मूकपञ्चशती (मूककवि प्रणीता)  
(slokas 76 to 103)
Mooka Panchashati is a devotional
composition by Muka Kavi dedicated to Kamakshi. The real name of the poet is
not known. Legend has it that he was born dumb but regained not only his
voice  by 
the grace of Goddess Kamakshi but also became a poet of considerable
merit. Mooka Panchashati  consists of
five satakams, each Satakam containing 100 verses. The Satakams  are Arya Satakam, Padaravinda Satakam,
Stuti Satakam, Kataksha Satakam and Mandasmita Satakam.
Goddess Kamakshi is the presiding
deity of Kancheepuram.  Her consort is
Ekamreshwara, an aspect of Lord Shiva. 
Kanchi is the Central Peetham established by Aadi Shankaracharya who
installed and consecrated the  idol of
Kamakshi and established the system of worship there. The other  Peethams are at Badrinath in the North,
Dwarka in theWest,  Puri in the East and
Sringeri (Sringa giri) in the South.
The translation into English of a
hymn of this nature is a delicate task and readers may kindly pardon the
shortcomings, though every attempt has been made to make the translation as
close as possible to the intended or perceived meaning. 
वाचालोऽपि प्रकटमणिमञ्जीरनिनदैः
वाचंयमजनान् ।
ते शोणच्छविरपि
च कामाक्षि
कथमिव नृणां
मांसलयते  ॥७६॥
How is it O Kamakshi!  that your lotus feet , though always
talkative with the tinkling of your anklets always makes the hearts of yogis who
have controlled  their speech inundated
with supreme joy ? And how do those feet of yours which are naturally bright
red make the mind of men sparkling white, free from impurities ?
मुहुर्भ्रान्त्वा तान्तः परमशिववामाक्षि
तितीर्षुः कामाक्षि प्रचुरतरकर्माम्बुधिममुं
कदाहं लप्स्ये ते चरणमणिसेतुं
गिरिसुते ॥७७॥
O Kamakshi! Consort
of Paramashiva! driven by the waves of greed and anxiety and wandering
aimlessly I have become tired and dependent on others.  When shall I get the gemstone bridge of your
feet to cross this ocean of  too many
विशुष्यन्त्यां प्रज्ञासरिति दुरितग्रीष्मसमय-
प्रभावेण क्षीणे सति मम मनःकेकिनि
त्वदीयः कामाक्षि स्फुरितचरणांभोदमहिमा
नभोमासाटोपं नगपतिसुते किं न कुरुते
O Kamakshi! daughter
of Himavan !May my mind-peacock,  tired
by the hot summer of miseries, be cooled in the stream of spiritual knowledge.
What is it that the cool rainy days created by the clouds of your feet cannot
do ?   
विनम्राणां चेतोभवनवलभीसीम्नि
प्रदीपे प्राकाश्यं दधति तव निर्धूततमसि।
असीमा कामाक्षि स्वयमलघुदुष्कर्मलहरी
विघूर्णन्ती शान्तिं शलभपरिपाटीव
भजते ॥७९॥
O Kamakshi!  your feet-lamps provide light at the door of
the heart-residence of those who bow down at your feet and dispel all darkness.
The surging waves of heavy miseries vanish just like the insects plunging into
the flame of the lamp.  
विराजन्ती शुक्तिर्नखकिरणमुक्तामणितते-
र्विपत्पाथोराशौ तरिरपि नराणां
त्वदीयः कामाक्षि ध्रुवमलघुवह्निर्भववने
मुनीनां ज्ञानाग्नेररणिरयमङ्घ्रिर्विजयते

O Kamakshi! victory
to your feet which shine like the shell of the pearls which are the bright rays
from the toe-nails, which are like the boat for crossing the sea of misery for
people who bow down at it, which are the great fire in the forest of samsara
 and which is the arani from
which arise the fire of spiritual knowledge of the sages.
संसेव्यः सततमपि
कामाक्षि विबुधैः
गन्धर्वस्त्रीसुललितविपञ्चीकलरवैः  ।
भिन्दानो भवगिरिकुलं
मातश्चरणपुरुहूतो विजयते॥८१॥
O Mother ! Victory
to your lotus feet which are like Indra as they are always worshipped by the
celestials. Their praises are sung by the Gandharva damsels by the sweet
strains of music from the Veena. They shatter the mountains of samsara
 like Indra and fight the dense
darkness (ignorance) that is balasura whom Indra killed. .
