LESSON 20
                      संस्कृत व्यवहार साहस्री – ५

In these lessons,  under the above title,  are presented simple sentences in Sanskrit
which can be used in day to day conversations at the very mundane level.  There are a thousand sentences covering day
to day interactions at the home, school, office, market, festivals, religious
and other functions etc.  Practice of
these sentences, it is hoped, will enable children and adults to communicate in
grammatical Sanskrit at the most elementary level in day-to-day situations. The
English translation conveys the meaning without attempting a word for word
translation which is not practical due to differences in syntax, structure of
sentences, cultural differences etc.
  16. आरोग्यम् (Health)
मम आरोग्यं समीचीनं नास्ति  
My health is not alright
महती पादवेदना (There is) great pain in the feet
सामान्यतः शिरोवेदना तदा तदा आगच्छति Generally (I) get headaches off and on
किंचित् ज्वरः इव … 
looks like light fever
वैद्यं एकवारं पश्यतु  See the doctor once
मम वमनशंका I feel like vomiting
वैद्यस्य निर्देशनं स्वीकरोतु 
Accept the directions of the doctor
किमर्थं कण्ठः अवरुद्धः Why do I have a choked throat
मम अतीव श्रान्तिः  I
am very tired
तस्य आरोग्यं कथं अस्ति? 
How is his health?
अद्य तस्य देहस्थितिः उत्तमा 
Today his health is good
प्रातः आरभ्य महती/लघु शिरोवेदना From morning I am having severe/light
आरोग्यं तावत् सम्यक् नास्ति 
(My )health is not good
वैद्यं कदा दृष्टवान्? 
When did (you) see the doctor?
उत्साहः एव नास्ति भोः  There is no enthusiasm, friend!
ह्यः तु
स्वस्थः आसीत्  Only
yesterday (you) were OK
अद्य अहं
अन्नं स्वीकरोमि वा? 
Can I take rice (food) today?
अद्य ज्वरः कथं
अस्ति How is fever today?
यथापूर्वम्…..   same as before
अद्य तु
किञ्चित् न्यूनम् Today it is a little less
तदा तदा
उदरवेदना पीडयति किल ? Does stomach pain trouble (you) off and on?
ज्वरपीडितः वा?
कदा आरभ्य? Having fever? From when?
रक्तं स्रवति किल भोः Oh! ( You ) are bleeding!
अपघाते एषः जीवितः इत्येव विशेषः
It is great that he has survived this accident
सः चिकित्सालये प्रवेशितः
He has been admitted in the hospital
मम शिरः
भ्रमति इव  It seems I have

