MAHABHARATA- Krishna saves Drauapadi’s modesty, Dhritarashtra restores to Pandavas all that they had lost in gambling.

॥    सभापर्व   ॥
           Krishna saves Drauapadi’s modesty, Dhritarashtra
           to Pandavas all that they had lost
in gambling.
         ’बहुवित्तं पराजैषीर्भ्रातॄंश्च
         आचक्ष्व वित्तं कौन्तेय यदि
तेऽस्त्यपराजितम् ॥’ 
“ You have lost much
wealth, your brothers, as well as horses and elephants; Yudhishthira, tell me
if you have any wealth that has not been won (by me).”
         युधिष्ठिरः –
         ’अहं विशिष्टस्सर्वेषां  भ्रातॄणां दयितस्तथा।
         कुर्यामहं जितः कर्म स्वयमात्मन्युपप्लुते॥
“ I am superior to all
the brothers and dear to them. I will do service when I am won and myself am
            जितमित्येव शकुनिर्युधिष्ठिरमभाषत ।
   Sakuni simply said to Yudhishthira “Won.”
           एतत्पापिष्ठमकरोः यदात्मानं
           शिष्टे सति धने राजन् पाप आत्मपराजयः
is most sinful that you should have lost yourself.  King, losing oneself when property yet
remains is sinful”
      “अस्ति ते वै प्रिया राजन् ग्लह
       पणस्व कृष्णां पाञ्चालीं  तयाऽऽत्मानं पुनर्जय ॥

King, there is your wife, a wager not yet lost; stake Draupadi and win back
thine own self.”
      ’यादृशीं धर्मकामार्थसिधिमिच्छेन्नरस्स्त्रियम्।
      तयैवंविधया राजन् पाञ्चाल्याऽहं
      ग्लहं दीव्यामि चार्वङ्ग्या द्रौपद्या
हन्त सौबल॥“
Sakuni, with her who is such a woman as man would like to have for the
realisation of Dharma, Artha and Kama – with such a woman of fine waist and
lovely limbs, the daughter of the king of Panchalas, as bet, I play”
       एवमुक्ते तु वचने धर्मराजेन
       धिग्धिगित्येव वृद्धानां सभ्यानां
निस्सृता गिरः ॥
such words were spoken by the wise Yudhishthira, voices of  ’Fie,fie’` arose from the elders among those
assembled there.
       चुक्षुभे च सभा [राजन्] राज्ञां संजज्ञिरे
       भीष्मद्रोणकृपादीनां स्वेदश्च
समजायत ॥
assembly became agitated; the kings became afflicted; Bhishma, Drona, Krupa and
others perspired.
        शिरो  गृहीत्वा  विदुरो गतसत्त्व इवाभवत्।
        आस्ते ध्यायन्नधोवक्त्रो निश्वसन्निव
पन्नगः ॥
his head, Vidura looked like one whose life had departed; hanging down his face
and sighing like a serpent, he was immersed in thought.
        धृतराष्ट्रस्तु संहृष्टः पर्यपृच्छत्पुनःपुनः
        किं जितं किं जितमिति ह्याकारं
Dhritarashtra rejoiced and asked again and again: “Has it been won, has it been
won?”   He did not hide his feelings.
         जहर्ष कर्णोऽतिभृशं सह दुःश्शासनादिभिः।
         इतरेषां तु सभ्यानां नेत्रेभ्यः
along with Dussasana and others exulted intensely.  Tears fell from the eyes of others  in the assembly.
        सौबलो जितमित्येव तानक्षानन्वपद्यत॥
played the dice with the word “Won.”
        ’एहि क्षत्तर्द्रौपदीमानयस्व
             प्रियां भार्यां संमतां
        संमार्जतां वेश्म परैतु शीघ्रं
          तत्रास्तु दासीभिरपुण्यशीला॥
Vidura, bring Draupadi, the beloved and honoured wife of the Pandavas; let her
sweep our house; let her come quick; let that woman of unvirtuous conduct be
there along with the servant-women.”
