगनामण्डलैरर्च्यसे, सर्वसौभाग्यवाञ्छावतीभिर्वधूभिस्सुराणां समाराध्यसे
Your glories are sung by Kinnaras by playing the melodious Veena which captivates the ears. You are worshipped by groups of yakshas, gandharvas and shiddhas. You are propitiated by the wives of devas who desire for themselves all the good things in life.

सर्वविद्याविशेषात्मकं चाटुगाथासमुच्चारणं कण्ठमूलोल्लसद्वर्णराजित्रयं
कोमलश्यामलोदारपक्षद्वयं तुण्डशोभातिदूरीभवत्किंशुकं तं शुकं लालयन्ती परिक्रीडसे ।

You mollycoddle and play with the parrot which is the personification of all knowledge, which keeps telling interesting stories, which has on its neck three lines of different colours, which has two pretty dark green wings and whose beak surpasses the kimshuka flower in its red colour. 

पाणिपद्मद्वयेनाक्षमालामपिस्फाटिकीं ज्ञानसारात्मकं पुस्तकं चाङ्कुशं पाशमाबिभ्रती येन सञ्चिन्त्यसे तस्य वक्त्रान्तरात् गद्यपद्यात्मिका भारती निस्सरेत् । येन वा यावकाभाकृतिर्भाव्यसे, तस्य वश्या भवन्ति स्त्रियः पूरुषाः । येन वा शातकुंभद्युतिर्भाव्यसे सोऽपि लक्ष्मीसहस्रैः परिक्रीडते ।

If a devotee meditates on you as holding in your hands the crystal akshamala, the book of supreme knowledge, the goad and the rope, from his mouth will emerge all knowledge in the form of poetry and prose. If he meditates on you as having a red complexion, all men and women will be under his spell. If he meditates on you as having golden complexion, he will sport with thousands of Lakshmis (i.e. he will have immeasurable wealth). 

किं न सिद्ध्येद्वपुः श्यामलं कोमलं चन्द्रचूडान्वितं तावकं ध्यायतः
तस्य लीलासरोवारिधिः तस्य केलीवनं नन्दनं, तस्य भद्रासनं भूतलं, तस्य वाग्देवता किङ्करी, तस्य चाज्ञाकरी श्री स्वयम्

What is not accessible or achievable to the devotee who meditates on your beautiful dark blue form sporting the crescent moon on the head? For him the ocean is the pool for water sports, the Nandana vana is the forest where he can play, his seat is the entire earth, the Goddess of speech is his handmaid and Goddess Lakshmi waits for his orders. 

सर्वतीर्थात्मिके ! सर्वतन्त्रात्मिके! सर्वमन्त्रात्मिके, सर्वचक्रात्मिके, सर्वशक्त्यात्मिके ! सर्वपीठात्मिके! सर्वतत्त्वात्मिके! सर्वविद्यात्मिके! सर्वयोगात्मिके! सर्वनादात्मिके! सर्ववेदात्मिके ! सर्वशब्दात्मिके ! सर्वविश्वात्मिके ! सर्ववर्गात्मिके ! सर्वदीक्षात्मिके! सर्वगे ! सर्वरूपे! जगन्मातृके! पाहि मां, पाहि मां, देवि तुभ्यं नमो, देवि तुभ्यं नमो, देवि तुभ्यं नमः 
O Devi!, the soul or essence of all holy waters, all tantras, all mantras, all chakras (symbols), all psychic powers, all seats of power, all philosophy, all knowledge, all yogas, all musical sounds, all vedas, all speech, all worlds, all divisions and all austerities, who is everywhere, who is all forms, who is the Mother of all the worlds please save me, save me, I prostrate before you, I prostrate before you, I prostrate before you. 

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Sri P R Ramamurthy Ji was the author of this website. When he started this website in 2009, he was in his eighties. He was able to publish such a great number of posts in limited time of 4 years. We appreciate his enthusiasm for Sanskrit Literature. Authors story in his own words :

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  1. Hi, Ramamurthy P R, It's wonderful that you translated the whole shymala dandakam excellently……

    I will be very thankful to you if you could please provide me any document that you have for word-to-word meaning of translation of sanskrit words of this dandakam…

    I have been searching for word-to-word meaning of this dandakam for many years many sites but couldn't get it…..

  2. Hi, Ramamurthy P R, It's wonderful that you translated the whole shymala dandakam excellently……

    I will be very thankful to you if you could please provide me any document that you have for word-to-word meaning of translation of sanskrit words of this dandakam…

    I have been searching for word-to-word meaning of this dandakam for many years many sites but couldn't get it…..

  3. Anonymous says:

    Hi, Ramamurthy P R, It's wonderful that you translated the whole shymala dandakam excellently……

    I will be very thankful to you if you could please provide me any document that you have for word-to-word meaning of translation of sanskrit words of this dandakam…

    I have been searching for word-to-word meaning of this dandakam for many years many sites but couldn't get it…..

  4. Ravi Kumar says:

    Oh god!! thank you very much. I have been searching for this. Grateful for the sloka with meaning. Tx again.


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