भक्तानामपि मनसि नित्यं परिलस-
शुचिमपि नृणां तापशमनम्।
शिशिरमपि पद्मोदयकरं
कामाक्ष्याश्चरणमधिकाश्चर्यकरणम् ॥८२॥
Though your lotus
feet are always like the spring in the heart of devotees they are also like the
rainy season full of dark clouds.  Though
they are clean (शुचि 
means also summer) they drive away the heat of miseries. They are cool (शिशिर also means the season after winter and before spring)
because of the moonlight-like radiance from the toe-nails but they also make
the lotus bloom. We prostrate before Kamakshi whose feet cause wonderment in
कामाक्ष्याश्चरणपरमेष्ठी विजयते ॥८३॥
Victory to the feet
of Kamakshi  which like the creator
Brahma, seated on the lotus and worshipped by Sanaka, Bhrigu and other sages
manifest  their skill in the art of
creating by means of the picturesque words of poets the multiplicity of forms,
qualities, characters and activities of this prapancha, worlds.
कामाक्षि स्फुरितपदपङ्केरुहभुवां
पूरैः परिहृतकलङ्कव्यतिकरैः।
हृदयमुकुरे निर्मलरुचि-
निःशेषं प्रतिफलति विश्वं गिरिसुते ॥८४॥
O Kamakshi, the particles
of pollen from the lotus of your feet in full blossom remove all the dirt in the
hearts of those who prostrate before you. 
In the mirror of their hearts thus wiped clean, clear and sparkling is
reflected, O daughter of Himavan, the whole of this universe.
तव त्रस्तं
रेखारूपं कमलममुमेवाश्रितमभूत्।
कामाक्षि द्वितयमपि युक्तं परिभवे
वासो वा शरणगमनं वा निजरिपोः ॥८५॥
Fearing from your
feet the tender leaf buds went to another forest.  The lotus, 
on the other hand, took refuge in your lotus feet (defeated by the
latter by their softness and beauty). 
Both the leaf bud and the lotus did only the proper thing. Those
defeated either go to a distant place or take refuge in the enemy himself.
याथार्थ्यं निगमवचसां
शमितममताबन्धतमसः ।
कामाक्षि प्रतिदिवसमन्तर्द्रढयितुं
पादाब्जं सुकृतपरिपाकेन
सुजनाः ॥८६॥
Understanding the true meaning of
the Upanishadic texts and by the glances of compassion, bright as the Sun, of
the Guru (Spiritual Teacher), having destroyed the sense of ‘I’ and ‘mine’,
good people, as a result of punya earned by them, endeavour every day to
firmly establish your lotus feet in their heart-cave.
स्मरणसमये त्वच्चरणयो-
कामाक्षि प्रसभमधरस्पन्दनकरा
स्वच्छन्दं प्रकृतिपरिपक्वा
भणितयः ॥८७॥
O Mother Kamakshi! even if a dull-witted
person remembers and meditates on you, 
the words issuing forth from him compete with the ‘ghumughumu
sound from the milky ocean when it was being churned by the mandara mountain,
forcibly making his lips vibrate. Those words shine being naturally well-formed,
 clear and spontaneous.   
मधुरनिनदं हंसकमसौ
किमिव यतते
केलिगमने ।
विदधदपि कामाक्षि
भगवति किमेवं
वितनुते ॥८८॥
O Kamakshi! your lotus feet carry, without rest,
the sweet sound of the  anklets (हंसक).  Then why are
they trying to compete with the swan (हंसक) in playful
walking?  They are the source of joy for
Lord Shiva (भव) but how is it that they destroy the samsara
(भव) of the devotees. 