        “दुर्विभाषं भाषितं त्वादृशेन
              न मन्दः संबुध्यसि पाशबद्धः।
         प्रपाते त्वं लम्बमानो न वेत्सि
              व्याघ्रान्मृगः कोपयसेऽतिवलम्॥
such as is unbecoming of one like you 
has been spoken by you; you do not realise yourself caught in a noose;
you do not realise yourself hanging over a precipice; a deer that you are, you  infuriate tigers beyond limit.
        ‘न हि दासीत्वमापन्ना कृष्णा
        अनीशेन हि राज्ञैषा पणे न्यस्तेति
मे मतिः ॥
cannot become a slave; she was staked by the king when he was no more his own
master; this is my opinion”
        धिगस्तु क्षत्तारमिति ब्रुवाणो
           दर्पेण मत्तो धृतराष्ट्रस्य
        अवैक्षत प्रातिकामीं सभाया-
          मुवाच चैनं परमार्यमध्ये॥
upon Vidura,” so saying, the son of Dhritarashtra, infatuated with pride,
looked at Pratikami (his messenger) and in that assembly and in the midst of
the most noble persons, told him:
        “त्वं प्रातिकामिन् द्रौपदीमानयस्व
            न ते भयं विद्यते पाण्डवेभ्यः।
        क्षत्ता ह्ययं विवदत्येव भीतो
           न चास्माकं वृद्धिकामस्सदैव॥“
Pratikamin, fetch Draupadi; you have nothing to fear from the Pandavas;
afraid  (of the Pandavas), the Vidura
speaks against us, and he is never our well-wisher.”
         एवमुक्तः प्रातिकामी स सूतः।
         समासदन्महिषीं पाण्डवानाम्
told, that charioteer Pratikaami approached the queen of the Pandavas.
         “युधिष्ठिरो द्यूतमदेन मत्तो
             दुर्योधनो द्रौपदि त्वामजैषीत्।
         सा त्वं प्रपद्यस्व धृतराष्ट्रस्य वेश्म
             नयामि त्वां कर्मणे याज्ञसेनि॥“
was mad with the infatuation of gambling; Draupadi, Duryodhana won you; so you
enter Dhritarashtra’s house.  Daughter of
King Yajnasena! I shall lead you to do menial work.”
          ’कथं त्वेवं वदसि प्रातिकामिन्
को हि दीव्येद्भार्यया राजपुत्रः।
          मूढो राजा द्यूतमदेन मत्तो
do you speak thus, Pratikamin? Which son of a king will play with his wife as
the stake?  Mad with the infatuation of
gambling, did the king become confounded? 
Was there not for him anything else as wager?”
          ’यदा नाभूत्कैतवमन्यदस्य
          न्यस्ताः पूर्वं भ्रातरस्तेन
             स्वयं चात्मा त्वमथो राजपुत्रि॥
there was nothing else to wager, then (also) Yudhishthira played; the brothers
were first wagered by the king, his own self (then) and then you, princess”
“गच्छ त्वं कितवं गत्वा सभायां पृच्छ सूतज।
किं तु पूर्वं पराजैषीरात्मानमथवा नु माम्॥“
“ Go, son of the charioteer! going to the
gambler, ask(him) in the assembly: “Did ou first lose thine own self or me?”
         सभां गत्वा स चोवाच युधिष्ठिरमिदं वचः।
         युधिष्ठिरस्तु निश्चेता गतसत्त्व
         न तं सूतं प्रत्युवाच वचनं साध्वसाधु वा॥
He went to the gambling hall and told
Yudhishthira these words.  Yudhishthira
became unconscious and like one whose life had gone, good or bad, no word did
Yudhishthira tell the charioteer in reply.
        ’इहैवागत्य पाञ्चाली प्रश्नमेनं प्रभाषताम्।
        इहैव सर्वे शृण्वन्तु तस्याश्चैतस्य यद्वचः ॥
“Here itself let Draupadi come and ask this
question; here itself, let all hear what she and this Yudhishthira have to
        “दुश्शासनैष मम सूतपुत्रो
         स्वयं प्रगृह्यानय याज्ञसेनीं
            किं ते करिष्यन्त्यवशास्सपत्नाः”
“Dussasana, this stupid son of my
charioteer is afraid of Bhima. You yourself seize and bring Draupadi.  What can the enemies who have lost their
freedom do to you?”
