मूकपञ्चशती (मूककवि प्रणीता)  
                (slokas 26-50)
Mooka Panchashati is a devotional
composition by Muka Kavi dedicated to Kamakshi. The real name of the poet is
not known. Legend has it that he was born dumb but regained not only his
voice  by 
the grace of Goddess Kamakshi but also became a poet of considerable
merit. Mooka Panchashati  consists of
five satakams, each Satakam containing 100 verses. The Satakams  are Arya Satakam, Padaravinda Satakam,
Stuti Satakam, Kataksha Satakam and Mandasmita Satakam.
Goddess Kamakshi is the presiding
deity of Kancheepuram.  Her consort is
Ekamreshwara, an aspect of Lord Shiva. 
Kanchi is the Central Peetham established by Aadi Shankaracharya who
installed and consecrated the  idol of
Kamakshi and established the system of worship there. The other  Peethams are at Badrinath in the North,
Dwarka in theWest,  Puri in the East and
Sringeri (Sringa giri) in the South.
The translation into English of a
hymn of this nature is a delicate task and readers may kindly pardon the
shortcomings, though every attempt has been made to make the translation as
close as possible to the intended or perceived meaning. 
कल्याणं गिरिसार्वभौमतनये कल्लोलयत्याशु मे ।
मालेव या
श्रीकाञ्चीश्वरि मारमर्दितुरुरोमध्ये
मुहुर्लम्बते ॥२६॥
O Daughter of Himavan!  the bright whiteness  of your smile, tinged by the bright red
colour of your lips, showers auspiciousness on me.  It frequently hangs in the middle of the
chest of Shiva,  enemy of Kama,  as a delicate garland made of white jasmine
and red hibiscus flowers.   
बिभ्राणा शरदभ्रविभ्रमदशां
कामाक्षि स्मितमञ्जरी
किरति ते
आश्चर्यं शिशिरीकरोति
जगतीमालोक्य चैनामहो
कामं खेलति
नीलकणण्ठहृदयं कौतूहलान्दोलितम्॥२७॥
O Kamakshi! though the blossom of your
smile shines like the cloud in the sarat (after-rains) season, it is a
wonder that  it produces continuous rain
of kindness and cools the entire world. 
Seeing this, the heart of  Shiva
(also peacock) dances with joy . 
कल्माषं कबलीकरोतु
मम ते
कामाक्षि मन्दस्मितम्
O Kamakshi!  your
smile is like a bright blossom in the caves of the arbour of your glances. It
is like the spread of foam in the ocean of effulgence of the face. It acts as
silken cloth to cover your rising breasts. May that smile of yours wipe out my
पीयूषं तव
मन्थरस्मितमिति व्यर्थैव
कामाक्षि ध्रुवमीदृशं
यदि भवेदेतत्कथं
वा शिवे।
मन्दारस्य कथालवं
न सहते
मथ्नाति मन्दाकिनी-
मिन्दुं निन्दति
कीर्तितेऽपि कलशीपाथोधिमीर्ष्यायते
O Kamakshi!  Comparing your smile with nectar is not at
all correct.  If it is correct how is it
that Your smile does not suffer the mandara flower, it churns the celestial
Ganga, reviles the moon and is jealous of the milky ocean  ( only because all of them radiate bright
white rays). These are all characteristics not in consonance with those of
विश्वेषां नयनोत्सवं
वितनुतां विद्योततां
विख्यातो मदनान्तकेन
मुकुटीमध्येन संमान्यताम्।
आः किं जातमनेन
हाससुषमामालोक्य कामाक्षि ते
कालङ्कीमवलम्बते खलु दशां
Let the moon delight the eyes of all,
shine brightly, become famous and honoured by Shiva by a place on his matted
locks. Alas! what has happened to him.  After
seeing the radiance of your smile he bears a dark mark on his face though he is
without blemish.
चेतः शीतलयन्तु
नः पशुपतेरानन्दजीवातवो
नम्राणां नयनाध्वसीमसु
कामाक्षि स्मरकीर्तिबीजनिकरास्त्वन्मन्दहासाङ्कुराः
O Kamakshi! your buds of smile are like
the seeds for the fame of Kama.  They are
the very life of the blissfulness of Shiva. 
