Srikrishna Karnamrutham
Srikrishna Karnamrutham is a beautiful devotional poem authored by
Bilwamangala Swami, also known as Lila Shuka because of his descriptions of the
leelas of Krishna in the same manner
in which Suka described it to Parikshit.  
Lila Suka has painted vivid word picutres of the leelas of Krishna as a child, as an adolescent boy and as a lover.
The work contains 328 verses in three aashwasas (or sargas, chapters).
Throughout the book the undercurrent is loving devotion to Krishna who is
regarded as the plenary incarnation of Mahavishnu, the purely sattwic aspect of
brahman, the Ultimate reality.  It is
said that Chaitanya mahaprabhu was acquainted with this work and he greatly
appreciated it.
Given below are slokas 1 to 25 of the third ashwasa with a prosaic
translation in English.
अस्ति स्वस्त्ययनं समस्तजगतामभ्यस्तलक्ष्मीस्तनं
वस्तु ध्वस्तरजस्तमोभिरनिशं न्यस्तं पुरस्तादिव।
स्रस्तस्वस्तरुसूनसंस्तरलसत्प्रस्तावि राधास्तुतम् ॥३.१॥
There exists
something which does good to all the worlds. It is at home with the breasts of
Lakshmi. It reveals itself, as if placed before the eyes, to those who have
overcome their rajasic and tamasic tendencies. It shines from the
heap of flowers which fell from the wish-giving trees on the top of the
Govardhana mountain when it was lifted up by its hand and it is praised and
prayed to by Radha
राधाराधितविभ्रमाद्भुतरसं लावण्यरत्नाकरं
आलम्बे हरिनीलगर्वगुरुतासर्वस्वनिर्वापणं
बालं वैणविकं विमुग्धमधुरं मूर्धाभिषिक्तं महः ॥३.२॥
I rely entirely on
that acme of effulgence in the form of a child which plays the flute, which is
worshipped by Radha, which is full of wonderful sweet things and is an ocean of
beauty, which has lotus-like face lighted up by a natural smile more beautiful
than the ordinary and whose dark blue complexion defeats the brilliance of the
sapphire stone.
करिणामलङ्घ्यगतिवैभवं भजे
यमिनामनारतविहारि मानसे
यमुनावनान्तरसिकं परं महः ॥३.३॥
I worship that
supreme effulgence the gait of which the elephant cannot match, which
mercifully has taken on the form of a child, which always revels in the minds
and hearts of sages and which loves the forests on the banks of the river
अयन्त्रितत्रिजगदपि व्रजाङ्गना-
नियन्त्रितं  विपुलविलोचनाज्ञया
निरन्तरं मम हृदये विजृंभतां
समन्ततः सरसतरं परं महः ॥३.४॥
May that supreme
effulgence which spreads sweetness all around, 
which controls the three worlds but itself is controlled by the command
of the wide eyes (of the belles of vraja), forever surge in my heart.
कन्दर्पप्रतिमल्लकान्तिविभवं कादंबिनीबान्धवं
वृन्दारण्यविलासिनीव्यसनिनं वेषेण भूषामयम् ।
मन्दस्मेरमुखांबुजं मधुरिमव्यामृष्टबिंबाधरं
वन्दे कन्दलितार्द्रयौवनवनं कैशोरकं शार्ङ्गिणः ॥३.५॥
I bow to the budding youthful adolescence of Vishnu ( whose weapon
is the Sharnga bow) in the form of
Krishna whose beauty competes with that of the god of Love, whose complexion is
dark as the cloud,  who is interested in
the beautiful damsels of Vrindavan, who is adorned with gold and diamond
jewelry, whose lotus-face sports a smile and whose sweet lips are red as the bimba fruit.  
माद्यं महः किमपि माद्यति मानसं मे ॥३.६॥
My mind is
intoxicated by that primeval effulgence which has taken a human form but is
rooted in its divinity, which has entered the phase of youth but still its
childish playfulness is patent,  which is
in its in flowering youth but has not lost its childishness.