ततस्समुत्थाय स राजपुत्रः
              श्रुत्वा भ्रातुश्शासनं
प्रविश्य तद्वेश्म महारथाना-
              मित्यब्रवीद् द्रौपदीं
राजपुत्रीम् ॥
On hearing then the command of his
brother, that prince Dussasana with blood-shot eyes rose up, entered the
quarters of the great warriors, the Pandavas, and spoke to princess Draupadi in
this manner:
’एह्येहि पाञ्चालि जिताऽसि कृष्णे
               दुर्योधनं पश्य विमुक्तलज्जा।
               धर्मेण लब्धाऽसि सभां
“Come, come, daughter of the Panchala
king! you have been won, Draupadi; meet Duryodhana, leaving aside your bashfulness;
lady with eyes broad like lotus-petals; come over to the Kauravas; you have
been secured righteously; come to the hall.”
ततस्समुत्थाय सुदुर्मनास्सा
             विवर्णमामृज्य मुखं करेण।         
आर्ता प्रदुद्राव यतस्स्त्रियस्ता
             वृद्धस्य राज्ञः कुरुपुङ्गवस्य॥
Very much troubled in mind, she arose, and
wiping with her hand her face which had turned pale, the distressed Draupadi ran
to where the ladies of the venerable king Dhritarashtra, the distinguished
scion of the Kuru, were.
         जग्राह केशेषु
नरेन्द्रपत्नीम् ॥
Thundering at her, Dussasana caught that
queen by the hair.
             सा कृष्यमाणा नमिताङ्गयष्टिः
             एकं च वासो मम मन्दबुद्धे
                 सभां नेतुं नार्हसि
मामनार्य ॥
Dragged along, her slender body bent, she
then said in a low tone: “ I am unwell; fool, my garment is (but) single;
ignoble man, you must not take me to the hall.”
              ततोऽब्रवीत्तां प्रसभं
                केशेषु कृष्णेषु तदा
स कृष्णाम्।
              कृष्णं च जिष्णुं च हरिं
नरं च
                त्राणाय विक्रोशति
याज्ञसेनी ॥
Holding Draupadi forcibly by her dark
hair, Dussasana then spoke to her.  (At
that time), Draupadi cried for help to Krishna and Arjuna, Narayana and Nara.
               ‘रजस्वला वा भव याज्ञसेनि
                 एकाम्बरा वाऽप्यथवा
               द्यूते जिता चासि कृताऽसि
                 दासीषु वासश्च ययोपजोषम्
“Daughter of king Yajnasena! Be you
unwell, or with a single
cloth or without any cloth; you have been
won in gambling; you have been made a slave; live as you please among the
प्रकीर्णकेशी पतितार्धवस्त्रा
दुश्शासनेन व्यवधूयमाना।
ह्रीमत्यमर्षेण च दह्यमाना
शनैरिदं वाक्यमुचाच 
With dishevelled hair and half-fallen
garment and tossed about by
Dussasana, bashful Draupadi, burning with anger,
slowly spoke these words
‘इदं त्वकार्यं कुरुवीरमध्ये
            रजस्वलां यत्परिकर्षसे माम्।
न चापि कश्चित्कुरुतेऽत्र कुत्सां
ध्रुवं तवेदं मतमभ्युपेतः ॥
“ This is an improper act that you drag
me, a woman unwell, into the midst of the warriors of the Kuru house; and
nobody here censures you; surely, they endorse this attitude of yours.”
“द्रोणस्य भीष्मस्य च नास्ति सत्त्वं
               क्षत्तुस्तथैवास्य महात्मनोऽपि।
      राज्ञस्तथा हीममधर्ममुग्रं
               न लक्षयन्ते कुरुवृद्धमुख्याः
“Is there no good sense in Drona, Bhishma,
or even in this           
high-souled Vidura and King Dhritarashtra, that
these, the chief among the Kuru elders, do not notice this terrible Adharma?”  
