॥    सभापर्व   ॥
embrace forest life after losing all
            in a
second game of dice with Sakuni
            अथ दुर्योधनः कर्णश्शकुनिश्चापि
            धृतराष्ट्रं त्वरायुक्ताश्श्लक्ष्णं
वचनमब्रुवन् ॥
Then Duryodhana, Karna and Sakuni hastened and said to Dhritarashtra
these artful words:
“Destroyer of foes! Enemies must be killed by every means.”
             कुपिताः पाण्डवास्सर्वे
सेनायोगाय निर्ययुः॥
“The infuriated Pandavas, all of them, went out (from here) to collect
an army.
             ‘न क्षंस्यन्ते
तथाऽस्माभिर्जातु विप्रकृता हि ते।
परिक्लेशं कस्तेषां क्षन्तुमर्हति ॥“
“Harmed by us in that manner, they (Pandavas) will never put up (with
that); Who amongst them will put up with Draupadi’s molestation?
              “अर्जुनेन समो
लोके नास्ति वीर्ये धनुर्धरः।
              अकारादीनि नामानि
त्रासं सञ्जनयन्ति मे ॥
“There is no archer in the world equal to Arjuna in valor.  To me, whose mind is possessed by Arjuna,
even names beginning with ‘A’ – ‘Asva’ (horse), ‘Akshara’ (letter), and
‘Ambuja’(conch) –produce fright.
           ‘द्यूते पार्थस्य [कौरव्य] मायया निकृतिः
            तस्माद्धि नो जयस्तात अन्योपायेन
नो भवेत्॥
“Yudhishthira was deceived by trick in gambling; father, thence is our
victory; it could not have been secured by any other means.
           ‘पुनर्दीव्याम भद्रं ते वनवासाय
पाण्डवैः ।
            एवमेतान्वशे कर्तुं शक्ष्यामः
“Most distinguished of men! May there be weal for you; with forest life
as the condition, we shall play again, thus shall we be able to keep them in
our control.”
           अयं हि शकुनिर्वेद सविद्यामक्षसम्पदम्
“This Sakuni knows excellent gambling with the secret knowledge to
          ’दृढमूला वयं राज्ये मित्राणि
परिगृह्य च।
           जेष्यामस्तान्वयं राजन्
रोचतां ते परन्तप ॥
“Destroyer of foes! Established firm in our kingdom, and securing
allies, we shall conquer them; my this be acceptable to you, king”
         ’तूर्णं प्रत्यानयस्वैतान्
कामं व्यध्वगतानपि।
         आगच्छन्तु पुनर्द्यूतमिदं
कुर्वन्तु पाण्डवाः ॥
 “Quickly bring them back, even if
they have gone very far on the road; let the Pandavas come and again play this
game of dice.”
        अथाब्रवीद्धर्मयुक्ता गान्धारी
Then, the righteous Gandhari, emaciated in sorrow, told (Dhritarashtra).
        ‘मा कुलस्य क्षये घोरे कारणं
त्वं भविष्यसि।
        बद्धं सेतुं को नु भिन्द्यात्
धमेच्छान्तं च पावकम्।
        शमे स्थितान्को नु पार्थान्कोपयेद्भरतर्षभ।
        राजन्नयं मद्वचनात् त्यज्यतां
कुलपांसनः ॥’             
“Do not become the cause of the terrible destruction of our family; who will
break the dam that has been built? Who will blow up the extinguished fire ?
Illustrious scion of Bharata! who will infuriate the Pandavas who have settled
into peace? King! on my word, let this disgrace of our family, Duryodhana, be
         धृतराष्ट्रः –
         .’अन्तः कामं कुलस्याशु न
शक्नोमि निवारितुम्।
          पुनर्द्यूतं च कुर्वन्तु
मामकाः पाण्डवैस्सह ॥’
“By all means, let there be the end of the family; I am not able to
prevent (this); once more, let our (boys) play dice with the Pandavas”.
           ततो व्यध्वगतं पार्थं प्रतिकामी
           उवाच वचनाद्राज्ञो धृतराष्ट्रस्य
धीमतः ।
           ’एहि पाण्डव दीव्येति पिता
त्वाह नराधिपः ॥
Then, Pratikami, on the word of the wise king Dhritarashtra, told
Yudhishthira who had gone a long way on the road:  “Come Yudhishthira, play the dice,’ so said
your father, the king.”
           धातुर्नियोगाद् भूतानि प्राप्नुवन्ति
           अक्षद्यूते समाह्वानं नियोगात्स्थविरस्य
           जानन्नपि क्षयकरं नातिक्रमितुमुत्सहे
“Beings obtain good and bad on on the dictate of Fate; I am not able to
disobey this call for gambling because of the command of the old man, though I
know it to be ruinous.”
            इति ब्रुवन्निववृते भ्रातृभिस्सह
            जानंश्च शकुनेर्मायां पार्थो
द्यूतमियात्पुनः ॥
So saying, Yudhishthira, returned with his brothers; knowing the fraud
of Sakuni, Yudhishthira went to play again.
            वयं वा द्वादशाब्दानि युष्माभिर्द्यूतनिर्जिताः।
            प्रविशेम महारण्यं रौरवाजिनवाससः।
            त्रयोदशं च स्वजनैरज्ञाताः
            ज्ञाताश्च पुनरन्यानि वने
वर्षाणि द्वादश॥
            अस्माभिर्निर्जिता यूयं
वने द्वादश वत्सरान्।
            वसध्वं कृष्णया सार्धमजिनैः
            त्रयोदशं च स्वजनैरज्ञाताः
            ज्ञाताश्च पुनरन्यानि वने
वर्षाणि द्वादश।
            अनेन व्यवसायेन पुनर्दीव्यस्व
भारत ॥
Sakuni –
“ If defeated by you, we shall go into the
great forest, clad in deerskin, for twelve years; also we shall live the whole
of the thirteenth year, unknown to our kinsmen’ and if we are discovered we
shall live in the forests for another twelve years.  If you are defeated by us, you shall, along
with Draupadi, live in the forests for tweleve years; clad in deerskin; also
the whole of the thirteenth year, unknown to your kinsmen; and if you are
discovered you shall live in the forests for another twelve years. With this
resolve, play again, your scion of Bharata.