They are like the beginning of moonlight on the path of the eyes of
those who bow to you. They are like a rain of snow on the samsara of
lotus flowers  (that is, they destroy the
samsara, cycle of births and deaths)
कर्मौघाख्यतमःकचाकचिकरान्कामाक्षि संचिन्तये
त्वन्मन्दस्मितरोचिषां त्रिभुवनक्षेमङ्करानङ्कुरान्।
ये वक्त्रं शिशिरश्रियो विकसितं चन्द्रातपाम्भोरुह-
द्वेषोद्घोषणचातुरीमिव तिरस्कर्तुं परिष्कुर्वते ॥३२॥
O Kamakshi! I meditate on the radiance of your smile
which dispels the darkness of the huge pile of karmas
and the sprouts of which do good to all the three
worlds.  Those sprouts of smile enhance
the beauty of the face of shishira (winter) as if to negate the skill of
moonlight in announcing its enmity to lotus.
कुर्युर्नः कुलशैलराजतनये कूलंकषं मङ्गलं
कुन्दस्पर्धनचुञ्चवस्तव शिवे मन्दस्मितप्रक्रमाः।
ये कामाक्षि समस्तसाक्षिनयनं संतोषयन्तीश्वरं
कर्पूरप्रकरा इव प्रसृमराः पुंसामसाधारणाः ॥३३॥
O Kamakshi! Daughter of Himavan! May your smiles  which compete with the jasmine flowers do us holistic
 good (well-being). Those smiles delight
Lord Shiva whose eyes are witness to everything like the spread of
extraordinary fumes of camphor delights men
क्रमेण स्नपयस्व कर्मकुहनाचोरेण मारागम-
व्याख्याशिक्षणदीक्षितेन विदुषामक्षीणलक्ष्मीपुषा।
कामाक्षि स्मितकन्दलेन कलुषस्फोटक्रियाचुञ्चुना
कारुण्यामृतवीचिकाविहरणप्राचुर्यधुर्येण माम् ॥३४॥
O Kamkashi!  bathe
me regularly in your smiles which steals the ills of karma,  which teach the love-lore of Kama,  which bestow undiminishing wealth on the
which destroy all ills and which sport in the nectarine
waves of kindness.   
त्वन्मन्दस्मितकन्दलस्य नियतं कामाक्षि शङ्कामहे
बिम्बः कश्चन नूतनः प्रचलितो नैशाकरः शीकरः।
किं च क्षीरपयोनिधिः प्रतिनिधिः स्वर्वाहिनीवीचिका-
बिब्बोकोऽपि विडम्ब एव कुहना मल्लीमतल्लीरुचः ॥३५॥
O Kamakshi! We doubt that there are many new fake
replicas of your smile such as  cool moonlight,  the milky ocean, the waves of celestial Ganga
and jasmine blossoms.
त्पङ्कं शंकरवल्लभे
मम मनः
अम्ब त्वन्मृदुलस्मितामृतरसे
मङ्क्त्वा विधूय
मानन्दोदयसौधशृङ्गपदवीमारोढुमाकाङ्क्षते   ॥५.३६॥
O Mother! Adornment of Kanchi! Beloved
of Shankara !My mind is scorched by the naturally high temperature of the sun
of bad deeds and muddied  (by impure
thoughts).  It now wants to take a dip in
the  nectar of your sweet smile and,  shaking off all its sorrows, wants to climb
to the top of the mansion of blissfulness  
नम्राणां नगराजशेखरसुते नाकालयानां पुरः
कामाक्षि त्वरया विपत्प्रशमने कारुण्यधाराः किरन्
आगच्छन्तमनुग्रहं प्रकटयन्नानन्दबीजानि ते
नासीरे मृदुहास एव तनुते  नाथे सुधाशीतलः ॥३७॥
O Kamakshi ! Daughter of Himavan! Your  smile, cool as nectar, hastens to mitigate
the miseries of the celestials who bow down before you by the continuous flow
of your compassion. It also announces the blessings on the way and manifests
the seeds of happiness.