         दुश्शासनश्चापि समीक्ष्य कृष्णा-
मुवाच दासीति हसन्सशब्दम्।
         कर्णस्तु तद्वाक्यमतीव हृष्ट-
स्संपूजयामास हसन्सशब्दम्।
स्तथैव  दुश्शासनमभ्यनन्दत्  ॥
And Dussasana, looking at Draupadi, called her
‘slave’, laughing boisterously; and, immensely pleased, Karna acclaimed
Dussasana’s word, laughing boisterously; Sakuni also applauded Dussasana in the
same manner.
भीष्मः –
’न धर्मसौक्ष्म्यात्सुभगे विवेक्तुं
शक्नोमि ते प्रश्नमिमं यथावत्।
अस्वाम्यशक्तः पणितुं परस्वं
स्त्रियाश्च भर्तुर्वशतां समीक्ष्य ॥
“Blessed lady! ‘one who is not a master has no
power to wager another’s property; and a woman is subordinate to her husband”-
considering this I am not able to determine the truth of this question owing to
the subtlety of Dharma.”

           “त्यजेत सर्वां पृथिवीं
युधिष्ठिरो धर्ममथो न जह्यात्।
           उक्तं जितोऽस्मीति च पाण्डवेन
              तस्मान्न शक्नोमि विवेक्तुमेतत्॥

Yudhishthira will abandon the whole of his flourishing kingdom, but will not
abandon Dharma; and he has said that he has been won; therefore I am not able
to determine this.”
           “मन्ये न्याय्यं यदत्राहं
तद्धि वक्ष्यामि कौरवाः।
           साधारणी च सर्वेषां पाण्डवानामनिन्दिता।
           जितेन पूर्वं चानेन पाण्डवेन
कृतः पणः।
           इयं च कीर्तिता कृष्णा सौबलेन
पणार्थिना ।
           एतत्सर्वं विचार्याहं मन्ये
न विजितामहम् ॥
(a son of Dhritarashtra)-
what I think right in this matter, I shall speak:  this irreproachable Draupadi is common to all
the Pandavas; she was staked by Yudhishthira, who himself had already been won;
and Draupadi was mentioned by Sakuni who wanted her as the wager; considering
all this, I think, she has not been won.”
           एतच्छ्रुत्वा महान्नादस्सभ्यानामुदतिष्ठत।
           विकर्णं शंसमानानां सौबलं
चापि निन्दताम्॥
hearing this, great noise arose among those assembled there, praising Vikarna
and condemning Sakuni.
           तस्मिन्नुपरते शब्दे राधेय
           कीर्तिता द्रौपदी वाचा अनुज्ञाता
च पाण्डवैः।
          भवत्यविजिता केन हेतुनैषा
मता तव ॥
the noise had died down, Karna said this: Draupadi was mentioned by name and
she (as stake) was accepted by the Pandavas; on what ground is she viewed by
you as not won?
         “मन्यसे वा सभामेतामानीतामेकवाससम्।
         अधर्मेणेति तत्रापि शृणु मे
you think that she has been unrighteously brought to the hall with a single
garment (on her), hearken to these conclusive words of mine:
         “एको भर्ता स्त्रिया देवैर्विहितः
          इयं त्वनेकवशगा बन्धकीति
of the Kuru house, a single husband is ordained by the gods for a woman; but
this woman, who is under more than one, is decided as a harlot.”
         “अस्याः सभामानयनं न चित्रमिति
मे मतिः॥“
view is that there is nothing strange in bringing her to the hall”
         “दुश्शासन सुबालोऽयं विकर्णः
         पाण्डवानां च वासांसि द्रौपद्याश्चाप्युपाहर
an urchin, this Vikarna talks like a wiseacre;  seize the clothes of the Pandavas  and Draupadi.”
      तच्छ्रुत्वा पाण्डवास्सर्वे स्वानि वासांसि [भारत]।
      अवकीर्योत्तरीयाणि सभायां समुपाविशन्
that, the Pandavas, all of them,  threw
away their upper garments and sat in the hall.
