LESSON 22
                     संस्कृत व्यवहार साहस्री – ७

In these lessons,
 under the above title,  are presented simple sentences in Sanskrit
which can be used in day to day conversations at the very mundane level.  There are a thousand sentences covering day
to day interactions at the home, school, office, market, festivals, religious
and other functions etc.  Practice of
these sentences, it is hoped, will enable children and adults to communicate in
grammatical Sanskrit at the most elementary level in day-to-day situations. The
English translation conveys the meaning without attempting a word for word
translation which is not practical due to differences in syntax, structure of
sentences, cultural differences etc.
गृहसंभाषणम् ( Conservation at home)
   23.  मातापितरौ
– परस्परम् ( between mother and father)
अद्य किञ्चित् पूर्वं
आगच्छन्ति वा?  Will you come a bit early
today, please
किमर्थं? कः विशेषः?  For what purpose? What is special?
सायं आगमनसमये फेनकम्
आनयन्तु While coming in the evening bring some soap
रविवासरे तान् आह्वयामः
वा?  Shall we invite them on Sunday?
बालिका ’किमपि आवश्यकम्’
इति वदति स्म  The girl was talking about
something she wanted
अवश्यं स्मृत्वा आनयन्तु
 Please remember to bring without fail
प्रतिदिनमपि कः अयं
विलंबः?  Why late every day?
अद्य कस्मिन् समये
आगच्छन्ति? What time you will come today?
कुञ्चिकां पार्श्वगृहे
दत्त्वा गच्छामि I shall give the key in the next house and then go
किमिति पदे पदे आह्वयन्ति?
Why do you call every now and then?
सर्वं तत्रैव सन्ति,
किञ्चित् पश्यन्तु  Everything is there
only, please look around a bit
अद्य भोजनं किमपि अस्ति
वा? Is there anything to eat now?
अद्य काफी-कीफी किमपि
अस्ति वा? Today coffee or something is there?
इदानीमपि स्नानं न
कृतम्  You haven’t bathed until now
भवंतः किल- मास्तु
इति उक्तवन्तः You only had said ‘not required’?
समये एकमपि/किमपि न
लभ्यते When required even one/ nothing is available
वेतनं लब्धं वा?
Got your salary?
क्षीरार्थं अद्य एव
दातव्यं अस्ति  For milk (we) have to give
today itself
एते सर्वदा कलहं कुर्वन्ति
These people always quarrel
किमर्थं एवं वदन्ति
Why do you say so?
अस्ति वा नास्ति वा
इति प्रथमं एव द्रष्टव्यम्    The first
thing to be seen is whether it exists or does not exist.
मार्गे सौचकं विचार्य
गच्छंतु  On the way inquire with the
tailor and then go
  24. पुत्राः (परस्परम्)  Sons (among themselves)
मम लेखनीं स्वीकृतवान्
वा? Did you take my pen?
पिता अस्ति, तूष्णीं
उपविशातु Father is there, sit down and keep quiet
मनसि पठतु किंचित्  Read something mentally
अक्क, गणितं किंचित्
पाठयति वा? Akka, Will you teach me maths a bit?
अस्माकं शिक्षकः एवं
एव पाठितवान् Our teacher has taught like this only
भवतः लेखनी कुत्र?
Where is your pen?
मम छत्रं भवान् किमर्थं
स्वीकृतवान्?  Why did you take my
तस्मै किमर्थं दत्तवान्  Why did you give him?
इदानीं अनुभवतु
Let (him) suffer
मास्तु, पितरं सूचयामि  No, I will inform father
भवदीयं सर्वं जानामि
अहम्  I know everything about you
पठनं नास्ति, किमपि
नास्ति, केवलं अटति No study, nothing, only wandering
भवती बहु पठति, जानामि
You read much, (I) know
अद्य भवतः स्नेहितः
मार्गे  मिलितः  Today I met with your friend on the way
अद्य भवत्याः सखी मिलितवती
Today (I) met your friend
किमपि उक्तवान् वा?
Did (he) say anything?
परीक्षा कदा इति स्मरति
वा?   You remember when the exams are, no?
रमेशः भवन्तं आह्वयति
Ramesh is calling you
पश्यतु, नासिका स्रवति
 See, nose is flowing
नासिकां सच्छीकृत्य
आगच्छतु  Blow (clean) your nose and come
वक्तव्यं आसीत्, अहं
कुर्याम्   Something had to be told, I
will do it
अंकन्या मास्तु, लेखन्या
लिखतु, don’t use pencil, write with pen
तिष्ठतु, युवकं परिवर्त्य
आगच्छामि wait, I shall change my shirt and come
एतत् युतकं बहु संपृक्तम्
This shirt is very tight
तद् युतकम् एवं नास्ति
That shirt is not so
  24. संकीर्ण वाक्यानि (Misc. Sentences)
उन्नत्या उभौ अपि समौ
– Both are of the same height (status)
अस्माकं गृहे सर्वे
अस्वस्थाः   All in our house are ill(indisposed)
मशको मशकः
Mosquitoes and mosquitoes
मक्कुणो मक्कुणः  bugs and bugs
मशकारिः कुत्र?  Where is the mosquito net?
अंतः कोऽपि नास्ति
वा  Is there no one inside?
दूषितः कालः  bad times
कर्मकराः एव दुर्लभाः
workmen are difficult to get
  25. अतिथिः (Guest)
पानीयं किं ददामि?  What shall I give for drink?
तर्हि पानकं आनयामि
In that case, I shall get you panakam 
भवान् काफी पिबति,
उत चायम्?  You drink coffee or tea?
किंचित् विश्रान्तिं
अनुभवतु Take a little rest
अद्यैव गन्तव्यं वा
? (You) have to go today itself?
भोजनं कृत्वा एव गच्छतु  Leave only after taking food
दिनद्वयं तिष्ठतु भोः
Stay for a couple of days, sir
रात्रौ निद्रा सम्यक्
आसीत् ? Had you sound sleep in the night?
रात्रौ निद्रा एव नास्ति
भोः There is no sleep at all in the night, sir
अत्रैव गतः, इदानीं
आगच्छति  (He) has gone somewhere here
only, (he) will come now
  26 शुभाशयाः
दीपावली-शुभाशयाः  Good wishes for Diwali
युगादी- शुभाशयाः   Good wishes for Yugadi
मकरसंक्रमणस्य शुभाशयाः
Good wishes for Makara Samkranti
नववर्षस्य शुभाशयाः  Good wishes for the New Year
नववर्षं नवचैतन्यं
ददातु  May the New Year give renewed
भवतोः वैवाहिकजीवनं
शुभमयं भवतु May your marital life be auspicious
नवदंपत्योः वैवाहिकजीवनं
सुमधुरं भूयात् May the marital life of the newly-wed couple be very sweet
सफलतायै अभिनंदनम्  Congratulations on your success
भवदीयः समारंभः यशस्वी
भवतु  May your project become well-known
शतं जीव शरदो वर्धमानः
Live for a hundred years prospering.
शिवाः ते पन्थानः May
your roads ( travel) be auspicious

Sri P R Ramamurthy Ji was the author of this website. When he started this website in 2009, he was in his eighties. He was able to publish such a great number of posts in limited time of 4 years. We appreciate his enthusiasm for Sanskrit Literature. Authors story in his own words : http://ramamurthypr1931.blogspot.com/

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