  17. कालः
कः समयः  what is the time?
quarter past four
द्विवादने अवश्यं गन्तव्यं अस्ति  (We) have to go by 2 o’ clock
साक्षात् त्रिवादने एकं यानं
Exactly at 3 o’ clock there is a bus 
पादोनषड्वादने भवान् मिलति वा?  will you be available by quarter to six?
सार्धपंचवादने अहं गृहे
तिष्ठामि   I
will be in the house by half past five.
त्रिवादनम्  3 o’ clock
पञ्चाधिक त्रिवादनम् five minutes past 3 o’ clock
quarter past four
दशाधिक त्रिवादनम् 
Ten minutes past 3 o’ clock
half past two
पञ्चन्यून त्रिवादनम्  five minutes to 3 o’
पाद्न्यून त्रिवादनम्   quarter to 3 o’
चत्वारिंशदधिक चतुर्वादनम् forty minutes past 4 o’ clock
पञ्चन्यूनदशवादने मम घटी
स्थगिता My watch stopped at five minutes to ten
संस्कृतवार्ताप्रसारः सायं दशाधिक-षड्वादने Sanskrit news broadcast is at 10 mts past
सार्धद्विघण्टात्मकः कार्यक्रमः The program is of two and a half an hour duration
षड्वादनपर्यन्तं तत्र किं
करोति What do (you) do there upto 6 o’ clock
शाला दशवादनतः किल?  The school is from 10 o’ clock, right?
इतोऽपि यथेष्टं समयः अस्ति  Still there is as much time as (you) want
मम घटी
निमेषद्वयं अग्रे सरति My watch runs fast by 2 minutes
समये आगच्छतु  Com on time
दशवादनम् O! It is already 10 o’ clock
भवतः आकाशवाणी समयः
वा? Is your’s Akasavani time?
इदानीं यथार्थसमयः कः?
What is the correct time now?
किमर्थं एतावान् विलंबः?  Why this much delay?
इदानीं भवतः समयावकाशः अस्ति वा
? Do you have spare (free) time now?
रविवासरे कः दिनांकः?
What is the date on Sunday?
रविवासरे चतुर्विंशतितमः दिनांकः Sunday is the 24th  (of the month)
पंचदशदिनांके कः वासरः
What is the day on the 15th
भवतः शाला
कदा आरब्धा?  
When did your school open?
’जून्’ प्रथमदिनांके  On the 1st
of June
भवतः जन्मदिनांकः कः?
What is your birth date?
अष्ट-षट्-द्विषष्टिः ८-६-६२
 18. दूरवाणी (Telephone)
हरिः ओं   Hello
प्रतिष्ठानस्य कार्यालयः वा?  Is it the office of the ‘Pratishthana’?
‘राजु’ महोदयस्य गृहं वा?
Is it the house of Mr. Raju?
एषा षट्-शून्यं-शून्यं- शून्यं-चत्वारि वा? 
Is it 60004?
कः तत्र?
 Who is there?
रमेशः वा? 
Who ? Ramesh?
अहं कृष्णः   I am Krishna
कः अपेक्षितः
? Whom do (you) want ?
कृष्णः अस्ति वा?  Is Krishna there?
कृपया कृष्णाय ददातु Please
give it to Krishna
कृपया तं आह्वयति वा?  Will you please call him?
तिष्ठतु, एकक्षणम्
… wait a minute ..
कः दूरवाणीं कृतवान् इति
वदामि? May I ask who telephoned?
सः श्वः
आगच्छेत्  He
may come tomorrow
श्वः पुनः दूरवाणीं करोमि OK, tomorrow I will again telephone
अद्य अपि न आगतवान्? Why, Today also (he) has not come?
तस्य दूरवाणी संख्या का?  What is his telephone number?
गृहे मिलेत् वा?  (He) can be met at home?
म्द्रास्‍तः अद्यापि न
आगतवान् (He) has not come from Madras even today
अवश्यं सूचयामि (I) will certainly inform (you)
स्थापयामि वा?
Shall I disconnect?
किंचित् उच्चैः वदतु,
न श्रूयते speak a little louder, not audible
    19.  वाणिज्यं (Commerce)
रूप्यकस्स्य कति फलानि?  How many fruits a rupee?
एकैकस्य पंचविंशति पैसा   २५
paise each
रूप्यकस्य पञ्च  Five per rupee
शुद्धं नवनीतं ददातु  Give fresh butter
पुस्तकानि समाप्तानि  books are exhausted 
संग्रहः नास्ति श्रीमान्  No stock, sir
तण्डुलाः सम्यक् न सन्ति  Rice is not good
दश पैसाः न्यूनाः सन्ति  Ten paise short
मम व्यवहारं समापयतु
– please complete my transaction
भवतः वाणिज्यं कथं
अस्ति? How is your business?
मास्तु भोः,
सः मूल्यं अधिकं वदति 
Don’t (buy ) friend ! He quotes higher prices
कृपया देयकं/प्राप्तिपत्रं ददातु Please give bill/receipt
विंशति रूप्यकाणि वा,
तर्हि मास्तु Twenty rupees? Then (I) don’t want
आवश्यकं आसीत्,
किंतु भवान् अधिकं वदति It was required, but you are quoting more
भवतः कृते
इति न्यूनमूल्येन ददामि For you only I am giving at a lesser
पार्श्वपर्णे पृच्छतु भवान्  Please ask in the next shop
एतावता न्यूनमूल्येन अन्यत्र कुत्रापि न लभ्यते It will not be available anywhere at this
low price
एकपञ्चाशत् स्वीकरोतु Please accept fifty one
तत्र विवादः एव नास्ति 
No, there is no question about it.
एतत् वस्त्रं कुत्र क्रीतवान्?  Where did you buy this cloth?
भवान् अधिकं मूल्यं दत्तवान्  You have given a
higher price
”किलो’ कृते कति?
How much per kilo?
‘किलो’ दालस्य कृते कति
रूप्यकाणि? How many rupees for a kilo of dal  ?
फेनकस्य मूल्यं कियत्?
What is the price of soap?
दन्तफेनः अस्ति वा?  (You) have toothpaste?
तिष्ठतु, ददामि  wait, (I) will give you
कति/कियत् ददामि? 
How much shall I give?
इदानीं मास्तु, पुनः
आगच्छामि Not now, I will come again
समीचीनं अस्ति वा?  You are ok?
  20 वातावरणम् (Environment)
वायुः एव न
Not a breath of air
आरात्रं वृष्टिः आसीत्
It was raining through out the night
घर्मो घर्मः
It is heat and heat only
किं भोः
क्लिन्नः अस्ति What friend! (You) are wet (drenched)
प्रातः आरभ्य एवमेव वृष्टिः Morning onwards it is raining like this
‘अद्य वृष्टिः भवति वा!’ इति  ’Will it rain today?’  thus
किं इयं
उष्णता भोः Friend! What a hot weather?
अहो शैत्यं It is very cold
वृष्टिः Heavy rain
एव भयम् There is fear only from rain
दिने दिने
शैत्यं अधिकं भवति 
Everyday the cold increases
एद्वा तद्वा वृष्टिः It rains heavily
वायुरहो वायुः  strong winds are blowing
अत्र वायुः सुष्ठु वाति
There is good breeze here
बहु औष्ण्यं किल  It is very hot
अद्य किंचित् शैत्यं अधिकम्  today it is more cold
भवतः प्रदेशे वृष्टिः कथम्?  How are rains in your state?
कुत्रापि वृष्टिः नास्ति  No rains any where

Sri P R Ramamurthy Ji was the author of this website. When he started this website in 2009, he was in his eighties. He was able to publish such a great number of posts in limited time of 4 years. We appreciate his enthusiasm for Sanskrit Literature. Authors story in his own words : http://ramamurthypr1931.blogspot.com/

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