ते ते भावाः सकलजगतीलोभनीयप्रभावाः
नानातृष्णासुहृदि हृदि मे काममाविर्भवन्तु।
न्नाहं जाने मधुरमपरं नन्दपुण्याम्बुराशेः ॥३.७॥
Let all those
emotions and feelings which have the power to tempt and different kinds of
desires arise in my mind. But I do not know anything sweeter than the lotus
face of the ocean of punya of Nanda (Krishna),  lit by a bright smile and shining by the
melodies of the playful flute.   
सुकृतिभिरादृते सरसवेणुनिनादसुधा-
महसि कदा नु मज्जति मदीयमिदं हृदयम्॥३.८॥
When will my heart be
immersed in the effulgence which is honoured by all those who have done
meritorious deeds, which has ears which revel in the waves of sweet music from
the flute,  which is a bee that drinks
honey from the lotus faces of the pretty belles of Vraja.  
तृष्णातुरे चेतसि विजृंभमाणं
पुष्णातु नः पुण्यदयैकसिन्धोः
कृष्णस्य कारुण्यकटाक्षकेलिः ॥३.९॥
May the merciful and
playful side long glances of Krishna who is an ocean of good deeds and
compassion nurture us and steal the surging darkness of attachment  and delusion from our minds which is
afflicted by greed.  
पदकमलं परमस्य तेजसः।
व्रजभुवि बहु मन्महेतरां
सरसकरीषविशेषरूषितम् ॥३.१०॥
I greatly respect the lotus-like feet of
the divine God celebrated by the top most part of Vedas, searched by great
yogis with great effort and found in the wet cow dung all over Vraja.
मुदा मुहुरुदीर्णया मुनिमनोम्बुजाम्रेडितम्।
कदानु कमलेक्षणं कमपि बालमालोकये ॥३.११॥
When shall I
see before my eyes the lotus-eyed child Krishna whose    face adorned with a broad soft smile is
pretty, who is meditated with great joy in the lotus-like hearts of sages and
whose form is drunk by the  belles of
Vraja with their eyes indolent with the intoxication of love.
कृतमतिचपलाभ्यां लोचनाभ्यामुभाभ्याम् ।
सकृदपि परिपातुं ते वयं पारयामः
कुवलयदलनीलं कान्तिपूरं कदा नु ॥३.१२॥
When shall we be able to drink with our eyes, just once, your
form,  resplendent  and dark blue as the kuvalaya flower,  after what
has been left of it by the milkmaids of Vraja who have drunk out of it with
both their eyes which are never satisfied?
तामरसलोचनं भजे ॥३.१३॥
Prostrations to the lotus-eyed Krishna whose youth and the sweet melodies from
his flute are sung about by the damsels of Vraja and who is the essence and
repository of all things beautiful.
लीलया ललितयावलम्बितं
मूलगेहमिव मूर्तिसंपदाम्।
बालमेव वयमाद्रियामहे ॥३.१४॥
We see before our eyes the child Krishna from whom proceed pretty
playful acts, who is the prime repository of beautiful forms and whose body is
the colour of dark blue clouds.
वन्दे मुरारेश्चरणारविन्द-
द्वन्द्वं दयादर्शितशैशवस्य।
मन्दारमालाविनिमर्द्दभीरु ॥३.१५॥
I bow to the pair of lotus-like feet
of Krishna  who has mercifully
revealed his  child form and whose
lotus-feet are so soft that they fear the pressure from the garlands of mandara
flowers worn by the celestials on their heads  (while they prostrate before them)
यस्मिन् नृत्यति यस्य शेखरभरैः क्रौञ्चद्विषश्चन्द्रकी
यस्मिन् दृप्यति यस्य घोषसुरभिं जिघ्रन् वृषो धूर्जटेः।
यस्मिन् सज्जति यस्य विभ्रमगतिं वाञ्छन् हरे: सिन्धुर-
स्तद्वृन्दावनकल्पकद्रुमवनं तं वा किशोरं भजे ॥३.१६॥
I salute the
child Krishna and the forest of wish-giving trees in Vrindavan where the
peacock, vehicle of Lord Subrahmanya, dances spreading its plumes, where
Nandi,  the vehicle of Lord shiva,  smells the cows  and prides itself on this and where the
elephant of Indra wants to imitate the gait of Krishna.