      ततो दुश्शासनो [राजन्] द्रौपद्या वसनं बलात्।
      सभामध्ये समाक्षिप्य व्यपाक्रष्टुं
प्रचक्रमे ॥
Dussasana began to forcibly snatch and pull off Draupadi’s cloth in the midst
of that assembly.
     ‘महत्यापदि संप्राप्ते स्मर्तव्यो
भगवान् हरिः।
     इति निश्चित्य मनसा शरणागतवत्सलम्।
     आकृष्यमाणे वसने द्रौपदी कृष्णमस्मरत्
great calamity befalls, Lord Hari (Krishna) must be thought of.”  So deciding in mind, Draupadi, while her
cloth was being pulled off, thought of Krishna who is affectionate to those who
seek him as refuge.”
      “शङ्खचक्रगदापाणे द्वारकानिलयाच्युत ।
       गोविन्द पुण्डरीकाक्ष रक्ष मां
       हा कृष्ण द्वारकावासिन्क्वासि
       इमामवस्थां संप्राप्तामनाथां
       कृष्ण कृष्ण महायोगिन्विश्वात्मन्विश्वभावन।
       प्रपन्नां पाहि गोविन्द कुरुमध्येऽवसीदतीम्
Lord armed with conch, discus and mace, Denizen of Dwaraka, imperishable Lord,
Lotus-eyed Govinda, protect me who has sought you as refuge”
Krishna, Denizen of Dwaraka, Joy of the Yadavas! where are you? Why do you
neglect the helpless being who has come to this critical state?
Krishna, great yogin, Soul of the universe, Creator of the Universe, Govinda,
save this suppliant creature, perishing in the midst of the Kurus”
         इत्यनुस्मृत्य कृष्णं सा हरिं
[राजन्] मुखमाच्छाद्य भामिनी॥
thus contemplated upon Krishna, Hari, the Lord of the three worlds, that
beautiful lady, covering her face, cried in her distress.
         तस्य प्रसादाद् द्रौपद्याः
कृष्यमाणेऽम्बरे तदा।
         तद्रूपमपरं वस्त्रं प्रादुरासीदनेकशः॥
His grace, there appeared at that time when Draupadi’s garment was being pulled
off, a similar garment many times over.
         तदद्भुततमं लोके वीक्ष्य सर्वे
         शशंसुर्द्रौपदीं  तत्र कुत्सन्तो धृतराष्ट्रजम्॥
that greatest wonder of the world, all the kings extolled Draupadi and
condemned Duryodhana.
        यदा तु वाससां राशिस्सभामध्ये
        तदा दुश्शासनश्श्रान्तो व्रीडितस्समुपाविशत्॥
a pile of clothes had accumulated in the centre of the hall, Dussasana sat
down, tired and ashamed.  
        कर्णो दुश्शासनं प्राह कृष्णां
दासीं गृहान्नय।
        दुश्शासनस्सभामध्ये विचकर्ष
तपस्विनीम् ॥
told Dussasana: “Take the slave Draupadi into the house”. And Dussasana dragged
the poor woman in the midst of the assembly.
        “परित्रायस्व मां भीष्म द्रोण
द्रौणे तथा कृप।
        परित्रायस्व विदुर धर्मिष्ठो
        धृतराष्ट्र महाराज परित्रायस्व
वै स्नुषाम्॥“
me, Bhishma, Drona, Ashwathaman, Kripa! 
Save me Vidura, you who are most righteous and who love Dharma;
Dhritarashtra, O great king! save your daughter-in-law.”
           गान्धारि किं क्लिश्यमानां न
त्रायसि वधूं स्वकाम्।
           हा हतास्मि सुमन्दात्मा
सुयोधनवशं गता॥
Why do you not save your own daughter-in-law, who is being harassed? Alas, I,
this wretched self, gone under Duryodhana’s control, shall perish.”
