In a previous lesson we looked at the different forms nouns of masculine
gender ending with ‘अ’ take in the eight vibhakties (including the
vocative). We shall now look at nouns of
masculine gender ending with ‘इ’ and ‘उ’ and ‘ऋ’
gender ending with ‘अ’ take in the eight vibhakties (including the
vocative). We shall now look at nouns of
masculine gender ending with ‘इ’ and ‘उ’ and ‘ऋ’
इकारान्तः पुल्लिङ्ग शब्दः ’कवि’ (poet)
Singular Dual
प्रथमा कविः कवी कवयः
द्वितीया कविं कवी कवीन्
तृतीया कविना कविभ्याम् कविभिः
चतुर्थी कवये कविभ्याम् कविभ्यः
पञ्चमी कवेः कविभ्याम् कविभ्यः
षष्ठी कवेः कव्योः कवीनाम्
सप्तमी कवौ कव्योः कविषु
संबोधनम् हे कवे हे कवी हे कवयः
Here are some masculine nouns ending
in ‘इ’ which take their
in ‘इ’ which take their
Vibhakti forms as
indicated above:
indicated above:
अतिथि guest अरि enemy अलि honey
bee असि sword अहि snake
bee असि sword अहि snake
अञ्जलि salutation अवधि interval अराति enemy आधि mental strain
उदधि ocean उपाधि title, attribute कपि monkey कलि the age
of Kali
of Kali
गिरि mountain ग्रन्थि knot जलधि sea धनपति Kubera,
rich person
rich person
ध्वनि sound निधि treasure नृपति king परिधि
boundary, limit, edge प्रजापति Brahma प्रतिनिधि representative पाणि hand बलि offering बृहस्पति guru of devas व्रीहि paddy भूपति king यति
sanyasin रवि sun रश्मि ray शशि moon विधि Brahma, fate,
boundary, limit, edge प्रजापति Brahma प्रतिनिधि representative पाणि hand बलि offering बृहस्पति guru of devas व्रीहि paddy भूपति king यति
sanyasin रवि sun रश्मि ray शशि moon विधि Brahma, fate,
वह्नि fire व्याधि disease
charioteer, driver सन्धि peace treaty
charioteer, driver सन्धि peace treaty
Joining सन्निधि
proximity सेनापति army chief
proximity सेनापति army chief
उकारान्तः पुल्लिङ्ग शब्दः ’शम्भु’ (Lord Shiva)
Singular Dual
प्रथमा शम्भुः शम्भू शम्भवः
द्वितीया शम्भुं शम्भू शम्भून्
तृतीया शम्भुना शम्भुभ्याम् शम्भुभिः
चतुर्थी शम्भवे शम्भुभ्याम् शम्भुभ्यः
पञ्चमी शम्भोः शम्भुभ्याम् शम्भुभ्यः
षष्ठी शम्भोः शम्भ्वोः शम्भूनाम्
सप्तमी शम्भौ शम्भ्वोः शम्भुषु
संबोधनम् हे शम्भो हे शम्भू हे शम्भवः
Here are some masculine nouns ending
in ‘उ’ which take their
in ‘उ’ which take their
Vibhakti forms as
indicated above:
indicated above:
अणु atom इक्षु sugarcane गुरु teacher चण्डांशु sun जन्तु creature
तन्तु thread तरु tree दस्यु decoit देवदारु a particular
tree धातु metal प्रभु Lord बन्धु friend बाहु arm बिन्दु drop, point भानु sun
tree धातु metal प्रभु Lord बन्धु friend बाहु arm बिन्दु drop, point भानु sun
भिक्षु beggar मृत्यु death, Yama रिपु enemy रेणु particle वटु brahmachari
वायु air विभु all-pervading विधु moon शत्रु enemy
वायु air विभु all-pervading विधु moon शत्रु enemy
शिशु baby सिन्धु sea, ocean सूनु son सेतु dam हेतु cause
Hear are some adjectives ending in ‘उ’. These also take their vibhakti forms
as in शम्भु in their masculine form. Pl remember that adjectives change form
according to the number, gender, and person of the objects they qualify.
as in शम्भु in their masculine form. Pl remember that adjectives change form
according to the number, gender, and person of the objects they qualify.