एवं दैवबलादिष्टो धर्मराजो युधिष्ठिरः
भीष्मद्रोणावार्यमाणो विदुरेण च धीमता।
गान्धार्या पृथया चैव द्रौपद्या द्रोणिना तथा।
वार्यमाणोऽपि सततं शकुनिं प्रत्यभाषत।
एवं भवत्विति तदा ग्लहं जग्राह सौबलः।
जितमित्येव शकुनिर्युधिष्ठिरमभाषत॥
Possessed thus by the power of Fate,
Yudhishthira, though incessantly prevented by Bhishma, Drona, the wise Vidura,
Gandhari, Kunti, Draupadi and Ashwathaman, replied to Sakuni: ‘Be it so’.  At that time, Sakuni took the dice and simply
told Yudhishthira: “Won.”
प्रस्थितान्वनवासाय ततो दुश्शासनोऽब्रवीत्॥
Then, seeing the Pandavas, who could quell
their foes, start for the forest-life,  wrapped in skins and deprived of their
kingdom, Dussasana said:
‘प्रवृत्तं धार्तराष्ट्रस्य चक्रं राज्ञो महात्मनः।
पराजिता हृतधना वनमेष्यति पाण्डवाः ॥
“The role of the great king Duryodhana has
begun; vanquished and deprived of their wealth, the Pandavas are going to the
कन्यां पाञ्चालीं पाण्डवेभ्यः प्रदाय।
अकार्षीद्वै सुकृतं नेह किञ्चित्
क्लीबाः पार्थाः पतयो याज्ञसेन्याः ॥
“Most unfortunate in this world has that
very wise descendant of the Somaka race, king Drupada, become by giving his
daughter Draupadi to the Pandavas; eunuchs are the Pandavas, the husbands of
दृष्ट्वाऽरण्ये निर्धनानप्रतिष्ठान्।
कां त्वं प्रीतिं लप्स्यसे याज्ञसेनि
पतिं वृणीष्वेह यमन्यमिच्छसि॥
“Seeing the Pandavas in the forest with
little clothing, with skins as upper wear, without riches and without position,
what pleasure would you derive, daughter of king Drupada?  Choose as husband any other person here whom
you desire.”
          ’क्रूर पापजनैर्जुष्टमकृतार्थं प्रभाषसे।
गान्धारविद्यया हि त्वं राजमध्ये विकत्थसे॥
“Wicked fellow, you talk what evil men are
accustomed to; you talk in vain. By the magic skill of Sakuni it is that you
brag in the midst of kings.”
‘यथा तुदसि मर्माणि वाक्शरैरिह नो भृशम्।
तथा स्मारययिता तेऽहं कृन्तन्मर्माणि संयुगे॥
“Even as you now pierce our vitals with
your word-shafts, I will tear your vitals in battle and remind you of this.“
‘नृशंस परुषं वक्तुं शक्यं दुश्शासन त्वया।
निकृत्या हि धनं लब्ध्वा को विकत्थितुमर्हसि॥
“Wicked Dussasana, it is possible for you
to talk rudely? Obtaining wealth through fraud, who can boast?
‘धार्तराष्ट्रान् रणे हत्वा मिषतां सर्वधन्विनाम्।
शमं गन्तास्मि न चिरात् सत्यमेतद् ब्रवीमि ते ॥
“Before all the archers wide awake, I will,
ere long, kill the sons of Dhritaraashtra in battle and calm myself; this I
tell you in sooth.”
“अहं दुर्योधनं हन्ता कर्णं हन्ता धनञ्जयः।
शकुनिं चाक्षकितवं सहदेवो हनिष्यति ॥
“ I shall kill Duryodhana; Arjuna shall
kill Karna; and the rogue with the dice, Sakuni, Sahadeva shall kill.”
“सुयोधनमिमं पापं हन्तास्मि गदया युधि।
शिरः पादेन चास्याहमधिष्ठास्यामि भूतले ॥
“I shall kill this evil Duryodhana in
battle with my mace; and upon his head (lying) on the ground, I shall set my foot.”
“वाक्यशूरस्य चैवास्य परुषस्य दुरात्मनः।
दुश्शासनस्य रुधिरं पातास्मि मृगराडिव॥“
“And of this rude and wicked Dussasana,
brave only in words, I shall drink the blood, like a lion.”
“नैवं वाचा व्यवसितं भीम विज्ञायते सताम्।
इतश्चतुर्दशे वर्षे द्रष्टारो यद् भविष्यति ॥  
“Bhima, not in this manner through words is
the resolve of great men known; in the fourteenth year from to-day, they shall
see what is going to happen.”
  एवं ते पुरुषव्याघ्रास्सर्वे
   प्रतिज्ञा बहुलाः कृत्वा
वनायैव प्रवव्रजुः ॥
Making many such vows,
those best of men, the long-armed Pandavas, all of them went into exile in the
               || इति सभापर्वं समाप्तम्॥
             THUS ENDS THE SABHA

Sri P R Ramamurthy Ji was the author of this website. When he started this website in 2009, he was in his eighties. He was able to publish such a great number of posts in limited time of 4 years. We appreciate his enthusiasm for Sanskrit Literature. Authors story in his own words :

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