        ’यद्येवं त्वं महाराज संक्लेशयसि
        अचिरेणैव कालेन पुत्रस्ते सह
        गमिष्यति क्षयं पापः पाण्डवक्षयकारणात्।
        तस्मान्निवारय सुतं मा विनाशं

Great king, if you thus allow Draupadi to be harassed, your evil son, along
with his counsellors, shall perish in a short time itself on account of this
trouble given to Pandavas; therefore, prevent your son; do not contemplate
        एतच्छ्रुत्वा मन्दबुद्धिर्नोत्तरं
this, stupid Dhritarashtra did not give any reply.
        ततो दुर्योधनस्तत्र दैवमोहबलात्कृतः।
        अचिन्त्य क्षत्तुर्वचनं हर्षेणायतलोचनः।
        ऊरू दर्शयते पापो दौपद्या वै
in that assembly, forcibly impelled by Fate and folly, without thinking of the
words of Vidura, with his eyes expanding in delight, evil Duryodhana gestured
to Draupadi, often and often, showing his thighs (indicating that she sit on
his thighs)
       ’यस्माच्चोरुं दर्शयसे यस्माच्चोरुं
       तस्मात्तव ह्यधर्मिष्ठ ऊरौ मृत्युर्भविष्यति॥
you point your thigh (to me), since you look at your thigh, most evil
Duryodhana, you shall have death in your thigh.
       ’यस्माच्चैवं क्लेशयति भ्राता
ते मां दुरात्मवान्।
       तस्माद्रुधिरमेवास्य पास्यते
वै वृकोदरः॥
this wicked brother of yours (Dussasana) harasses me thus, Bhima will drink his
       ‘इमं च पापिष्ठमतिं कर्णं ससुतबान्धवम्।
       सामात्यं सपरिवारं हनिष्यति
धनञ्जयः ॥’
this Karna of most evil mind, him together with his sons, kinsmen, ministers
and attendants, Arjuna shall kill.”
      ’क्षुद्रधर्मं नैकृतिकं शकुनिं
      सहदेवो रणे क्रुद्धो हनिष्यति
Sakuni, mean in nature, a cheat and an evil minded fellow, him together with
his kith and kin, infuriated Sahadeva shall kill in battle.”
     एवमुक्ते तु वचने द्रौपद्या धर्मशीलया।
     ततोऽन्तरिक्षात्सुमहत् पुष्पवर्षमवापतत्॥
the virtuous Draupadi spoke thus, a very great shower of flowers fell from the
         द्रौपद्या वचनं श्रुत्वा धनुरादाय
         सव्यसाची समुत्पत्य ताञ्शत्रून्
समुदैक्षत ॥
Draupadi’s words, the valorous Arjuna seized his bow, jumped up and looked at
those enemies.
         उत्पतन्तं तु वेगेन ततो दृष्ट्वा
         उवाच स घृणी ज्येष्ठो धर्मराजो
युधिष्ठिरः ॥
Arjuna rise up impetuously, that compassionate and righteous Yudhishthira, the
eldest brother, said:
         “मा पार्थ साहसं कार्षीर्मा
विनाशं गमेद्यशः।
         अहमेतान् पापकृतो द्यूतज्ञान्
         किन्त्वसत्यगतिं दृष्ट्वा
क्रोधो नाशमुपैति मे।
         त्वमिमं जगतोऽर्थे वै कोपं
संयच्छ पाण्डव ॥“
do not be rash; let not our fame perish; I can burn these gambler-sinners but,
seeing that it is the path of non-truthfulness, my anger dies down.  Arjuna, for the sake of the world, curb this
        ततो राज्ञो धृतराष्ट्रस्य गेहे
        तं रासभाः प्रत्यभाषन्त
         समन्ततः पक्षिणश्चैव रौद्राः
that time, in the sacrificial fire-hall in king Dhritarashtra’s house, a jackal
yelled at the top of its voice and asses and terrible birds answered it from
all sides.
           तं वै शब्दं विदुरस्तत्त्ववेदी
             शुश्राव घोरं सुबलात्मजा
           भीष्मो द्रोणो गौतमश्चापि विद्वान्
             स्वस्ति स्वस्तीत्यपि

Vidura who knew the true nature of things, heard that terrible noise; also
Gandhari, daughter of king Subala, Bhishma, Drona and the learned Kripa; and
they said aloud “peace, peace”.