कृपालु kind दयालु kind श्रद्धालु
निद्रालु sleepy भयालु afraid संशयालु doubting जिज्ञासु wanting
to know पिपासु thirsty
मुमूर्षु wanting to die बुभुक्षु wanting
to eat लघु light पङ्गु lame भीरु fearful
wanting to fight युयुत्सु wanting to fight
निद्रालु sleepy भयालु afraid संशयालु doubting जिज्ञासु wanting
to know पिपासु thirsty
मुमूर्षु wanting to die बुभुक्षु wanting
to eat लघु light पङ्गु lame भीरु fearful
wanting to fight युयुत्सु wanting to fight
ऋकारान्तः पुल्लिङ्ग शब्दः ’पितृ’
Singular Dual
प्रथमा पिता पितरौ पितरः
द्वितीया पितरम् पितरौ पितॄन्
तृतीया पित्रा पितृभ्याम् पितृभिः
चतुर्थी पित्रे पितृभ्याम् पितृभ्यः
पञ्चमी पितुः पितृभ्याम् पितृभ्यः
षष्ठी पितुः पित्रोः पितॄणाम्
सप्तमी पितरि पित्रोः पितृषु
संबोधनम् हे पितः हे पितरौ हे पितरः
Here are some masculine nouns ending
in ’ऋ’ which take their
in ’ऋ’ which take their
Vibhakti forms as
indicated above:
indicated above:
भ्रातृ (brother) जामातृ
(son-in-law) देवृ (husband’s brother) नृ(man)
(son-in-law) देवृ (husband’s brother) नृ(man)
The following feminine gender nouns
also take their forms as per ‘पितृ’
also take their forms as per ‘पितृ’
मातृ mother दुहितृ daughter यातृ
husband’s brother’s wife
husband’s brother’s wife
ननन्दृ (husband’s or wife’s sister) However the
exception is in द्वितीया बहुवचनम् of the above words which ill be मातॄः,दुहितॄः, यातॄःand ननन्दॄ:
exception is in द्वितीया बहुवचनम् of the above words which ill be मातॄः,दुहितॄः, यातॄःand ननन्दॄ:
ऋकारान्तः पुल्लिङ्ग शब्दः ’दातृ’
Singular Dual
प्रथमा दाता दातारौ दातारः
द्वितीया दातारम् दातारौ दातॄन्
तृतीया दात्रा दातृभ्याम् दातृभिः
चतुर्थी दात्रे दातृभ्याम् दातृभ्यः
पञ्चमी दातुः दातृभ्याम् दातृभ्यः
षष्ठी दातुः दात्रोः दातॄणाम्
सप्तमी दातरि दात्रोः दातृषु
संबोधनम् हे दातः हे दातारौ हे दातारः
Here are some masculine nouns ending
in ’ऋ’ which take their
in ’ऋ’ which take their
Vibhakti forms as
indicated above:
indicated above:
कर्तृ doer क्रेतृ
seller गन्तृ one who
goes छेत्तृ one who cuts जेतृ winner ज्ञातृ knower द्रष्टृ seer द्वेष्टृ one who
hates धातृ one who
supports नियन्तृ controller नेतृ leader अभिनेतृ actor श्रोतृ one who hears सवितृ sun स्रष्टृ creator
हर्तृ one who
snatches होतृ one who offers ghee into fire in sacrifices.
seller गन्तृ one who
goes छेत्तृ one who cuts जेतृ winner ज्ञातृ knower द्रष्टृ seer द्वेष्टृ one who
hates धातृ one who
supports नियन्तृ controller नेतृ leader अभिनेतृ actor श्रोतृ one who hears सवितृ sun स्रष्टृ creator
हर्तृ one who
snatches होतृ one who offers ghee into fire in sacrifices.