[The poet has created the figure of speech virodhabhasa (apparently
contradictory) making use of the two meanings of हंसक
(anklet, swan) and भव (Shiva, samsara)]
यदत्यन्तं ताम्यत्यलसगतिवार्तास्वपि
तदेतत्कामाक्षि प्रकृतिमृदुलं
ते पदयुगम्।
किरीटैः संघट्टं कथमिव सुरौघस्य
मुनीन्द्राणामास्ते मनसि च कथं
सूचिनिशिते ॥८९॥
O Kamakshi!, Consort of Shiva! your
lotus feet are naturally soft and delicate and they become tired even by lazy
slow walking.  How is it that they bear
the forceful contact with the hard crowns of the hordes of celestials bowing
down at your feet? How is it that they reside in the sharp-as-needle hearts of
मनोरङ्गे मत्के विबुधजनसंमोदजननी
सरागव्यासङ्गं सरसमृदुसंचारसुभगा।
मनोज्ञा कामाक्षि प्रकटयतु लास्यप्रकरणं
रणन्मञ्जीरा ते चरणयुगलीनर्तकवधूः
O Kamakshi who
gladdens the hearts of the wise! May the expert dancer of your lotus feet, with
anklets twinkling, accompanied by sweet music and captivating steps, soft and
full of rasa (sentiments),  enact
a dance drama  on the stage of my  heart(mind)  
पशुपतिकपर्दं चरणराट्
हृत्पद्मं परमभणितीनां
च मुकुटम्  ।
पथोधौ परिहरतु
कामाक्षि ममता-
मे परिमुषितपाथोजमहिमा
O Kamakshi !
your lotus feet,  which have stolen the
eminence of the lotus,  adorn the matted
hair of Shiva, the heart of yogis who, turning their senses inward, meditate on
you and the crest of the Upanishads which speak of Brahman,  the Ultimate Reality.  May they liberate me from my slavery to
attachment and the sense of ‘I’ and 
दानादनिशमपि कामाक्षि नमताम्।
च शिवे
धत्ते वार्तां सुरभिरिति पादो गिरिसुते ॥९२॥
O Kamakshi! daughter
of Himavan! Your lotus feet get the title of ‘surabhi’ in three ways
namely by their contact with the flowers on the locks of celestial damsels, by
their fulfilling the wishes of those who bow down at them and by making the kankeli
tree flower by their touch. [In the first case ‘सुरभि’
means sweet smell, in the second case it means wish-yielding cow kamadhenu and
in the third case it means capable of producing offspring]
स रागस्योद्रेकात्सततमपि
कामाक्षि रुचिरां
पादोऽसौ किसलयरुचिं चोरयति ते ॥९३॥
O Kamakshi! your
lotus feet always protect the heart-gem of those who have deposited it with
them from the thieves of great delusions and desires. Why should these feet of
yours which because of the excess of राग (redness,
attachment) are always beautiful, steal the beauty of leaf buds? 
[This is also virodhabhasa.  On one side Kamakshi’s feet protect the heart
of devotees from thieves such as moha etc. On the other hand they
themselves steal the redness of leaf buds (meaning excels them in redness)]
सदा स्वदुंकारं
श्रान्तं हृदयशुकपोतं जननि मे।
कालेक्षणमहिषि कामाक्षि रभसा-
रुन्धीथाश्चरणयुगलीपञ्जरपुटे ॥९४॥
O Kamakshi! my
heart-parrot, having always tasted particles of grains of sense objects, has
become tired.  O consort of Shiva! please
forcibly capture this parrot in the net of your mercy and imprison it in the
cage of your lotus feet. 
कामाक्षि स्मरणलवमात्रेण जडिम-
गूढस्थिति निगमनैकुञ्जकुहरे ।
सर्वेषां कतिचन लभन्ते सुकृतिन-
चरणसिद्धौषधमिदम् ॥९५॥
Only a few
people,  who have earned a lot of punya
by their meritorious deeds,  are able to
get the siddha medicine of your lotus feet which they have been seeking
for a long time.  
O Kamakshi! this
medicine, which is kept in secrecy in the cave within the arbour of the Vedas,
is capable of removing the fever of dullness, simply by remembering and
recalling it to mind. 
ललितगमनाभ्याम् सुकृतिनां
मथिततिमिराभ्यां नखरुचा ।
पत्या निजशिरसि
कामाक्षि सततं
पादाभ्यां नलिनमृदुलाभ्यां
गिरिसुते ॥९६॥
O Daughter of
Himavan ! prostrations before your feet, soft and tender as the lotus petals,
with anklets tinkling, with graceful steps, abiding in the hearts of good
people, dispelling the darkness of ignorance by the brilliance of the nails and
fit to be placed ever on his head by your consort.  