वरुणालयानुगतवर्णवैभवम् ।
करुणालयं कमपि बालमाश्रये ॥३.१७॥
I take refuge in child Krishna who is full of compassion, whose
smile is sweetened  by the nectar of his
red lips, whose dark complexion resembles that of the deep blue sea and whose
eyes are wide and beautiful as the petals of the lotus flower.  
बालां भजे वल्लववंशलक्ष्मीम् ॥३.१८॥
worship that girl who is the Lakshmi of the clan of cowherds, whose adornments
are made of waves of beauty, who wears peacock plumes where ornaments are worn,
from whose glances there is abundant flow of mercy. (This
is prayer is addressed to Gopala Sundari , the feminine aspect of Krishna)
मधुरैकरसं वपुर्विभो-
र्मथुरावीथिचरं भजामहे।
नयनेन्दीवरवर्षवर्षितम् ॥३.१९॥
I bow to the
Lord who is the essence of sweetness, who walks on the streets of Mathura and
on whom rains blue lilies which are the eyes of the doe-eyed damsels of the
city of Mathura.  
पर्याकुलेन नयनान्तविजृंभितेन
वक्त्रेण कोमलदरस्मितविभ्रमेण।
मन्द्रेण मञ्जुलतरेण च जल्पितेन
नन्दस्य हन्त तनयो हृदयं धुनोति॥३.२०॥
The son of Nanda  captivates my heart by his shifting side long
glances, by his pretty soft and budding smile and by his sweet and soft  talk.
वन्दामहे वल्लवधूर्तपादान् ॥३.२१॥
we bow
at the feet of the paramour of the beauties of vraja who had eyes like the blue
lily and who, stricken by the glances of the love god, desired  the lotus feet of Krishna whose lotus-like
face always sported a smile.  
प्रीते गीतिविभंगसंकरलसद्वेणुप्रणादामृते।
राधालोचनलालितस्य ललितस्मेरे मुरारेर्मुदा
मुखेन्दुकमले मग्नं मदीयं मनः ॥३.२२॥
My mind
is happily immersed in Krishna’s sweet lotus face which is  embraced by the playful sidelong glances of
the gopis,  which shines by the sweet
melodies of his flute, which is fondled by the eyes of Radha and which is lit
up by a bewitching smile. 

शरणे शार्ङ्गधरस्य वैभवे।
कृपया धृतगोपविग्रहे
कियदन्यन्मृगयामहे वयं ॥३.२३॥
When Lord
Vishnu,  whose bow is sharnga  and who is like a cage made of diamonds for
those who take refuge in him, has mercifully taken the form of a cowherd (Krishna)
whom it is easy to approach for refuge, 
what more should we search for protection?.
चेतस्यजस्रं मम सन्निधत्ताम्।
राधास्तनाभोगरसज्ञमोजः ॥३.२४॥
May that
effulgence,  which is the essence of the beauty
of all the three worlds, which is enjoyed by Goddess Lakshmi and which knows
the taste of hugging the breasts of Radha, always reside in my heart.
वयमेते विश्वसिमः
करुणाकर कृष्ण किंवदन्तीं ते।
अपि च विभो तव ललिते
चपलतरा मतिरियं बाल्ये ॥३.२५॥
O merciful
Krishna! We believe the hearsay about you because in your sweet childhood your
mind was more fickle.

Sri P R Ramamurthy Ji was the author of this website. When he started this website in 2009, he was in his eighties. He was able to publish such a great number of posts in limited time of 4 years. We appreciate his enthusiasm for Sanskrit Literature. Authors story in his own words :

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