          ततो गान्धारी विदुरश्चापि विद्वान्
            तमुत्पातं घोरमालक्ष्य
            ततो राजा वाक्यमिदं बभाषे
that terrible evil portent and distressed, Gandhari and the wise Vidura
informed the king; and the king (Dhritarashtra) said these worlds:
           ’हतोऽसि दुर्योधन मन्दबुद्धे
             यस्त्वं सभायां कुरुपुङ्गवानाम्।
           स्त्रियं समाभाषसि दुर्विनीत
             विशेषतो द्रौपदीं धर्मपत्नीम्
are doomed, Duryodhana, ill-behaving fool, you who addresses a woman, and that
too Draupadi, the wedded wife (of the Pandavas), in the open assembly of the
Kuru heroes.
         एवमुक्त्वा धृतराष्ट्रो मनीषी।
         कृष्णां पाञ्चालीमब्रवीत्
spoken thus, the wise Dhritarashtra said this to Draupadi
conciliatory words:
         वरं वृणीष्व पाञ्चालि
मत्तो यदभिवाञ्छसि।
         वधूनां हि विशिष्टा मे त्वं
धर्मपरमा सती॥
of me a boon, Draupadi, of what you want; virtuous and one to whom Dharma is
everything, you are the most distinguished of my daughters-in-law.”
         ’ददासि चेद्वरं मह्यं वृणोमि
         सर्वधर्मानुगश्श्रीमानदासोऽस्तु युधिष्ठिरः ॥
scion of the Bharata race, if you will grant me a boon, I ask: “May the blessed
Yudhishthira, the follower of all Dharmas, be free.”
        एवं भवतु कल्याणि यथा त्वमभिभाषसे।
        द्वितीयं ते वरं भद्रे ददामि
वरयस्व ह ॥
lady! Be it as you say; I shall grant you a second boon; ask.”
     सरथौ सधनुष्कौ च भीमसेनधनञ्जयौ।
     यमौ च वरये राजन् अदासान्स्ववशानहम्॥
request that, with their chariots and bows, Bhima and Arjuna as also the twins
may cease to be slaves and become free.”
      ‘तथास्तु ते महाभागे यथा त्वं
      तृतीयं वरयास्मत्तो नासि द्वाभ्यां
सुसंस्कृता ॥’
daughter! Be it as you wish.  Ask of me a
third boon; you are not fully served by the two boons.”
      लोभो धर्मस्य नाशाय सन्तीर्णाः
पतयो मम।
      सेत्स्यन्ति चैव भद्राणि राजन्पुण्येन
avarice ruins Dharma; my husbands have been rescued and they will, by their
meritorious deeds, gain their prosperity.”
      “अजातशत्रो भद्रं ते  अरिष्टं स्वस्ति गच्छत।
may there be welfare for you; go you (all) safe and untroubled; permitted by
me, and with all your riches, rule your own kingdom.”
         “स्मरन्ति सुकृतान्येव न वैराण्यपि
men remember only the good things done and never the enmities (that have been).
          ‘तथाचरितमार्येण त्वयाऽस्मिन्सत्समागमे।
          दुर्योधनस्य पारुष्यं तत्तात
हृदि मा कृथाः ॥

You have behaved so, the noble soul that you are, in this assemblage of good
men; my dear Yudhishthira, do not bear in your mind Duryodhana’s violence.”
          अजातशत्रो भद्रं ते खाण्डवप्रस्थमाविश।
          भ्रातृभिस्तेऽस्तु सौभ्रात्रं
धर्मे ते धीयतां मनः ॥
may there be welfare for you; go to Khandavaprastha; may there be brotherly
amity between you and your brothers; may your mind be set on Dharma.”
         इत्युक्तो [भरतश्रेष्ठ] प्रतस्थे भ्रातृभिस्सह।
told, Yudhishthira started with his brothers.


Sri P R Ramamurthy Ji was the author of this website. When he started this website in 2009, he was in his eighties. He was able to publish such a great number of posts in limited time of 4 years. We appreciate his enthusiasm for Sanskrit Literature. Authors story in his own words :

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