राकेन्दुप्रतिनिधिमुखे पर्वतसुते
भक्त्या शमधनजनानां परिषदा।
मत्कः पदकमलयुग्मे जननि ते
कामाक्षि त्रिपुरहरवामाक्षि रमताम् ॥९७॥
O Mother Kamakshi!
daughter of Himavan! Consort of Shiva ! may the mind-bee of mine revel, to its
content,  at your lotus feet which have a
red tinge, which are bright as the full moon, which are attained after a long time
by loving devotion by those whose wealth is a mind which is pure and full of
शिवे संवित्पाशैः शशिशकलचूडप्रियतमे
शनैर्गत्यागत्या जितसुरवरेभे गिरिसुते।
यतन्ते सन्तस्ते चरणनलिनालानयुगले
सदा बन्धुं चित्तप्रमदकरियूथं
दृढतरम् ॥९८॥
O Daughter of Himavan
and the darling of Shiva!( who sports the crescent moon on his head) your slow
gait puts down the  gait of the celestial
elephant. Sages endeavour to tie their heart-elephants which are intoxicated firmly
to the pegs of your lotus feet by means of knowledge(Consciousness) ropes. 
यशः सूते मातर्मधुरकवितां पक्ष्मलयते
श्रियं दत्ते चित्ते कमपि परिपाकं
प्रथयते ।
सतां पाशग्रन्थिं शिथिलयति किं
किं न कुरुते
प्रपन्ने कामाक्ष्य़ाः प्रणतिपरिपाटी
चरणयोः ॥९९॥
O Mother Kamakshi!
the process of prostrating before your lotus feet and surrendering oneself to
them yield fame, create sweet poetry, give wealth, give peace and maturity to
the mind and loosen the bonds of attachment. What is it that it cannot do?   
मनीषां माहेन्द्रीं ककुभमिव ते
कामपि दशां
प्रधत्ते कामाक्ष्याश्चरणतरुणादित्यकिरणः।
यदीये संपर्के धृतरसमरन्दा कवयतां
परीपाकं धत्ते परिमलवती सूक्तिनलिनी ॥१००॥
The rays of the rising
sun of Kamakshi’s lotus feet lead one to think that it is the direction of East
(where the sun rises) and the words of the poets who are in contact with those
lotus feet and experience the taste thereof 
will mature into picturesque speech spreading fragrance all around.
पुरा मारारातिः पुरमजयदम्ब स्तवशतैः
प्रसन्नायां सत्यां त्वयि तुहिनशैलेन्द्रतनये।
अतस्ते कामाक्षि स्फुरतु तरसा
समायाते मातर्मम मनसि पादाब्जयुगली
O Daughter of Himavan ! Once upon a time
the enemy of Kama, Lord Shiva,  gained
victory over the triple cities after pleasing you by hundreds of hymns.  Therefore O Mother Kamakshi! may your lotus
feet reveal themselves in my heart as soon as my end nears  
पदद्वन्द्वं मन्दं गतिषु निवसन्तं
हृदि सतां
गिरामन्ते भ्रान्तं कृतकरहितानां
जनानामानन्दं जननि जनयन्तं प्रणणमतां
त्वदीयं कामाक्षि प्रतिदिनमहं
नौमि विमलम् ॥१०२॥
O Kamakshi! I bow daily
to your blemishless lotus feet which have slow gait, which reside in the hearts
of the good, which are beyond the reach of words and which fill those who prostrate
before it with pure joy.  

इदं यः
भक्त्या निखिलजगदाह्लादजनकम्

विश्वेषां वन्द्यः
भुक्त्वा भोगान्
परिणमति चिद्रूपकलया  ॥२.१०३॥
Whosoever chants with devotion this
stotra of hundred verses on the lotus feet of Kamakshi, which will fill the
heart of all with joy,  will be respected
by all, will become the best of poets and, after enjoying life’s blessings for
long, merge in the Ultimate Reality which is of the nature of Absolute

Sri P R Ramamurthy Ji was the author of this website. When he started this website in 2009, he was in his eighties. He was able to publish such a great number of posts in limited time of 4 years. We appreciate his enthusiasm for Sanskrit Literature. Authors story in his own words :

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