कामाक्षि प्रथमानविभ्रमनिधिः कन्दर्पदर्पप्रसू-
र्मुग्धस्ते मृदुहास एव गिरिजे मुष्णातु मे किल्बिषम्।
यं द्रष्टुं विहिते करग्रह उमे शंभुस्त्रपामीलितं
स्मेरं कारयति स्म ताण्डवविनोदानन्दिना तण्डुना ॥३८॥
O Kamakshi! May your beautiful smile, which is the wealth
of excitement for Shiva and which is the source of pride for Cupid steal my
sins.  O Uma! Shambhu, in order to see
your smile, holds your hands and makes you smile with eyes half-closed in
shyness by Tandu who revels in the sport of tandava dance. 
क्षुण्णं केनचिदेव धीरमनसा कुत्रापि नानाजनैः 
कर्मग्रन्थिनियन्त्रितैरसुगमं कामाक्षि सामान्यतः।
एतद्द्रष्टुमशक्यमेव मनसा मूढस्य मे मौक्तिकं
मार्गं दर्शयतु प्रदीप इव ते मन्दस्मितश्रीरियम् ॥३९॥
The path to liberation is generally not easy for the
majority of people who are controlled by the knots of karmas. It is cracked
only by a few somewhere who possess a courageous heart.  I am a fool and it is impossible for me to see
this by my mind.  May the radiance of
your smile show me, as a lamp,  the path
to liberation 
ज्योत्स्नाकान्तिभिरेव निर्मलतरं नैशाकरं मण्डलं
हंसैरेव शरद्विलाससमये व्याकोचमम्भोरुहम्।
स्वच्छैरेव विकस्वरैरुडुगणैः कामाक्षि बिम्बं दिवः
पुण्यैरेव मृदुस्मितैस्तव मुखं पुष्णाति शोभाभरम् ॥४०॥
The orb of the moon is pure only by the radiance of the
moonlight.  In the spring season the
lotus in bloom shines only by swans.  The
sky shines only by the signing of cuckoos and by the cluster of stars.  O Kamakshi! your face shines only by those
holy smiles of yours.  
रभसादास्वाद्यमाने नव-
कामाक्षि ते
तत्क्षणम् ।
आलोक्य स्मितचन्द्रिकां
मुहुरिमामुन्मीलनं जग्मुषीं
चेत: शीलयते
चकोरचरितं चन्द्रार्धचूडामणेः  ॥४१॥
O Kamakshi ! When you are cross with your consort in love-quarrel,  Rahu suddenly starts tasting the nectar in the
full moon of the celebration of love (that is,  when there is a sudden cooling off),
Shiva,  who wears the crescent moon on
his head, seeing the moonlight of the frequent flashes of smiles on your face,
mentally practises  what the chakora bird does ( that is, he
drinks the nectar in the rays of the moon, as the chakora bird,  the moon being Kamakshi’s smile ). 
स्मितमञ्जरीं तव
भजे यस्यास्त्विषामङ्कुरा-
वीक्ष्य विकर्षति
प्रसृमरानुद्दामया शुण्डया
बिसशङ्कयाशु कुहनादन्तावलग्रामणीः
O Kamakshi! 
Ganesha, desirous of drinking the milk from your breasts, is lying on
your lap without any doubts.  When he
looks up he sees your bright smile the rays from which look like lotus
stems.  Your son Ganesha,  starts pulling at them with his trunk
कुचकुम्भयोर्विगलिते दक्षद्विषो वक्षसि।
या सख्येन पिनह्यति
प्रचुरया भासा
तदीयां दशां
सा मे खेलतु
कामकॊटि हृदये
स्वच्छा स्मितांशुच्छटा॥४३॥
O Kamakoti! When you were in the embrace
of your consort the pressure of it resulted in your necklace of pearls slip
from your breasts and fell on the chest of your consort.  The radiance of your smile, like a good
friend,  takes the place of the pearl
necklace.  O Kamakoti! May that smile of
yours play in my heart.
तव मन्थरस्मितरुचो
स्मरशासने च
नियतं रागोदयो
द्युतिमञ्जरीषु च
महान्द्वेषाङ्कुरो दृश्यते
कथमीदृशी गिरिसुतेऽशुद्धा
दशा कथ्यताम्
O kamakshi! the radiance of your smile manifests
competition with the mandara flower.  It
manifests love towards the enemy of Cupid. 
