कमलाम्बां भज रे
Muthuswamy Deekshitar
Raga: Kalyani
Tala:  Adi
कमलाम्बां भज रे मानस,
कल्पित माया कार्यं त्यज रे
कमलावाणि-सेवित-पार्श्वां  कम्बु-जय-ग्रीवां नतदेवाम्,
कमलापुर-सदनां मृदुगदनां कमनीयाराधनां कमलवदनाम्
सर्वाशा-परिपूरक-चक्र-स्वामिनीं  परमशिव-कामिनीम्
दुर्वासार्चित-गुप्त-प्रयोगिनीं दुःखध्वंसिनीं हंसिनीम्
निर्वाण-निज-सुख-प्रदायिनीं नित्यकल्याणीं कात्यायनीम्
शर्वाणीं मधुप-जय-वेणीं सद्गुरु-गुह-जननीं निरञ्जनीम्
गर्वित-भण्डासुर-भञ्जनीं कामाकर्षण्यादि-रञ्जनीम्
निर्विशेष-चैतन्य-रूपिणीं उर्वी-तत्त्वादि-स्वरूपिणीम्
[Text of song transliterated into Devanagari from:

Sri P R Ramamurthy Ji was the author of this website. When he started this website in 2009, he was in his eighties. He was able to publish such a great number of posts in limited time of 4 years. We appreciate his enthusiasm for Sanskrit Literature. Authors story in his own words : http://ramamurthypr1931.blogspot.com/

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