It exhibits sprouting of enmity towards moonlight.  O Daughter of Himavan! tell me how those who
are pure can have such impure thoughts. 
खलु पीयते
परिभूयते च
तमसा तस्मादनेतादृशी
स्मितमञ्जरी तव
Nectar is being drunk by the
celestials.  The milky ocean is
churned.  The celestial Ganga is kept
captive and shackled in the matted locks of Shiva.  The moon is defeated by darkness.  But O Kamkshi! The blossom of your smile is
beyond the capacity of words to describe.
आशङ्के तव
मेकाम्रेशकुटुम्बिनि प्रतिदिनं यस्याः
प्रभासंगमे ।
वक्षोजाम्बुरुहे न ते
रचयतः कांचिद्दशां
मास्याम्भोरुहमम्ब किं च
शनकैरालम्बते फुल्लताम्
O Consort of Ekamreshwara! I
doubt  whether  the company of the incomparable moonlight of
your smile does not make the lotus of your breasts look like buds (i.e. closed
like the lotus in moonlight) and the lotus of your face, on the other
hand,  slowly blossoms into fullness.
आस्तीर्णाधरकान्तिपल्लवचये  पातं
कामद्रोहिणि मांसलस्मरशरज्वालावलिं व्यञ्जती।
निन्दन्ती घनसारहारवलयज्योत्स्नामृणालानि ते
कामाक्षि स्मितचातुरी विरहिणीरीतिं
जगाहेतराम् ॥४७॥
Kamkshi! the radiance of your smile falls frequently on the radiance spread out
by the leaf buds of lips.  It manifests
passionate love for Shiva, the enemy of Kama. 
It decries sandal paste, pearl necklaces and bangles, moonlight and
lotus stems. Thus Your smile adopts the characteristics of a virahini,  one who is separated from her husband. 
सूर्यालोकविधौ विकासमधिकं यान्ती
हरन्ती तमः
संदोहं नमतां निजस्मरणतो दोषाकरद्वॆषिणी।
निर्यान्ती वदनारविन्दकुहरान्निर्धूतजाड्या नृणां
श्रीकामाक्षि तव स्मितद्युतिमयी चित्रीयते
चन्द्रिका ॥४८॥
O Kamakshi! the radiance of your smile depicts the
moonlight.  It blossoms when you glance
at your consort.  it steals the darkness
(ignorance) of those who bow down before you. It removes the ills of those who
remember you.  It emerges from the lotus
face of those whose dullness has be destroyed. 

कुण्ठीकुर्युरमी कुबोधघटनामस्मन्मनोमाथिनीं
श्रीकामाक्षि शिवंकरास्तव शिवे
ये तन्वन्ति निरन्तरं
कुम्भद्वन्द्वविडम्बिनि स्तनतटॆ मुक्ताकुथाडम्बरम्॥४९॥
O Shreekamakshi! May the most auspicious sprouts of your
smile remove the ignorance which agitates my mind.
Those continuous sprouts of your smile, as it were,
become  a necklace of pearls on your
breasts which compete with the bulges on the forehead of Ganesha. 
प्रेङ्खन्तः शरदम्बुदा इव
शनैः प्रेमानिलैः प्रेरिता
मज्जन्तो मदनारिकण्ठसुषमासिन्धौ मुहुर्मन्थरम्।
श्रीकामाक्षि तव स्मितांशुनिकराः श्यामायमानश्रियो
नीलाम्भोधरनैपुणीं तत इतो
O Kamakshi!  the
cluster of rays from your smile floating like the clouds in sharat and
prompted by the winds of love dive slowly into the sea of radiance of the neck of the
enemy of Kama.  In this process they
become dark and competing with dark blue clouds they make those clouds


Sri P R Ramamurthy Ji was the author of this website. When he started this website in 2009, he was in his eighties. He was able to publish such a great number of posts in limited time of 4 years. We appreciate his enthusiasm for Sanskrit Literature. Authors story in his own words :

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